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Everything posted by paul2009

  1. You can remove variants from a standard product by editing the product. When viewing the product, click EDIT or EDIT PRODUCT. When editing the product: 1. Look for the Inventory section: 2. Click EDIT ALL. 3. Click MANAGE OPTIONS. 4. Click the three dots next to the variant option you want to delete, for example Border Size. 5. Click DELETE. Repeat step 4 to remove further variant options. 6. Click SAVE. 7. Click BACK. 8. Click SAVE. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  2. It is not possible to change this. Settings are site-wide. This is not solvable.
  3. The Order Confirmation page is about to be replaced by a new Order Status page, so I'd recommend waiting a few weeks until this changeover has occurred. Any code you add to the Order Confirmation page will need to be removed shortly. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  4. No. You cannot download the asset library contents in bulk. However, if you copy across the pages that contain images using a third party tool, the images will be imported automatically. See my post here:
  5. It was built with the Developer Platform on Squarespace 7.0. That said, it appears to be based on the Brine template before developer mode was enabled. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  6. Apart from the title being truncated (due to its length), your site is loading correctly on mobile for me (see below). However, I see this wasn't the same for you. Your screenshot shows what it would look like if the JS and/or CSS content didn't fully load, which can be an issue if using an old or unsupported browser, or where the internet connection is not reliable. If you are still having the issue on this device, please check which browser you are using (type and version number). Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  7. Workarounds may be possible but usability will depend on the context and for that it would be helpful to see the website and to understand how you plan to receive the balance of payment. To request a feature, please contact Customer Support. Squarespace doesn’t track these requests and reports in the forum.
  8. This is specific to this site (due to the block ID). It will add the margin to both desktop and mobile. If you don't want the extra margin on desktop you can wrap it in a media query. #block-yui_3_17_2_1_1669326727826_11330 .sqs-gallery-block-grid .sqs-gallery-design-grid-slide .margin-wrapper { margin-bottom: 34px; } Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  9. Sadly, subscriptions cannot be modified. Neither the subscriber nor the merchant can make changes. The only way to upgrade/downgrade is to cancel the subscription and then start a new subscription. You also cannot: Change the subscriber's email address Change the subscriber's name or physical address. Skip a renewal Notify a customer before a renewal Change the frequency of an active subscription Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  10. The code is at fault. I recommend that you contact the supplier directly and ask them to help you resolve this.
  11. It isn’t clear, at least to me, which part of the URL you are referring to. If you are referring to the custom domain, a Squarespace website has multiple custom domains, only one of these can be used as the Primary Domain. Even if you add additional custom domains, all these domains will redirect to the primary, meaning that domain always displays in the browser address bar no matter which domain visitors use to access the site. If you are referring to the “slug” (the part after the domain name) then the customisation options will depend on the type of page. The “work” example that you quoted is a Video Page and so slugs for individual videos will look like these examples: /work/v/limecrime /work/v/md-solar If this doesn’t help, can you explain the issue in a little more detail? Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  12. No sadly not. At the moment, carrier calculated shipping is only available within the United States and can only be used with retail rates for FedEx, UPS and USPS. Elsewhere, the only options available are flat rate and depending on weight. Although a developer could write code to check a postcode list and calculate the likely costs, the checkout on the Squarespace platform is "locked down", preventing anyone from adding code that could send shipping information to the checkout. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  13. If you'd like help from the community, please provide us with some details, including the domain name. Alternatively, you can use this link to contact Squarespace Customer Care directly. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  14. This domain doesn't expire until 02 August 2023 🙂 Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  15. Try adding this to Settings > Advanced > Code Injection > FOOTER:, changing /classes to match the URL that you want to reach: <div id="btnFloatBook"> <a style="position: fixed; z-index: 100; bottom: 1em; right: 1em; padding: 1em 2em; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15) 0px 5px 15px;" href="/classes" class="sqs-block-button-element--medium sqs-button-element--primary sqs-block-button-element">Book Now</a> </div> Screenshot when added: Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  16. This isn't something you can solve. Please see this thread:
  17. See Sharing policies and terms on your site. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  18. Instead of redirecting, you can simply add a link to the main navigation. See Adding links to your navigation. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  19. Please include the site URL in your post so that we can take a look.
  20. You can do this by adding Trustpilot code to the post-purchase page using code injection instead of trying the bcc option. The 'Order Confirmation' page is shortly to be replaced by the 'Order Status' page, so it will worth waiting for this transition to complete before adding the code. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  21. Hi Rebecca There isn't a DNS record for www at thebigredbox.co. Are you in the process of making changes?
  22. Thanks for adding some wider perspective @sayreambrosio. Whilst it's disappointing that anyone is affected by something like this, it does help to know that we're not alone in this.
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