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Everything posted by paul2009

  1. To add to what @creedon has said, best performance is usually achieved when the original file has 1080p resolution and is using .mpeg-4, AVC/H.264, HEVC/H.265 or ProRes as the video codec.
  2. Are you testing it whilst logged on to your website (where it won't work 🙂) or whilst viewing your site as a visitor from a private browser window? This is it working for me: Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  3. I can't see the code on the site. If you removed it, please add it again so I can check it. As you mentioned, it needs to be in the FOOTER panel within Settings > Developer Tools > Code Injection.
  4. @Peter_P @Michael_Walkling Have you verified the domain by creating the Verification CNAME record that points to verify.squarespace.com? To explain, after you've followed the first few steps to connect your domain, the next step is to create this Verification CNAME record using your domain provider's DNS panel. You'll be using the string of numbers and letters that Squarespace show in your site’s DNS settings panel. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  5. This is quite possible. Every Squarespace 7.0 template-family is different. For example, the Five template supports this feature. Yes, you could try to recreate this effect, either by using some custom CSS or, by using JavaScript to do what Squarespace does on other pages by creating an entirely separate "banner-thumbnail-wrapper" div element between the header and the main page that contains the image. Here's an example of some custom CSS to get you started, although you may want to adjust margins and padding to meet your needs: .view-item.collection-type-products.transparent-header #header { background-image: url(https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/644148edc2011865159d7123/1686243561278-WNVMSG9HSO9USMU11FI2/Firewood_Coop_1.jpg?format=2500w); background-position: center center; background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat; padding: 72px 20px 72px; } Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  6. Please take a look at this post and let me know how you get on: Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  7. If it helps, this is a standard feature built into the Squarespace template that this site is using. It is a York-family template: You could try to reproduce this behaviour on a site that uses a different template, but forum users will usually want to see the page on your site, as the method will depend on: the Squarespace template/version you are using (you didn't provide us with a link 🙂) the type of elements that you want to apply this effect to (Summary Block, Portfolio section, or something else) Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  8. @misc_adventures This is normal for Bedford family templates 🙂. The Bedford template family only supports "collection item" banners on blog posts and events, not products within a Store. This differs according to the template and/or version that you use. On Bedford, banner images can appear on 'collection' pages, like the Product List Page (PLP) that lists all the items in the Store, but not on individual 'collection items', like the Product Detail Pages (PDPs) that show a single product. I hope this helps. For more details See Adding banner images in version 7.0, as this describes banner support on all the older version 7.0 templates. Here's an excerpt of the Bedford template information: Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  9. @NadineS Please provide some more information, including the domain name and the issue you are experiencing. Also, what have you tried so far to resolve this? What is or isn’t working?
  10. @texalot As the Apple DKIM record is a ‘pointer’ (ending in “.com”), you need to create a CNAME record. If the DKIM record had been a ‘key’ (starting with “v=DKIM”) you’d have created a TXT record instead. If you are still experiencing issues, please provide your domain name and confirm the symptoms you are seeing now.
  11. There haven’t been any changes to subscription renewals.
  12. This login link displays automatically after you enable customer accounts for your store. I don't recommend that you remove this link as customer accounts can increase repeat spending and help you build a deeper relationship with your customers. Using this link they can save payment methods, shipping addresses and view current and previous order information. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  13. Clicking ADD TO YOUR MAIN NAVIGATION should create a link to the category in your site’s main navigation, but it wasn't working for me either, when I checked. I recommend that you contact Squarespace Customer Care about this issue. As a workaround, you should be able to create links to categories by manually adding links to the main navigation. To do this: Open the PAGES panel. Click the + icon next to the section where you want to add the category link. You may want to add a Folder first, and then add the links to this folder. In the menu, click Link. In the Link Editor, type a suitable title and the category URL, like this: Save your changes. For more information on manually adding links, see Adding links to your navigation. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  14. No. As explained above, a Squarespace do not make a video URL available. Instead they stream the video file using a Blob URL that is only valid for the user's session. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  15. To see what is happening, we'll need to be able to browse the page.
  16. As explained above, you cannot add code to the checkout.
  17. This is a common question, and it happens when you attempt to add the item to the cart for a second time. If there is only one item available, you cannot add it twice! To remove it go to /cart or /checkout on your site and remove the item from your cart/checkout.
  18. Can you provide us with a link to the page? What format are the videos? Are they H.264?
  19. You should be able to select US Letter (8.5 x 11”) or, if you have a separate label printer, you can choose 4 x 6”.
  20. No, it is not possible to do this. Although the Transactions API provides access to financial transactions for donations, it does not provide donation details unrelated to payments, such as form data. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  21. I don't see the CSS on your site. You'll need to add the transparency and also add a color to your pseudo-element as this doesn't currently have one set.
  22. The administrator's email address is used by default but you can send form submissions to a different email address as follows: Edit the Form Block In the form's Storage options, click the email address, then click X to remove the default address. Enter a different email address. Save the changes. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  23. In the website's Domains panel, set the new domain to be your Primary Domain. No other action is necessary. all links to mywebsite.squarespace.com will reach mywebsite.com automatically.
  24. @JaimieAllen Outside the US, there aren’t any in-person, point of sale solutions that integrate with Squarespace directly. They’ll be completely independent systems that need to be managed entirely separately, as I mentioned in my reply to someone else above. For example, if you use Square for POS, you’ll need to add products to both systems, set/change prices on both independently and synchronise stock levels using a (usually expensive) third party solution like Trunk Inventory. That said, you mentioned that you need to be able to take phone payments? If all your offline customers will be placing orders over the telephone (none will be visiting you in in-person) then have you tried acting as a proxy for them on your Squarespace website instead of using a separate solution? You could select the products, add them to the checkout and then take the customer's details, including payment card details, over the phone. I hope this helps but if I've misunderstood your requirements, do post back 🙂. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
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