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Everything posted by paul2009

  1. Members have access to at least one member site. Subscribers are mailing list subscribers. The Profiles panel displays all customers, mailing list subscribers, members, and donors in one place.
  2. Hi Ashley The template you're referring to is Mycelium, a limited edition starting point for Squarespace 7.1. It was designed as part of a collaboration with Björk to create an immersive website for her album in October 2022. It makes the most of Squarespace's Fluid Engine features that are only available on Squarespace 7.1. To use this starting point, you will need to start building your site from the beginning, using this design. You can reach the starting point via the Mycelium demo website or the Icons article. I hope that gets you started. Once you've built a new site on 7.1, you can then make it live with a new subscription and move your domain across. If you need help with any of the details, you may want to consider hiring a Squarespace Expert, either to take care of certain aspects, or to provide training/coaching. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  3. This appears to be an issue with your third party provider, Dental Hub. When I use their URL (not your Sqsp URL) I am redirected to your Squarespace site! I suggest you contact them for more advice. If they provide a solution, please share it to help others.
  4. Can you explain what you mean in a little more detail? A screenshot and link to the site may help us too.
  5. Hi Lynne Some time ago, I wrote a guide to displaying different product aspect ratios on 7.1. I'm not sure if this guide would specifically address your issue, but the principle is the similar. If you tag products with different aspect ratios, you should then be able to set the correct amount of bottom padding to determine the image's aspect ratio. With a media query, you can set this specifically for the mobile view. For example, if the painting was tagged 'wide' (or "Cordell Garfield Art" tag as an example below), you could achieve something with some CSS, like this: @media screen and (max-width: 767px){ .hentry.tag-cordell-garfield-art .ProductItem-gallery-slides:before { padding-bottom: 39%; } } I hope this gets you started 🙂 Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  6. You can make a feature request and ensure it is seen by the right people at Squarespace by using a support ticket via Squarespace Customer Care.
  7. No. You can prompt for information using a Custom Product Form but this form will appear regardless of which variant the customer selects. I've been advocating for this for at least five years (see my 2018 commerce limitations post) but it hasn't been prioritised yet. To ensure your feature request is seen by the right people at Squarespace, please contact Squarespace Customer Care using a support ticket.
  8. It is not possible. Squarespace is a serverless platform, so this means you don't have access to a server and cannot place files in URL paths with prefixes like /.well-known/. On Squarespace, all files are store in /s/. You'll need to host the file on a different web host or use an alternative method of achieving your goal.
  9. Yes, you can do this with code. The accordion title element has an aria-expanded attribute that is set to indicate whether the control is expanded or collapsed, allowing code to be written that will change the title when it expands/collapses. The code will need to be written according to the way that you want it to work. For example, whether you want to affect every accordion title on the site, or just some.
  10. You'll need to log on to Wix and edit the A and CNAME records records of both domains in your Wix account so they point to your Squarespace site. Your screenshots show the data that Squarespace requires. This Wix guide should explain how to edit their domain settings to achieve these settings. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  11. Can you provide some more details about what you need? A working link to the site and a mockup or an example may also help us to understand your requirements.
  12. If you configure the teachers as website contributors, they will be able to add events to the events page. There isn't another way to achieve this on Squarespace. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  13. If you're still experiencing an issue, can you explain in a little more detail?
  14. Can you provide us with a link to the site? Also, can you describe the steps to reproduce the issue you are experiencing?
  15. Forum users are unable to assist with technical issues. When something isn't working as expected, please contact Squarespace Customer Care directly. If they provide you with a solution or workaround, please post it here for the benefit of other users.
  16. If you uncheck that "Open Links in New Window" option (as shown in your screenshot), the links will open in the same window 😀 Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  17. Your site appears to have a site-wide password at the moment. You'll need to remove this password if you would like the file to be accessed. If your site is in a trial, you’ll need to pay for a site billing plan before the password can be removed, and the site made live. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  18. Can you please provide full details of the widget?
  19. What is the URL that fails? Is it the one above, starting ‘static1’ or is it a different one?
  20. No, Squarespace doesn’t have a built in solution. There are a number of threads about pop ups if you are looking for a reasonably priced solution.
  21. Each subscription 'renewal' will appear in your orders panel as a new "order" with a status of "pending". If the customer cancels their subscription after this new "order" was automatically created, it will not affect the status of this latest order, as it was created (and paid for) before the subscription was cancelled. If this isn't what you meant, please provide some more details. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  22. Here's a link from the Pennsylvania Business One-Stop Shop, a state government office that provides information and resources for businesses: https://business.pa.gov/register/ Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  23. No, they won't affect site performance. They'll only affect the speed at which you can view the Asset Library when logged on. Performance will be affected by things like the number of blocks in a section, the number of on a page, the number of pages on a site (smaller numbers = better performance). Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
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