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Everything posted by CassAggett

  1. @NDucrETH Thanks, got the link. Try this code: @media only screen and (min-width: 640px) { body[class*=collection-type-blog] { .icon--fill:nth-of-type(1) { background-image: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/628d9580451c5d347006983d/t/62ff2db34930cc1976790cf4/1660890547092/naverblack-01.png); background-size: 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat; } } }
  2. @J2023 From what it sounds like, your current website is a non-Squarespace website (likely Wordpress, since you mention hosting), but only the domain is with Squarespace. Regardless of where you non-Squarespace site is though, you can't transfer it to Squarespace, as Squarespace is its own platform that you must build within. Though you say you have a Personal Squarespace plan, which would indicate that you do have a Squarespace site - so will need a little more clarification on above before I can help! So 2 questions: 1. Where is your current site hosted? (can you share the domain name/website address?) 2. What site does the personal Squarespace plan belong to?
  3. @TaysttheNotes Can you share a link to the page where you've got the events display issue? I found your site and understand you've set up your Instagram posts using a blog - was there a particular reason for that? There is an Instagram block you can add to a regular page and connect - it'll then automatically show your new posts as you upload them to instagram (though there are occasionally glitches where this stops working and has to be reset).
  4. Hey @JessicaM, found this one: https://www.will-myers.com/articles/mariners-button-style It's coded for a tertiary button but you could change it to your blog's read more link if you were specifically wanting to change that.
  5. @kdeemer Are you looking to have the new parameters apply across your site for every instance you use the indent, or just for a specific page/section? If you can share a link to your site with an example we can take a look
  6. @quinnk1 I'm definitely no expert troubleshooting domain issues, but it does look like you have a space before the www for the Squarespace CNAME record, as well as the address next to it (i.e. a space before ext-cust.......). Possibly also for the CNAME record at the very top of the list too (i.e. space before spyc..... and verify.squarespace.....) Try removing those spaces, let it refresh for a bit then see on the Squarespace side if it connects
  7. @NDucrETH can you share your site link and the code you're using currently? We can provide additional code that targets just the blog pages.
  8. Can you share a link to your site so we can have a look? What map is supposed to be there? It sounds like you've selected a template contact page that has a different set up to what you had previously.
  9. I've had a look and it seems to be the right colour to me. It might just be because it's such a light font weight?
  10. Yes, you can just enter a couple of times after the last curly bracket in your screenshot. One thing that might help as you add more code is to include notes about what each is for (some isn't as obvious as your site title one!) There are a few ways you can do this in CSS but here's the format I use: // note about code here // .selector { properties: xxxx; } // e.g. blog pagination spacing // .selector { properties: xxxx; }
  11. Hey, try these codes: 1. Looks like this is fixed, matches other buttons from my end 2. // required form field // .sqs-block-form .field-list .description { font-weight: bold; } 3. // header button spacing // .header-actions-action--cta .sqs-button-element--primary { letter-spacing: var(--primary-button-font-letter-spacing); }
  12. It's not possible to create a page that doesn't inherit site styles, but you could override them all on that page. You could hide the header and footer, create the content you need and then restyle with CSS. Not sure how custom you're needing the page to be though.
  13. @SibylleLeon They all look the same on my end. Can you share a screenshot of what you're seeing?
  14. Hey Sophie, double check this setting: Go to Edit Section on your blog, then on the Format tab scroll down to Text Content Width. For reference, you can also adjust the next/previous pagination titles in Site Styles without using code. It's under Fonts > Assign Styles > Blog Post > Pagination. This affects both desktop and mobile though, where the code you've got above is just for mobile.
  15. @visual_ess Hey Ess, there's a really easy way you can do this now without code. Instead of adding the image as a background and coding it to one side, you can add it to an image block and push it all the way to the edge of the screen and resize the inside edge to the centre of the screen. Then edit the section settings to remove the grid gap and fill screen option. Here's a video running you through it [5 min]: https://www.loom.com/share/8948909db2e54efda6b6e50a09bf5325?sid=45cf21f9-0020-4e1b-b926-aff4fcb38d4c
  16. Hey Chris, does the QR code you're using allow you to view its own stats? Or were you hoping for this to be within the Squarespace analytics? This page may help explain a bit though likely not what you're after. I haven't done this before, but I wonder if you could create a URL redirect for each physical channel that diverts to the page you're currently sending them to, so you can see how many people are visiting that link? If the QR code is currently going to your Contact page for example, you could create the following URL redirects: /contact-billboard -> /contact 301 /contact-busstop -> /contact 301 etc Then use the URL redirect you've created on each QR code. Again, I haven't done this before, so may be worth doing some testing before using in paid mediums to make sure it captures what you're after!
  17. Hey Johnny, sounds like the Lightbox Anything plugin would be good for this. Not an affiliate link, have just used before with good results.
  18. How much code currently targets with section/block IDs are you needing to duplicate? If you want to do this frequently, you'd be better of targeting actual elements rather than using the Squarespace generated IDs. InsideTheSquare on YouTube could be a good starting point for learning how to target specific elements.
  19. Hi @Jen__, yep you can. Paste the below code in your Custom CSS panel. Change the lightblue colour to what you're after: // footer color blog pages // body[class*=collection-type-blog] { footer .section-background { background-color: lightblue !important; } }
  20. @idamay Try adding this to your custom CSS: // tag line home page only // body.homepage { a#site-title:after { content: "\00a0| choreographer & movement director"; } } Then if that works (I was having trouble testing on your site), you can remove those words from your Site Title.
  21. @JDesigns_ this is likely due to browser caching - try Google 'how to clear browser cache + your browser name (e.g. chrome)' for instructions 😊
  22. If it's ok to be public, the main linked navigation will be easiest. Go to the Pages menu (now located in the Website menu), click the + sign next to Main Navigation and then Blog:
  23. Without a link it's hard to tell for your site, but this article may help if you don't mind a bit of DIY (and assuming it's the same kind of gallery block): https://www.beatrizcaraballo.com/blog/gallery-slides-row-mobile
  24. Are you trying to update what's already in the code block, or add a new one?
  25. Hi Ida, can you share a link to your site? The easiest thing may be to change your site title to just Ida May, then add code to add the rest of the text to the title on all pages but the home but will need to have a look at your site first.
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