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Everything posted by paul2009

  1. @HannahReyenne No problem. Can you help me to understand your requirements a little more? I'm not sure if you're aware but Quick View buttons only appear on hover on desktops/laptops. They aren't available on mobiles or tablets, which can mean than over half your site visitors don't see them (you'd need to check your analytics to know the percentage of your own visitors on mobile). Are you wanting the cart button to appear in the same way (on hover, on desktop only) or are you looking for something that is always visible, like the example below, or with the button below the price. If you have a mockup of what you want to see, this would be helpful (I was initially confused by the screenshot in your original post because it looked nothing like your site 😀).
  2. This new feature is a great improvement and I’ve added an update to my original post to include this. However, it will not help in the original poster’s situation, where the customer mistyped their email address as .con instead of .com. If you are in the same situation @Sarahbethl, your customer won’t be able to verify their email address and so won’t be able to login to edit their details.
  3. It is Forte on Squarespace 7.0. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  4. At this time, there isn't a built in feature to allow you to move a blog from one Squarespace site to another. This means that if you don't want to create the posts again manually, you'll need to either purchase the Tools PRO Chrome extension or book an expert to migrate the blog for you.
  5. Correct. Squarespace have taken a decision not to allow us to collect additional data or use custom fields. Can you share details of the additional fields you want to use and the purpose of collecting this data? It may help the community to suggest alternatives or workarounds.
  6. The comment below should be below the opening script tag, not above it: /*setup language switcher*/ Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  7. This is not possible on Squarespace at this time.
  8. No. Custom code cannot be added to the checkout page.
  9. When you are sharing a link, you can choose to use a version that includes your domain name, but link will always have "/s" in it. In this example, the link to your PDF is https://www.ashleyelizabethling.com/s/Ash-Ling-CV-2023.pdf. Of course, this will redirect to the CDN link that starts with “https://static1.squarespace.com”. There isn’t anything you can do about this. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  10. As your website isn't public yet, we need you to set a site-wide password and share it with us.
  11. As I mentioned in an earlier post, the new reCAPTCHA is not intrusive, so the only indication that it is working is a small badge that appears in the bottom corner of the screen (not the form) when a visitor interacts with the form block. However, if reCAPTCHAs are not working on your site, you may want to contact Squarespace Customer Care for assistance.
  12. Transfers are slow and can take up to 15 days. There are a few status messages to look for in the Domains panel after confirming the domain transfer. The status labels tell you where your domain is in the process and any steps you should complete. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  13. If you are trying to only show the variant thumbnails that are applicable to the selected variant, it won’t be possible to do this with custom CSS. Instead you will need to write some JavaScript that: checks if the page is a PDP (Product Detail Page) waits for the page to load checks the product variant names identifies which thumbnails refer to which variant looks for changes to the variant selection selectively shows or hides the thumbnails in response to a new variant selection. If it helps, I wrote a paid extension called the Product Thumbnail Filter that takes care of this. You can read the specification to see if this will meet your needs. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  14. I found the site unusable too. It froze and your custom code generated a number of errors 😢. You have lots of different scripts, from various sources, and so these may be interfering with each other and causing the issue(s) but it is difficult to check without logging on to the site. The best way to check whether this is an issue with custom code or a technical fault with the Squarespace platform is by removing all your custom code and saving it somewhere safe. I recommend that you start by removing all the custom code from the various panels in Settings > Advanced > Code Injection and from the panel in Design > Custom CSS. To ensure you can restore the code afterwards, do take care to save this code somewhere safe, for example in a text file (not a Word document). After removing all the code, click refresh in your browser and check to see if the site is working properly. If it is, you know that the issues were caused by the custom code. If the problem persists without the custom code installed, the cause is more likely to be something else.I hope this helps to get you started. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  15. You can start by taking a look at the Google Places API documentation.
  16. On Squarespace, product prices must be fixed. They cannot be adjusted with code.
  17. You can do this by adding the url of the product's page. For example, it may be something like /store/p/productname. Instead of linking to a product detail page, another option may be to use a Product Block instead. This will allow you to include the purchase button directly, instead of a button that leads to the product page.
  18. You can show prices that are either inclusive or exclusive of VAT. You'll find the setting in Commerce > Taxes: You cannot show inclusive and exclusive pricing at the same time using built-in features. For that you would need someone to write custom javascript. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  19. The guide Accessing Squarespace APIs using OAuth 2.0 provides the information that you need to be able to authorise your app to connect to a Squarespace website. Once authorised, you'll find details of the APIs that you can use on this page: Overview of Commerce APIs. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  20. No. This data is not saved.
  21. Have you looked at the Squarespace Websites Uploader? Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  22. On Squarespace, you cannot host a file without the "/s/" part of the URL. You will need to host the file on a different platform. I appreciate this is not what you wanted to hear, but I hope this saves you lots of time looking for a solution that doesn't exist 🙂 Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  23. When they downgrade to the Personal plan, commerce features will be disabled. This means that they will still be able to edit their products and display them on their store page, but visitors will not be able to check them out or make donations. In addition, on the Personal plan they won't be able to use any of the following features or blocks: Blocks: Amazon block Code block - JavaScript and iframe code. Learn more. Donation block Menu block OpenTable block Features: Announcement bar ChowNow integration Code injection - site-wide and per-page Commerce and all online store features, including customer accounts Developer Platform (version 7.0 only) Facebook Pixel Location Management Mailchimp integration in the form and newsletter blocks Mobile information bar Promotional pop-ups Zapier integration I hope that helps. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  24. No. You can only add one Stripe account to Squarespace commerce for use with the Squarespace checkout. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
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