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Everything posted by melody495

  1. Hi @LBC20 you can either change the letter spacing in Squarespace or with CSS. For CSS, if you can share the code that you've tried, we can see if we spot any errors. Otherwise, you can try doing this with built-in Squarespace functionality. Site Styles -> Fonts -> Headings -> Letter Spacing. You can change that for all font types here. Let me know how it goes.
  2. Hi @millersota you can set a site-wide social sharing image, and you can additionally set one for each page. Site-wide social sharing image: Settings -> Under the tab Website -> Social Sharing Logo You can find more in Squarespace's doc on Adding Social Sharing Image Let me know how it goes.
  3. Hi @rebecca57 please can you share your website URL so the community can help identify the issue? Without a website URL, I would probably guess that your last line is a new line on its own, therefore the larger gap. If you want to manually break the sentence up at the words "healing" and "and", then you should do SHIFT + Enter. Or remove the line break entirely. Hope this helps.
  4. Hi @aym38 can you share the url to a blog post that you are having issue being indexed by Google? and can you share the error message you see in Google Search Console for that particular URL? Can you please translate it to English before sharing the screenshot so it'd be easier for the community to help? Thanks
  5. Which specific setting are you trying to locate? They are all there, but they have been moved around! Maybe the Squarespace article on Building a site header would help.
  6. For Add Elements, you should find it after clicking "Edit Site Header", do you see something like the screenshot below?
  7. @sandbekk65 yes you can! Those are called pagination. Click on Site Styles (brush icon at the top right corner) -> Fonts -> Assign Styles -> find “Blog Post” -> pagination -> change size You can see more details and screenshots on my blog post How to change blog pagination font size Hope this helps!
  8. All good, glad it's working now! Squarespace form does support auto-fill. But if you start making your own fields, e.g. using a text field as Name, then that might need checking.
  9. I checked this link on my chrome browser on both my desktop and my android device, and the auto-fill came up for every field (except State, because I am not based in the US). This sounds like an issue local to your browsers/devices. On a quick googling, here are some suggestions to the issue you are seeing: check your chrome Sync Settings (that auto-fill is enabled) clear browser cache check if there are extensions that might be interfering Hope this helps.
  10. Hi @theguy can you share a link to the page you are seeing this issue? And which fields are you expecting to have auto-fill but not working?
  11. @tucecoop That sounds annoying! Have you been able to identify the line(s) of code that is causing the issue? If you post that here, then the community can try and help. If you haven't narrowed it down, the best way is to remove all (save them somewhere!), then paste bits back in at a time to see which code is causing the issue. Is this code in Custom CSS or Code Block or Code Injection?
  12. @emilie_one you can try this. Edit: see Paul's answer below, it's even neater. Rather than targeting the button directly, you can select a specific list item. This selects the list item element based on the order they are in, then selects the respective button. This selects the 1st list item. .user-items-list-item-container[data-section-id="6589bcfe73da041088f119c1"] .list-item:nth-child(1) { .list-item-content__button { pointer-events: none; } } To select multiple buttons, you add to it like this. This selects the 1st and 3rd list item. .user-items-list-item-container[data-section-id="6589bcfe73da041088f119c1"] .list-item:nth-child(1), .list-item:nth-child(3) { .list-item-content__button { pointer-events: none; } }
  13. They don't go to the home page, but they do open up a new window with the same page. Weird, as I can't reproduce that on my test site! This seems to be a platform issue, so I would suggest contacting Squarespace support . You could potentially address it with custom code, but the buttons don't have a unique ID, so you can't target your code for just one button.
  14. @AlanaThePhotographer you're very welcome! glad it's all working. Please do mark this as solved so it's easier for others to find the answer in the future. Thanks!
  15. Unfortunately without seeing the issue, I don't know where to look! If you don't want to modify your homepage as-is, you can duplicate the page, and add back in the button to demonstrate the issue you are describing. Then myself, or others from the community can try and help you.
  16. Hi @emilie_one if a button is not linked, it shouldn't do anything. Please share your website url, and the page that you are referring to, and we can take a look.
  17. @elikai Looks like the issue is caused by the blog pagination being too big to fit. You can reduce the font size of the pagination, this should fix the issue. Let me know how it goes Reducing the font size will also fix the pagination overlapping issue in other blog posts.
  18. Hi @johntp to hide draft portfolio pages, you may find this forum post useful:
  19. Hi @AlanaThePhotographer in your link editor, can you click on Edit and check that the "open in new tab" is off?
  20. Hi @Bel_SquareSpace, please can you share your website URL? Can't be sure of the exact solution without a URL, but if that is an Image Block, you can check the setting to make sure it is set to "Fit" rather than "Fill". "Fit" will make sure the whole image is scaled to fit within the container.
  21. Hi @catemiz 1) Not sure if this is the full code you've declared, but you have only applied the custom font to h1. So need to do the same for h2, h3, h4. 2) The font-family needs to be the same as when you load your font file for it to be recognised. Change your code to the below h1, h2, h3, h4 {font-family: 'ArticulatCF';} Let me know how it goes.
  22. I see why it could be misleading! If you look at the <a> tag, which is where your text is, that text is using H3. (see the red circle in the screen shot on the far right). You can test this by changing the font style in Site Styles between H1 or miscellaneous and H3 to see the changes being applied.
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