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Everything posted by paul2009

  1. Exactly! If it's any help @angelica, I have an extension that allows you to correct the date issue, by adding a date picker. I've also documented a free fix to remove the AM/PM field.
  2. Hi @angelica It isn't good news. If you want to run the front-end of your website in Swedish then there isn't an easy solution. There are many hundreds of fixed phrases that must be translated manually using code. Some have been partially documented but I doubt you'll find a comprehensive guide.
  3. Yes, the drop-down values could be changed (with code) to help users to select half-case units. There are two limitations to note with this approach: Firstly, you'll need to set a flat 'per bottle' rate as the product price. You won't be able to set quantity discounts. Secondly, you won't be able to prevent customers from modifying the quantity values at the checkout stage. This loophole that Squarespace hasn't plugged allows customers to change the values back to single bottles at the payment stage. I hope this helps. If it doesn't, please provide a few more details, including a working link to the products on the website, as this will give us context. If the site isn't live, we need you to set a password in the visibility settings and tell us what it is.
  4. Take a look at Adding Google reCAPTCHA to forms.
  5. No. If you are using Squarespace Commerce features you can control physically shipped goods, but you cannot limit sales of digital products to a particular country.
  6. A number of discounts are available, but you cannot create volume discounts.
  7. This is completely normal, and you can ignore the message. Your site has been indexed by Google. Squarespace use a robots.txt file to ask Google not to crawl certain pages because they’re for internal use only or display duplicate content. For example, you would not want them to index the /config/ url that you use to administer your website. For more detailed information see Understanding Google SEO emails and console errors.
  8. Regarding the costs... The 'Basic Shopify' plan is currently (Dec 2019) $29/month. This includes a Shopify website. They also offer a Shopify Lite plan at $9/month to allow you to embed Shopify in your own website using Shopify Buy Buttons. I'll let others chime in on the Facebook Pixels question.
  9. As a community, we love to help fellow Squarespace users improve their websites but to help, we need to see your site first hand, which means we need you to provide a working link to your website. If the site isn't live, please set a password in the visibility settings and tell us what it is.
  10. @bryansloan Think of layouts as your starting point. If you like a layout’s format but need more content, you will need to add new blocks (such as image blocks and text blocks) by dragging and dropping them to the required positions to match the look of the layout that you like.
  11. Before you start, please remove the incorrect code that you've added to both the HEADER and FOOTER boxes in Settings > Advanced > Code Injection as these will both cause errors. Tremont family (v7.0) As you mentioned, you are using the Endeavor Framework ("Tremont Family") so this code will work with all the templates in this family including Tremont itself, Camino, Carson, and Henson. The correct code to add to Settings > Developer Tools > Code Injection > FOOTER is: <script> document.querySelector('.site-branding h1 a').setAttribute('href', '/home'); </script> You can change the "/home" page reference to send users to a different page. Brine family (v7.0) For other users who are using one of the popular Brine-family templates, you'll want to use this instead: <script> /* Desktop branding - redirect to another URL */ document.querySelector('a.Header-branding').setAttribute('href', '/home'); /* Mobile branding - redirect to another URL */ document.querySelector('a.Mobile-bar-branding').setAttribute('href', '/home'); </script> Squarespace version 7.1 (all "templates") And here's a version for anyone building a site on the newer Squarespace 7.1 templates: <script> /* Desktop branding - redirect to another URL */ document.querySelector('.header-display-desktop .header-title-logo a').setAttribute('href', '/home'); /* Mobile branding - redirect to another URL */ document.querySelector('.header-display-mobile .header-title-logo a').setAttribute('href', '/home'); </script> -Paul Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  12. If you have added physical products, you cannot remove 'shipping address' or the 'shipping and handling' line. The following article explains which elements you can customise: https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/205811258 To avoid seeing shipping information on service orders, ensure all the products have been added as Service products.
  13. I've answered this question a dozen or so times. Here's one example here: If this doesn't work for your template and/or configuration, please post a working link to the home page (not cover page) of the website. If the site isn't live, we need you to set a password in the visibility settings and tell us what it is.
  14. Hi @jbelsky It may be better to think about your issue in terms of what you can't do, rather than the specific symptom. From what I can see, you have very long navigation items and so you want them to take up less horizontal space. Your previous workaround was to add line breaks so that you could force nav items to be split into two or more rows, thus getting around the issue. When Squarespace closed this loophole, your solution no longer worked. If I understand your issue correctly, you therefore need a new workaround that will limit the width of the nav items. One way to do this would be to define the maximum width of every nav item. If a nav item is smaller than the maximum width, the property will have no effect, but if wider, the overflow will wrap on to a new line (or lines). For example, if you add this to Design > Custom CSS it will transform the page as shown below: .layout-style-center #topNav nav li a { max-width: 96px; } New: Original: Let me know how you get on. -Paul
  15. No @CatherineJoMorgan that's not what I meant. If you enable Customer Accounts on a Commerce plan, customers can indeed log into their accounts to view their orders. The limitation is that customers cannot create product bundles by combining other products, for example to create a personalised oatmeal mix. Because they cannot turn the personalised mix of ingredients into a product, there's no product to recall for reorder purposes. I hope that makes sense.
  16. You will not be able to offer a way of saving blends for repeat orders using Squarespace, with or without code/plugins.
  17. This can be done with some Javascript. Read the datetime attribute, extract the year and append it to the date displayed in the date-callout. You'll need to find all matching elements if you want to do this on the blog list page, or just once if you only need it when the full blog article is being shown. People in the community generally need a working link to the site to be able to provide a working solution.
  18. To be clear, none of them will "integrate" with Squarespace but they can be linked from the Squarespace site and often embedded on it. One example is JotForm.
  19. To repeat my comment above, you can provide direct feedback about this to Squarespace by raising a feature request through Customer Care. They'll share it with the appropriate team. This forum is not monitored for product feature requests.
  20. @TSTrip It isn't possible for customers to enter their own amount into the Squarespace payment processing with Stripe or PayPal, with or without code/plugins/extensions. For that you'll need to accept payments using a third-party "payment" solution that is separate from Squarespace, or a third party "forms" product, like JotForm (other form providers are available). Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  21. Video banners play continuously on all templates. There are no built-in options to stop it after playing; it will require a custom solution. A Developer could usually build something suitable at a reasonable cost. I’ve built a few similar solutions that show the fallback image when the video has finished.
  22. The code was written in 2016 and like many of the older code samples provided on forums, it therefore understandably doesn’t take into account the introduction of Ajax on many Squarespace templates since that time. Turning off Ajax in Site Styles will fix this but it’s just a workaround. A better solution is to replace (function() { with window.Squarespace.onInitialize(Y, function() { If like me you’d like to understand why, I wrote an explanation here: https://sf.digital/squarespace-solutions/why-doesnt-my-code-work-until-i-refresh-the-page
  23. The video does play for me on mobile browsers but it is very intermittent, only loading around 30% of the time.
  24. I don't see a banner video embedded on the page at www.inheritedstories.org
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