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Everything posted by paul2009

  1. This isn’t possible on the promotional popup due to the limited space available on the mobile version. If you prefer to capture more information, add a button to the popup that links to a page on your site where the full form is available.
  2. Hi @concentric For reference, this issue isn't caused by being logged in. It's an issue with the viewport width. When you're logged in, the config panel takes up space on the left, reducing the width of the preview window and everything looks great. When you're logged out you have a wider preview. As the width is increased, the nav folders are prevented from wrapping and you see this issue. You should be able to correct it by adding the following (add it below the CSS I provided before): .Header-nav { white-space: normal; }
  3. Yes. With Shopify you can configure your settings to automatically capture payment at the time of the sale, or manually capture payment later. If you set up manual capture, you can capture payments later from the Orders page in your admin. You can choose to take full or partial payment but you can usually only capture payment once per order.
  4. @Superhanss I published a solution here: How to hide the empty shopping cart on Squarespace 7.1.
  5. Original post, Jan 2020: Squarespace websites don't have a manual invoicing feature yet. Update August 2022: This feature was added to Squarespace Scheduling. Update August 2023: Invoicing has been added to Squarespace. You can now send branded invoices to provide a seamless payment experience for your clients - if they are paying online. It’s not possible to mark an invoice as paid if clients pay separately.
  6. @alpinegolf You'll find that @tuanphan has already provided the answer in this post:
  7. Feature requests, improvement suggestions, and bug reports should all submitted by raising a ticket with Customer Care. You cannot track feature requests because Squarespace do not make them public.
  8. Without more information about the use case, it's difficult to offer specific suggestions. To help us, please provide a working link to the page where the service is purchased as well as a link to the page where you want clients to schedule it. That will give us more context and help to explain why Squarespace's new Scheduling product doesn't meet your client's needs.
  9. This sounds like a perfect situation to use Squarespace Scheduling (previously Acuity). It is an online appointment-booking tool built into Squarespace. Enter your availability and the services you offer, then use Scheduling to share your schedule, receive online bookings and take payments. You can optionally send reminders and follow-up emails to clients. You can try it free for 14 days.
  10. You're welcome. I can see that the numbers are just text - they aren't prices in the 'Squarespace' sense of the word because they aren't on a Product Page or in a Product Block. You therefore have two ways to do this. That just means that we need to isolate the numbers in some way. One way to do this is to add the text that you want to strikethrough, and then format it as italic, using the text toolbar. We can then add some CSS to Design > Custom CSS that will format the italic text as strikethrough instead. Of course, this assume that you aren't using italics elsewhere on the site. Is this what you want to achieve?
  11. Fortunately, that's not true. The CSS editor is available on all plans, including the personal plan. If you had included a working link to the page in your question, one of us could have been more specific about the CSS to use.
  12. I love to help by providing advice @Iben but it's impossible for anyone to troubleshoot a technical issue without access to all areas of the site. Clearly that's not something that I want the responsibility for, except when I'm helping a client. For technical issues like this, it is best to contact Squarespace Customer Care. They can logon to your site to thoroughly troubleshoot issues, often whilst you're chatting to them. It's true that they can't troubleshoot the possible effects of someone's code so, before you contact them, remove the code and place it somewhere safe. Refresh your browser and check if the issue still exists. If it does, open a ticket so that they can look at it.
  13. In the circumstances @Adaptive you'll probably want to set the minimum height of the text. That way, the buttons are also aligned. For example, this CSS would probably work at the maximum width, but you'll need to wrap a number of these in media queries to adjust the height at smaller widths: #collection-5df0cfba33e7090f1f46f853 .image-subtitle-wrapper { min-height: 134px; } The reference to '#collection' is there to ensure that this only affects this one page. Anyone else using this would need to adjust the collection ID accordingly for their site. Here's a media query example for anyone who needs it. /* On screens that are less than 768px wide */ @media screen and (max-width: 767px) { [the css goes here] }
  14. Thanks for additional information. The mockup gives me a clear idea of what you've asked for. Unfortunately, I think that moving them like this will cause more problems for you than it solves. Sorry. If you place the thumbnails under the product description you'll have layout problems when the page responds to different devices. Depending on the amount of text and the size of the device, the thumbnails are likely to appear much lower than the main product image (see below): Before and After: It may help if you can explain why you want to reposition the thumbnails. What's driving you towards that as the solution? For example, is the issue is that the thumbnails appear 'below the fold' and so aren't seen by a percentage of potential customers? That's an issue for a lot of store owners. If that's the case for you, then a better solution may be to show the thumbnails in place of the large image by making it into a slideshow. If this interests you, I have a Squarespace Extension (Product Slideshow) that does this on your template (Brine - Squarespace 7.0). It would then look like this: If there's another reason or something else you want to try, do let me know. -Paul
  15. Thanks, I see the issue now. You are referring to the blog post list, not the individual blog post articles that I referred to in my first reply. You should be able to achieve a full width blog list on mobile by adding this to Design > Custom CSS: @media screen and (max-width: 767px) { .blog-single-column .blog-single-column--text { width: 100%; } } Let me know how you get on.
  16. This shouldn't be an issue on Squarespace 7.1 because the blog width setting will only be 65% (or whatever you chose) on viewports above 767px. Below that (on mobiles) it is set to 100%. If your site isn't doing this, please post a working link to the page so we can see the issue first-hand. If your site isn't live yet, please set a site password and tell us what it is, so that we can view it.
  17. @kristi-lynnIf your code requires jQuery, I recommend you swap for the latest production release (3.4.1 at the time of writing). The older version you've posted has two medium-severity security vulnerabilities.
  18. Great question @hugs. This isn't a specific feature of the wishlist, but I'll certainly consider adding it. Customers can face this same issue on standard online stores too. We've been lobbying Squarespace to include an 'Add to Cart' button on Summary Blocks too, for the same reason. There is one workaround right now using Product Blocks because these already have the 'Add to..' buttons. However, they are far from the ideal solution.
  19. It works for me 🤔 So that I can take a look, please ensure the CSS has been added and then post a working link to the site.
  20. You can remove the cart title by adding this to Design > Custom CSS: .CartHeader-cartTitle-9Dk3d { display: none; } It's the same on the Squarespace 7.1 site pictured above and Squarespace 7.0 sites. To avoid confusion for you later, I should perhaps mention that the page pictured above is the Cart page, not the Checkout page. 🙂
  21. For the community to help, we generally need a working link to the page on your site.
  22. @erbush1988 A common way to achieve this is to provide links to various products at different price points, or several variants of the same product at these different prices. Customers can then add one of these to their cart. For example, the could choose the $0, $10, $20, $50 or $100 variant/product. @ToastyT There isn't a way to allow them to pay literally "whatever they want" using Squarespace tools. The value must be predetermined. The only way to take payments for any amount is by adding some code to a Squarespace site from a third-party payment provider. Note that this will only allow you to take ad hoc payments; they will not be integrated with Squarespace Commerce in any way.
  23. Squarespace do not offer this on standard plans (Personal, Business, Commerce). Squarespace have an Enterprise Plan with an organisation dashboard where you can review all the Squarespace sites that your organisation owns in one place. However, it is significantly more expensive (ballpark $1000 per month).
  24. @fwalsingham You should be able to change it with this: .tweak-product-item-details-show-title .ProductItem-details h1.ProductItem-details-title { font-family: 'Mint Grotesk Bold'; }
  25. It depends on whether you want to limit a service or a physical product. Service Product: To prevent customers from buying more than one of any service product at a time, uncheck Let Customers Buy Multiple Service Products in Checkout settings. Physical Product: There isn't a way to enforce this for a physical product but you can encourage it by hiding the quantity option so that users don't have the opportunity to change it to more than one. You can also enable Express Checkout so that the customer is sent straight to the checkout, bypassing the cart and further shopping.
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