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  1. Hmmm... interesting. Unfortunate but what can ya do. Thanks so much for digging in deep on this one.
  2. Thanks as always Tuan for the amazing assistance. That's interesting re: color. I'll stop obsessing about that then I guess:) Re: Font size- In Mobile Mode that code effects the size of the variant "Select Pattern" and "Select Threader Length" selection area (see blue box items in photo). But it does not effect "Select Threader Length" in the drop down menu (see red circle in photo). Basically I'm trying to avoid the text wrap-around in mobile mode by lowering the font-size of that section specifically. Any thoughts? Interestingly enough in Laptop mode that code does effect font size in both the blue square and red circle area. 🤷
  3. Looking to change the Variant drop down selector menu font size and highlight color. See image attached. Specifically looking to change "Select Color", "Pearl", "Champagne" Font size. And to change the highlight color different than blue. Link to site: Version 7.1 https://www.raehcollection.com/shop/p/wana-earring-threader
  4. Thank you for responding tuan. That worked! You're always so amazing with your knowledge. Funny enough, I just sat down before you responded to fiddle with it some more and got it to work with this code as well: .user-items-list-carousel__arrow-button{ color: #000000 !important; }
  5. This code worked great for me, but for some reason the arrow color has turned blue. It looks black (which is what I prefer) in the squarespace editor but blue when viewing on mobile (see image attached). Link: www.raehcollection.com Any thoughts? I tried this code to change the color but it doesn't seem to work: @media screen and (max-width:767px) { svg.user-items-list-carousel__arrow-icon-path{ stroke: black !important; }}
  6. Site URL is www.raehcollection.com Working with Brine on 7.0 Halfway down the page you'll see a Summary Carousel of Products. When clicking to the end of the listed products it stops (see image attached). Is there any code for the first product to loop to the beginning and continue through the listed products infinitely (in essence start over) so the viewer doesn't have to click the left button to return to the beginning?
  7. Hey Paul, I tried your solution on my brine 7.0 website. I'm not able to make it work for some reason on the shop page or the product's page. See Product title "Simple Sandalwood Bracelet". https://www.raehcollection.com/shop I disabled Ajax loading. Injected code in Footer. Labeled Product Name as Simple Sandalwood | Bracelet. Product name still seems to layer on top of itself. (see attached image) I would like it to be centered and say.. Simple Sandalwood Bracelet It does the same thing on the actual product's page. (see attached image) https://www.raehcollection.com/shop/simple-sandalwood-bracelet Thoughts?
  8. It seems under Site Styles under Index Navigation I had checked "Apply Minimum Height" to All Pages. By default this sets minimum height to 50vh. I turned "Apply Minimum Height" to None. Under Custom CSS I then reduced top/bottom padding to each of the galleries blocks on each page using this code (see below). This gave me control of the white space on mobile view. //Header Banner Padding mobile// @media screen and (max-width:640px) { #block-yui_3_17_2_1_1700096549547_1930{ padding-top: 0px !important; padding-bottom: 0px !important; } } //end//
  9. As I only want the white space gone on mobile version I included this with your code- @media screen and (max-width:640px) { section.Index-page>.Index-page-content { justify-content: flex-start !important; } } Unfortunately that didn't get rid of the extra white space. It doesn't seem to appear on all the pages, just three of them. https://www.raehcollection.com https://www.raehcollection.com/find-us https://www.raehcollection.com/story
  10. I did not. I gave the wrong image example and link in the first post. That page works as well as the shop page on this site. However all the other pages have the large white space at the top. See example on home page at www.raehcollection.com
  11. Thanks for responding tuanphan. I decided to use a floating sticky button instead. I utilized/modified code from previous forum postings that you responded to for this effect. Thank you for sharing all your amazing knowledge.
  12. After inspecting the coding in mobile view it looks like there is 17px of padding on block's last-child and the first child (see attached image). I've targeted that block but the white still won't disappear. The page is at ttps://www.raehcollection.com Any other ideas?
  13. Using Brine 7.0 On website the content section section padding is site through site styles and looks fine. (Note green arrow on 1st photo) However on mobile there is a huge white space. (Note red arrow on 2nd photo) Is the css to get rid of that white gap on mobile? page is found at https://www.raehcollection.com/shop/wana-earring-threader
  14. Working with Brine 7.0 Carousel Gallery does not show Image titles/description. Is there css code to make them appear? Carousel can be found on first page of www.raehcollection.com
  15. Yes sir! That does perfect. Your skillset and willingness to help are very appreciated.
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