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Everything posted by melody495

  1. Agree, the load speed is not the fastest. Try adding the first frame of your video as the fallback image. You can check my hero section for my website to see how it looks.
  2. Hi @SetinStoneMasonry I'm not aware of anything around SEO has been removed, can you please share a screenshot of your page setting? Here is for one of my blog post as an example. You can review site wide page SEO title settings here. Marketing -> cog wheel -> SEO Appearance
  3. Hi @glassworks It sounds like you have a different domain for your new website. Does your new website have pretty much the same content as your old website? Is there a reason why you are keeping your old website live? There could be different things at play here: 1) Does Google know about your new website? It can take time for Google to index new website, but you can check that. If Google doesn't know about it, you can help speed things up by telling Google about your new site via Google Search Console. 2) If your new website is in Google's index, but your new website is not showing up on Google search. This could mean your new website is simply not ranking high enough for it to be visible, e.g. not on the first page or ranking lower than your old website. Unless you have done work to optimise your new website, it is likely that your old website will rank higher given that it has been around for longer amongst other things. For more information, I have an article that details the above steps you can do when Squarespace website not appearing in Google search. Hope this helps.
  4. Hi, Custom Code location has moved. You can find it under Website -> Website Tools (Scroll down) -> Custom CSS.
  5. Hi @medleythink the horizontal scroll bar in your first screenshot suggests that something is too big and is preventing the page from scaling down to the said screen size. Are there any code blocks? Or any custom code that is setting the size of something?
  6. Hi @IhabKhiri, have you tried editing the layout in mobile view? Squarespace's article on Device view
  7. Hi, how long has it been since you changed your SEO title in Squarespace? It can take time for the changes to propagate through to Google results. You can help speed it up by requesting index on the specific page. You will need to set the SEO title per page. Click on the cog wheel next to the page, click SEO, and you'll see something similar to your above screenshot. You will need to change it for each page that you want to have a certain title to appear on Google search. Again, it will take time for the changes to propagate as above. See more in Squarespace's article Editing page titles.
  8. @twum @al1 What are you trying change? What section type is it? The screenshot shared by @twum looks to be maybe a Testimonial section? Some sections type have less options than the regular section. Depending on what you want to change, there may or may not be an option somewhere else.
  9. Hi @6adawy, welcome to Squarespace! Squarespace has many built-in features and very easy to use, but if you want to add some advance customisations, you can do so via a few methods. CSS: This is where you can add CSS code. This allows you to alter the styling of any elements of your website. E.g. add a border to an image block. Code Injection: You can add site wide or per page code injection. As well as CSS code, you can add code such as JavaScript to make changes that CSS code can't do. E.g. Code Block: This is a block where you can add on a page via the Add Block button. This allows you to add an element to your page that can't be done via the built-in features. E.g. add a Table. Embed code: This is a block that allows you to embed things such as a third party plugin. E.g. mailerlite. ----------- With your codepen, a rough guide, you would want to use the html code in a code block, the JavaScript in Code Injection, and the CSS in either the code block or in the CSS editor. As a rule of thumb, CSS code is safe, anything else can break your site unexpectedly if there are errors or used improperly. As your codepen code uses CSS, html and JavaScript, I suggest getting yourself familiar with concepts of Custom code. Here is the Squarespace article on Adding custom code to your site. This carries a warning and also tells you which pricing plan you would need to use each of the custom code feature.
  10. Hi, do you mean the title for the list section? If so, you can change it in Site Styles -> Fonts -> Assign Styles -> List Section.
  11. Hi, the Search Keyword tab you are seeing is data from Google Search Console. If you scroll down on your Google Search Console, to the list of keywords, I suspect you will see that there are zero clicks from that list. Even though your graph is showing 3 clicks, it doesn't mean that all clicks come from your search keywords. If that is the case, then in Squarespace graph, there is no data to show. Because none of the 3 clicks come from a search keywords. I would wait for more data, and when you are seeing clicks against the list of search keywords from Google Search Console, then check that they are showing on Squarespace. Hope this helps.
  12. Hi @jallory you need to figure out which CSS is causing the problem first. You can trouble shoot by removing all CSS from your Custom CSS (save it somewhere for backup), and add them back bit by bit, until you find the problematic CSS code. Once you find that, fix it, then that might/should resolve your member site login menu item issue!
  13. Hi, you mean this text in the screenshot? The code you are using is targeting h1. The text in your hero section is h2.
  14. Hi @nataliels which page are you seeing this issue? I found this on your homepage and it looks centered?
  15. You can check by removing your code block, create a new one with the default "hello world". If that is behaving as you expect, then there is something in your code block that's causing the issue.
  16. Hi @BlakeDC20 which block are you using? If it's an image block, click on edit, you'll see "image alt text " See more from SquareSpace here Adding alt text to images
  17. Where did you get your code from? As Ziggy already pointed out 1 error in your code, I would suggest asking the author or any developer to check that the code is fully functioning as expected before investigating further.
  18. Hi @NinaTailles I like the layout of your homepage, simple and sleek. I have noticed as I scroll down the page, the content appear slowly. Have you tried setting the animation to the next setting up? In your publications section on your homepage, the links don't seem to work. Instead of linking to the full address like this https://pug-orb-f2ba.squarespace.com/work/tag/The+Washington+Post, you should link with "/work/tag/The+Washington+Post" as an example.
  19. Hi @Samdidam what is it showing vs what do you expect to see? As far as I can tell, it is doing what you've asked it to do, i.e. you've asked SEO to show your site title %s
  20. You are right. You can check the CSS selector from the Inspect tool. Here is what I see for your contact form. You have selectors for .form-wrapper and .field-list, then you need to target relevant ones to apply your CSS styling to. I have highlighted the ones that you seem to want to target.
  21. The CSS seems to be missing from the stylesheet. Try adding this in your Custom CSS, change the hex to the colour you need. Save and refresh. blockquote { border-left: 5px solid #B564F7; padding: 1px 10px 1px 20px; } @fufu15 If this doesn't help, then the issue is likely different and specific to your site, you'll need to share url.
  22. Hi @ggimishev 1st thing I notice is that your font-family names are not the same. In @font-face where you have loaded your font file, you called it TabletGothic. In the following CSS, you called it TradeGothic. Try aligning those and see if it helps. I have a guide on Top 5 reasons why custom font is not working in SquareSpace. Not matching font-family is #1. If that doesn't work, try working through the rest of the guide to see if it helps. Let me know how it goes.
  23. Hi @MJB1923 Did you try "saved section" as suggested by @creedon? If not, you can try just copy and pasting the form block. I can do this with CTRL+C, CTRL+V.
  24. Hi @Devinaaa, what do you mean by "does not work with older devices"? Do you mean your specific font? From where did you learn that?
  25. Click on the third icon from the left. The one that's a solid square in front of a dotted square. If you hover on that, it should say something like "bring forward". Likewise, the 4th one is "send backwards".
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