at wits end trying to fix this, new to SquareSpace and currently testing it out through the Trial.
After defining a custom domain, all linked URL's of uploaded files stopped working when I attempt to open them through the Custom Domain.
When I attempt to do the same using the Domain that SquareSpace provides it works.
An example is the following URL: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/643d530b42858724168435fa/t/643d565e1acee1465267394d/1681741423011/ausgabe.pdf
Which returns:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 ()
Then like mentioned above if I do the same procedure by accessing it through the SquareSpace provided domain, it works, with the same URL.
DNS Settings seem to be fine, all values that SquareSpace asked for are present, a Certificate was generated shortly after too.
Error 403 usually is permission related, I however couldn't find anything in the Link Editor to set that up...