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Everything posted by paul2009

  1. Update February 2021: Squarespace added Afterpay as an option in the US, Australia and New Zealand. PayPal Pay-in-3 is available in the UK. Update March 2024: Squarespace added Klarna to Squarespace Payments. This is now available to sellers in the US where Squarespace Payments is available. It isn't possible for anyone - including professional developers - to integrate a new payment processor or payment method into the Squarespace ecommerce system. This aspect is under Squarespace control. To explain, Squarespace is slightly different to other web hosting platforms because it is "serverless". This makes it much easier for you to build a website or an online store with technical knowledge and it ensures that your site will keep running safely and securely because there's a team at Squarespace who take of all the technical infrastructure for you! For them to do this whilst keeping payments secure and compliant, they lockdown the checkout and payment systems and don't allow you to change them. It will take time for Squarespace to integrate new payment methods and I think it's highly unlikely that Squarespace will integrate Klarna any time soon. If you really need this particular service then the only workaround is to use an alternative e-commerce checkout on your Squarespace site (such as Shopify Buy Buttons), or move to another platform that supports it (like Shopify). If it helps, I wrote about how to do this here: How to add Afterpay or Klarna to Squarespace.
  2. It isn't possible to increase the price limit on Squarespace products. This is fixed and will not be increased. If you want to create an online showroom of items that are priced above the Squarespace limit, like properties or yachts then you'll need to use a workaround. The best option will depend on your individual circumstances, the range of prices that you want to display (lowest to highest), and the way that you want to display them. For example, you could enter all the prices (on the backend) in a lower denomination (divide by 10, 100 or 1000) and then use a small snippet of code to multiply it by the same factor when displaying them to visitors. If you added $1800 and used code to multiply it by 1000, it would appear as $1,800,000. With some further code, you could display this in a customer friendly way like $1.8M. Another option may be to create tags that represent the prices and then use some code to convert the tags to prices. For example, a tag of Price-1800000 could be read by code and converted into a human readable price. As mentioned above, a simpler workaround may be to hide the prices with some CSS and then type the price at the beginning of the product description, although this does prevent prices appearing on the Product List Page (PLP). /* Hide prices on products */ .product-price { display:none!important; } Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  3. Squarespace serve static files via multiple geographically distributed content delivery networks (CDNs) to ensure the data is served from the datacenter closest to the visitor’s location. The url is fixed as static1.squarespace.com followed by a string of random characters and the file name. You cannot change this. However, if you want to share a direct link to the PDF you could share it using https://www.bakdshop.com/s/BakdHolidays_20.pdf instead (domain name + /s/ + filename).
  4. As you haven't provided a link to the site, it's difficult to tell you the best solution because it will depend on the version and template you are using. Different templates have different capabilities. That said, there's an article here that describes how to manually add anchor links (links that take you to sections of the same page): Adding Index Page anchor links
  5. Been there too @Brandon! The Community team have now imported the old Answers post 👍
  6. You can do it with the code that @brandon provided here: http://squarespace.cloud.answerhub.com/questions/152145/can-someone-help-me-change-coding-to-get-rid-of-de.html
  7. You are using Squarespace 7.1, the new version of Squarespace that they are currently testing. All sites in version 7.1 share the same template so that option isn't available. For more information see: https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/360028367571-Version-7-1-style-and-design-options#toc-templates-in-version-7-1
  8. Something like this: .product-block .productDetails .product-title { font-size: 2em; line-height: 1.3em; font-weight: 600; }
  9. I see you are using a Summary Block to display the products. Squarespace haven't added 'Add to Cart' buttons to Product Summary Blocks and it no longer appears that they will. There are therefore three options: Use can use some code to add a cart button to each product on a Product List Page. I provided some code here to allow you to do this. Use code to add the button to the Summary Items by harnessing the quick view data. Use a series of Product Blocks instead. This doesn't scale but is manageable for a few products. There's a checkbox on these blocks that allows you to add the button. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  10. If you are trying to engage your audience, I encourage you to look at alternative design options in preference to anything that blinks or flashes. If not used properly, you could alienate the very people you want to attract. It can also be a problem for users with disabilities and is frowned upon by several accessibility standards.
  11. See this Zap: If you configure your form to submit the details to a Google Sheet, you can then use this Zap to send an email to your inbox, where the "Name" and "Reply-to" fields (but not the email address) as well as the "Subject" of the email can represent the user's name, email address and the subject they entered when the completed the form.
  12. Squarespace can’t do this but it may be possible to do this with an external email account and some automation like Zapier. It will depend on your requirements so you’ll need to be a little more specific. The first and most important thing to mention is that you cannot change the ‘from’ address for each email, for example to match the sender’s own email address. This is known as spoofing and it isn’t permitted.
  13. Hi Michele There are a few issues that you need to correct. It's not working on desktop either, but if you have the fonts installed on YOUR desktop, it may appear to be working for you 🙂. Firstly, a rule of thumb is to not add '!important' unless absolutely necessary. You should remove it from line 4 (font-face) as it cannot be added here. Secondly, whatever you name the font in line 4 ('Playlist-Script') you MUST use the same name throughout, with the quotes. Take a look through the rest of your CSS and replace Playlist Script with 'Playlist-Script'. It should then work. Let me know how you get on. -Paul
  14. It should be possible to remove the pagination by adding this to Custom CSS: section.item-pagination.item-pagination--prev-next { display: none; } If you find that it doesn't, please provide a working link to the page on your site.
  15. @TerrySilver @bekaRoo @imichaud @myrto I agree that there should be a built-in file manager that allows us to access all our files. However, until Squarespace provide one, there is a third party tool now that gives you this functionality. I used it today to delete files that couldn't otherwise be reached. ✅ Anyone who builds Squarespace websites should consider a version of this. I've used the PRO version of SquarespaceWebsites Tools Extension since the beginning. It was great then, but it just keeps improving.
  16. Hi @simon.cox I've built custom solutions like this for clients (example). It's a frequent request so, to reduce the cost significantly, I've just packaged the solution as a reasonably priced Squarespace Extension and made it available for 'do-it-yourself' installation. You can find full details on our website or test it out here. -Paul
  17. You can normally see ALL files but because of a bug you can only see the first 20 files in the list. I encountered this issue today (seven weeks it was mentioned above!) and reported it to Customer Care today. They weren't already aware of it, which shows how important it is for you to report issues to Customer Care rather than on the public forum. This forum is not monitored for issues or requests. It is essential that you log a ticket with Customer Care directly. Update: Engineers are now aware of the issue and hope to have a fix in place soon. Note that the priority given can often depend on the number of users impacted. If you are affected by this, please reach out to Customer Care.
  18. I wrote a guide that may help you to understand how Ajax affects JavaScript on Squarespace: https://sf.digital/squarespace-solutions/why-doesnt-my-code-work-until-i-refresh-the-page
  19. It will only work if you are logged on, or if you load that specific page. If you navigate from another page to that one, it won't.
  20. To be clear, the code won't work in the page header injection of either of these if you have Ajax enabled. (Note that Ajax is never enabled when you are logged on to a site! This makes it appear to work whilst logged on, but as soon as you hand over a site and the client tries it, they'll find it doesn't work 😫) If further checks are added to the code to identify the collection or URL it can then be inserted in the Footer Injection and it will play nice with Ajax 🙂.
  21. Squarespace doesn't have a way of generating QR codes. Selling tickets that contain QR codes is a specialised area and there are a number of third-party ticketing solutions that do this really well. Have you looked at any of these: Eventbrite TicketTailor ThunderTix Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  22. Hi @alicroft The solution that I provided in March 2018 is now out of date. A newer version is as follows: Add a Code Block just above or just below the Summary Block. Add the following to the Code Block. The first line will create an empty div element with a class of ‘no-events’. When the Summary Block contains events, this div will not be seen because it will be empty. <div id="no-events"></div> <script> window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => { var summaryExists = document.getElementsByClassName("summary-title")[0]; if (summaryExists == null) { document.getElementById('no-events').innerHTML = "There are no upcoming events at this location."; } }); </script> The remaining lines contain JavaScript that checks if Summary Block content exists on the page. If there is no content (because the events are in the past), some text is added within the empty div so that users see a message. You can edit the message to suit your needs. Note: This is designed for use on pages where there is only one Summary Block. It will not work on pages containing more than one Summary Block. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  23. No. A folder is simply a way of grouping pages, in the PAGES panel or on the navigation. It cannot be password protected. No. These products do not (and cannot) protect Squarespace content as it is not technically possible. Squarespace are working hard to add this feature, but it is complex and time-consuming due to the way Squarespace 6.0 (and 7.0) was architected. You can add your voice to the requests for this feature by raising a ticket through Customer Care. They'll document your feedback and share it with the appropriate team.
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