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  1. Is there a way to check if this is a 7.0. issue? When you say replace the newsletter, do you man building a new section from scatch? Many thanks!
  2. What do you mean by old versions? What can I do to fix this?
  3. It's working on the test page! So why is it not working on my homepage or my blog pages?
  4. No, I don't know how to test that as I don't want to test it on my live page.
  5. Thanks so much for explaining this, Spark! I was wondering because the code that I'm already using contains ".newsletter-block input," which to me sounded like it should work with the newsletter form input as well.
  6. Thank you for your help! How does this work with the code I already have (see above)? If I want the input color to be pink everywhere on my website, what code should I use? Many thanks!
  7. Hi, I have customized hyperlinks on my website so that they appear without an underline, but when you hover over them, an underline appears. Usually, my hyperlinks are pink, and so are the underlines. However, in a couple cases, I'm using orange hyperlinks, and I'd like the underline to be orange as well. Both are on the homepage: 1. "Book an initial reading," "Book a follow-up reading," and "Book a reading bundle." 2. "Download your copy here" My question is: 1. Is there a way to have code that says that the underline of a hyperlink should always pick up the color of the hyperlink (the font color)? 2. If not, is it possible to have code just for the instances I mentioned above, where I'd like it to be orange? What follows is the code I'm currently using to do with underlines: // Link underline hide a { background-size: 0px !important; text-decoration: none !important} // Link underline add when hovering in paragraph p a { background-size: 0px !important; text-decoration: none !important; border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(254, 90, 169, 0); transition:ease-in-out 300ms; &:hover { border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(254, 90, 169 ,1); } } // Link underline add when hovering in heading 2 h2 a { background-size: 0px !important; text-decoration: none !important; border-bottom: 2px solid rgba(254, 90, 169, 0); transition:ease-in-out 300ms; &:hover { border-bottom: 2px solid rgba(254, 90, 169 ,1); } } // Link underline add when hovering in services section on homepage #block-2ba31009063cce87a789, #block-fc74d1c7d4b23b39c76e, #block-yui_3_17_2_1_1696404699330_5544 { a { background-size: 0px !important; text-decoration: none !important; border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(255, 165, 51, 0); transition:ease-in-out 300ms; &:hover { border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(255, 165, 51 ,1); } } } Many thanks!
  8. Hi, It is currently not possible to customize the color of hyperlinks within Acuity (on the client scheduling page). They appear blue. I would like to customize the color to appear the pink that I use (#FE5AA9). Is that possible? I see that in Scheduling -> Customize Appearance -> Advanced CSS, I can enter code. Many thanks!
  9. Hi, I'd like to customize the color for the frame that appears when you click in the name and email fields to sign up for my newsletter everywhere on my website. It's black now, but I'd like it to be the pink that I use (#FE5AA9). It's already pink on my contact page. I'm using the following code, and as you can see, I thought it work for the newsletter sign-up as well: // Change newsletter and contact form input color .newsletter-block input, .form-block input, .form-block textarea { outline-color: #fe5aa9 !important; } Is it possible to have one code for all input fields across the entire website? Many thanks!
  10. @tuanphan thank you! To clarify, would I use the code above in addition to the following one: .ml-embedded div { background-color: #b5d1e9 !important; } As of now, I use the following code on my website: //Newsletter signup blue background behind name and email fields .ml-embedded div { background-color: #b5d1e9 !important; } // Newsletter signup blue background behind name and email fields only on homepage body[class*="type-blog"].view-item .ml-embedded div { background-color: #fff !important; } Would I delete the second part? And replace it with the one you just gave me? To reiterate: I want a blue background only on my homepage, and have no backgound color anywhere else on my website. Another thought: It looks like you're coding for a white background, but I'm wondering if it's possible to make the background transparent? That way, it would pick up whatever background color from the section. Is that possible? Many thanks!
  11. Hi @tuanphan, you helped me change the background color for opt-in fields. But now I have a problem. Are you able to assist? You gave me code to change it from white to blue on my homepage, but then it showed up blue on my blog page (where I didn't want it blue), so you gave me code to change that to white. However, I now have another page with an opt-in, and again the background is blue where I want it white. As this may happen again in the future, I'm wondering if it's possible to change the code, so that I have only one code that make the background blue on the homepage, and leaves it white everywhere else, instead of changing it to blue everywhere, and then having to change it to white everywhere else other than the homepage. Does that make sense? Many thanks!
  12. Hi! I noticed that quotation marks aren't displayed the same as in the text. I've uploaded fonts manually. Do I need to add code to apply the fonts to image captions? See image caption for second image on this page: https://www.kristinkuehn.com/writing/virgo-ingress-2024 Compare quotation marks in caption with quotation marks two paragraphs down. This is all the code I'm already using for my fonts: // My own regular font @font-face { font-family: CrimsonTextRegular; src: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/64bbec1009a61f1b8dfb39e9/t/6509d0807e6fd40c6b635a1d/1695142016438/CrimsonText-Regular.ttf); } // ALL text everywhere html * {font-family: 'CrimsonTextRegular' !important; } // My own italic font @font-face { font-family: CrimsonTextItalic; src: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/64bbec1009a61f1b8dfb39e9/t/65424524ad047a58af5ddb75/1698841893061/CrimsonText-Italic.ttf); } // Italic text everywhere html * em { font-family: 'CrimsonTextItalic' !important; font-style: normal !important; } // Italic text in navigation .header-nav-item a { font-family: 'CrimsonTextItalic' !important; font-style: normal !important; } // My own bold font semi-bold 600 @font-face { font-family: CrimsonTextSemiBold; src: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/64bbec1009a61f1b8dfb39e9/t/6549f8b37dff30592cef97cd/1699346611417/CrimsonText-SemiBold.ttf); } // Bold text everywhere html * b, strong { font-family: 'CrimsonTextSemiBold' !important; font-style: normal !important; font-weight: 600 !important; } // My own bold italic font semi-bold 600 @font-face { font-family: CrimsonTextSemiBoldItalic; src: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/64bbec1009a61f1b8dfb39e9/t/654deaae3fb4394cc9158bbc/1699605166469/CrimsonText-SemiBoldItalic.ttf); } // Bold italic text everywhere html * b em, strong em { font-family: 'CrimsonTextSemiBoldItalic' !important; // bold and italics font file name here font-style: normal !important; } // Change bold font weight b, strong { font-weight: 600 !important; } Many thanks!
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