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Everything posted by paul2009

  1. @twill: Usually adding something like this (to Design > Custom CSS) will work: .sqs-gallery-block-grid .slide .margin-wrapper .image-slide-title { font-size: 20px; } Adjust the size to suit. If it doesn't work, please post a link to your site/page. Paul If you posted this question and the answer is correct, please Accept it. If it didn't help, feel free to ask for more help or wait for others to add their comments.To everyone! If you find this (or any) answer helpful, please vote it up using the up arrow. This will let other users know it's a good answer.
  2. As I mentioned in the answer, the page you are sending the mobile users to must have the URL of '/mobile'. If not, you will need to change the answer to match the URL of the mobile home page. Try that. You haven't provided a link to your site and I'm unable to troubleshoot further without one.
  3. Hi Yes, there's a workaround you can add for this. The code below assumes that the mobile version of your home page has the URL 'mobile'. Add the following code to the Code Injection area of the desktop Home page (you'll find this on the page settings on the Advanced tab): <script> if (screen.width<760) {window.location="/mobile";} </script> Paul UPDATEI've updated this answer to allow for devices with higher resolutions and to allow testing on browsers when the width has been reduced. Use the code below instead, adjusting the URL and the width (in pixels) to match your needs: <script> if (document.documentElement.clientWidth <760) { window.location = "/mobile"; } </script>
  4. @calebCaming, have you tried #collection-55a5af43e4b0aac39df22df0 { #outerWrapper { background-image: url("http://static1.squarespace.com/static/55a48db1e4b03b84d36b22fb/t/571e6768746fb924e954224b/1461610345514/Against%2BColorful%2Bgraffiti.jpg")!important; background-position: center center; background-size: cover; background-attachment: fixed; background-repeat: repeat; } }
  5. I tried many suggestions to make tables - this answer details the best way I've found to add tables to Squarespace. Custom Table Block [Updated 2019] The best solution I have found for responsive and well designed tables on Squarespace is the Custom Table Block that can be purchased as a plugin. Once added, you can add tables just like other standard Squarespace blocks on any page. If your table contains more than a few rows/columns you can add your data to individual Google Sheets and then link them to a Table Block. It's by far the easiest way to add Tables to Squarespace. Convert Table to HTML If the customer already has the table in a Word document, I'll use the excellent free Word to HTML tool by Olly Cope. I paste in the table and it will convert it to HTML. Create HTML Table If I don't already have the table I will create it using the excellent HTML table generator at Tables Generator with the CSS option turned off. Use a Code Block When the HTML has been generated, I add it to a Code Block on the Squarespace page. I replace the initial <table> tag with the following: <table class=mytable> Add some Custom CSS So that the table is formatted to match the style of the site I then add a few lines of CSS to the Custom CSS page. Something like: .mytable { border: 3px solid #5f102b; background-color: white; th { padding: 6px; height:40px; color: #eeeeee; background-color: #5f102b; } td { padding: 6px; border:1px solid #f1eaf2; } tr:nth-child(odd){background-color: #f1eaf2} }
  6. Original post in 2014: Sometimes you just want one of your contributors to be able to add a table so that they can add some data, like a league table to a page or a post. Squarespace usually make complex things seem simple (adding images to Galleries for example) but the simple task of adding a table in Squarespace is so challenging! Yes, I know I can add a code block and add some HTML code to create the table. That's fine for me, but my clients don't want to learn HTML - they just want to edit a table like they would in any other application like MS Word - 'Create Table'. I'm still hoping Squarespace will address this soon so we don't have to use online HTML table tools. Update in 2024: It is now 10 years later (yes that's not a typo... ten years later!! ⏳) and there isn't a Squarespace Table Block built-in yet. ☹️ The good news is that Michael (Squarewebsites) built a Table Block plugin. (These are affiliate links for products I use and love. If you make a purchase I may receive a tiny commission.) This plugin adds a Table Block to Squarespace (both 7.0 and 7.1), allowing you to create and edit tables on the page with ease. You don't need to know any HTML table code, and it can automatically pull your table data from a Google Sheet, making it easier for clients to update their tables using a familiar tool! Was this post helpful? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
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