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  1. Hi @creedon, thank you for the reminder... I keep forgetting that. the solution works, so thank you for you help and also thank you to @tuanphan for sharing the answer. You guys rock!
  2. That's a neat trick. Thank you @tuanphan!!
  3. Hi @tuanphan, this works great, but if you want to undo it, you cannot access the post, as it will always redirect to the page. Any idea, how to get back into the post or event once you have added this snipped of code? Thank you 🙂
  4. Hey! did you ever managed to get this done. I'm looking for a solution too 🙂
  5. Hi team, As you many know the search function of Squarespace isn't working properly and a lot of content is not found. I've created a page and added a Google search that works much better (we are working on getting the non-profit account setup, so ads will be eliminated). As the page is for disabiity, I wanted to redirect the /search to /search-site, but sadly it's not working. Is there a way we can force a redirect, or am I doing something incorrect? This is the redirect I've added into the URL mapping page: /search -> /search-site 301 This is the page: https://www.ccsdisabilityaction.org.nz/ Any suggestion are hightly appreciated. Thank you!!
  6. Hey all, A client of mine had their page checked by an SEO expert, and there are some points I do not know how to answer. Can anyone help me, please? Non-shalsh URLs: If you have both versions and both versions are indexed with a search engine, you will have duplicated content. URLs do redirect, but using a 308 redirect, it should be 301. I've contacted Squarespace Support about this, but they say they do not know about this redirect. Can anyone help me understand this? URLs contain meta robots for the relevant pages - However, tag pages are indexed (even when blocked with robots). No index tags should be no-index, same with blog category URLs. This one is also a bit of an enigma. If anyone can help me understand, I would greatly appreciate it. URLs do not redirect when a cap is added to the URL slug. Ideally, it should be 301 back. Is there a way to automatise this? Squarespace automatically changes all slugs into lowercase, but as the client works with people with disabilities, they may enter a URL with some capitalisation. Is it possible to automatically get those URLs to redirect to the correct one without going to the 404 page or manually create URL mapping? Any help is appreciated. Thank you!!
  7. Hi all! I'm working with a non-profit organisation for school theatre. They would like to add a function to their Squarespace website where teachers in the member area can add events (school plays), and those show up in an event list. I wonder if anyone out there knows of a plugin that would help achieve this or an external app that can then be added to Squarespace. Any hints are welcome 🙂 Thank you all!!
  8. Hi Tuanphan, Here a couple of pages where the breadcrumb appears (top-right under the header): https://ccsdisabilityaction.org.nz/covid-19/ https://ccsdisabilityaction.org.nz/mobility-parking/ Anypage after the homepage has it. Their old page goes a level deeper, but I won't do that, as I want to try to simplify the structure and do only on level down, but they still want to have the breadcrumbs as it helps people with certain disabilities. Thank you for your suggestions! Enny
  9. Site URL: https://ccsdisabilityaction.squarespace.com/ Hi there, My client is a non-profit organisation for disabled people. They want to be able to update their website and reduce costs so I suggested to build it on Squarespace. I've solved several issues but one I cannot find a solution. On their original website, they have breadcrumps on each page, as it is a help for disabled people when surfing the page. Does anyone have a clue how to implement this so when they add new content they can copy the code and it will automatically show the position of the page? Here is the current website: www.ccsdisabilityaction.org.nz Here is the basic structure I've built to see how far I can do it, before committing to it: https://ccsdisabilityaction.squarespace.com/ PW: 1234 Any suggestions is welcome. Thank you!!
  10. OMG Thank you very much, this is exactly what I was looking for ! You're the best!
  11. Hi Tuanphan, thank you for your reply. In an accessibility perspective both should do the same. So click on both text or arrow should open/close the folder.
  12. Site URL: https://ccsdisabilityaction.squarespace.com/ Hi there, I'm recreating a webiste and I'm trying to find out how to have a dropdown folder to open and close on click instead of showing up on hower. This is a requirement because the page is for disabled people. Anyone can help? Website PW: 1234 Any hints are highly appreciated. Thank you!
  13. Hey zerosite, I'm not sure you already solved this, but to get the gallery to go under the navigation I've added this code in the page advanced tab. <style> .page-section:first-child { padding-top: 0!important; } </style I hope this helps :)
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