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Everything posted by melody495

  1. Copy all your code from Custom CSS panel, paste into word (edit: notepad) or something, save that so you can access it again. Then remove all your code from Custom CSS panel, click Save, and refresh the page. Check to see if this resolves your issues. If yes, then your code is causing the issues.
  2. Sounds like you have two sites. One is live, one is the one you are building. Set a password to the one you are building with the instructions from paul. Do you only have 1 section on that page? If so, you can add page-section to your code. Try and let me know how it goes. #collection-6579abe8eb3505138ea56434 .page-section { height: 100vh !important; }
  3. You need the one that's called section ID from the ID Finder Or please see @paul2009 's post above for how to share your website url.
  4. Try this... section[data-section-id="64cd1116e6a9b4051d51a9f3"] { height: 100vh; }
  5. Hi @LeauxFi SquareSpace is continuous making improvements to their platform, this can include changing the reference names to blocks. If you use out-of-the-box SquareSpace functionality, this shouldn't affect things as much (if at all). But if you have Custom CSS or other custom code, you will need to maintain it to keep them working. SquareSpace do not offer support for custom code, so you need to manage them yourself if you choose to use them. SquareSpace does not announce or keep a list of changes for the public. However if you google it, I think a few people might offer a comprehensive up-to-date list. To help you in the right direction, the name you want to search for is "SquareSpace CSS selectors". These are the reference names that you can select and apply styling to in your Custom CSS panel. Here is a very useful introductory video by Inside The Square on CSS for beginners, you should check it out! For your problems: If you can go through and comment on the code (or list out), what it's meant to do vs what is broken and provide the where they are on your website, it will be easier for the community to help you. Screenshots are great. Or it's a lot to go through!
  6. I think it's a possibly a SquareSpace issue. Can you check with them and come back to let us know what they say, and we can see if there is a workaround. See what @paul2009 said above 👍
  7. Hi, you have a rogue double quote at the end of your blockid. This line should be #blockid=97f5e9d103fbab98a3eb_shim { Also, might want to double check your the block id that you are targeting. I think it should be #blockid=97f5e9d103fbab98a3eb. But do check, or please share your site url so we can check.
  8. Hi, can you contact SquareSpace Custom Support and let us know what they say?
  9. Please share your website url and where the problem is. As each problem can have a different cause.
  10. Text underline is normally set by "text-decoration", but it looks like you have code in Custom CSS that sets and changes the colour of h1 a elements' "border-bottom". Which in effect creates a line underneath your text, across your website for h1 a tags. We can override your custom code, targeting just your events page. Try add this to your Custom CSS. Website -> Website Tools (under Not Linked) -> Custom CSS. Copy and paste, save and refresh. This will remove all "underline" the h1 a tags on your events page. /* Events page - remove title text underline */ #collection-6578a07a2f4af07810da7752 { .eventlist-title .eventlist-title-link a { border-bottom-color: transparent; } } Let me know how it goes.
  11. Unless I have not understood what you want to achieve, you can do this within SquareSpace without any custom code. For Reveal: Top right corner -> click Site Styles (paint brush icon) -> Animations -> Choose a Style. e.g. Fade means blocks will fade in as you scroll. Try them out to see which one you like best.
  12. Ah ok, the forum is a peer-to-peer platform to help each other out and not monitored by SquareSpace, but there are often users (like myself) able to help. Let's see. For Fill Screen, try this in your Custom Code. Website -> Website Tools (under Not Linked) -> Custom CSS. Copy and paste into their, click save, refresh the page. section[data-section-id="64cd1116e6a9b4051d51a9f3"] .page-section { height: 100vh; } Let me know how it goes.
  13. Hi @AirleaEvary could you please share a screenshot of the issue? As I can't seem to reproduce this. On my screen the line stays beneath the text at all sizes. You don't want the underline at all on the event page?
  14. Hi @carlosgandolfo I normally use code injection to do something like this, which requires business plan. But if you've managed to achieve what you need with a button and css, you can do the same using an image block instead? You can then put a link for the image.
  15. Hi @Tdot4k To fill the screen: setting the section to Fill Screen, Large should work. To "reveal": are you referring to the navigation bar?
  16. Hi @thecreativefeel did you try the suggestion in my first response ? If not, what would you like to change? Your text is too long to fit in the same line for that screen size, so you could either shorten the wording, stack them or reduce text size.
  17. Hi @WhoAJ where do you want the text to appear in relation to the images/section? Assuming aligned center vertically, you can drag the text block to be the same height as the images, then set the text block align to be vertical center. This should mean the text will be centered on the images regardless of screen size. Let me know how it goes. Edit: remove the code for now as you shouldn't need it
  18. Not sure what you mean by that. As well as making edits for the desktop view, you will have to check the mobile view and adjust as necessary. You have full control to design both views. The text sizes and content etc are as you have created them to be. You are the designer, SquareSpace is a platform that gives you certain controls to design your website. You can read more from SquareSpace here Editing your site with fluid engine Hope this helps.
  19. Hi @thecreativefeel There is simply not enough room for the text to appear on the same line. There are a couple of things you could do; in mobile edit mode, 1) reduce text size and/or 2) increase text block size. Let me know how it goes.
  20. Excellent! Glad it's working for you 🙂
  21. 😬 I've read they're not actively working on the FE grid issue, but hopefully they misunderstood your problem to justify that response ... But I also appreciate they can't fix everything, so naturally they will deprioritise issues that affect less people. Anyway, glad we got somewhere 😁
  22. Hi @harlowbogie actually, you can change the vertical alignment of the top text box to "bottom align". Then you don't have to manipulate it with code. You can likewise change the bottom text box to top align. Try and let me know if that does what you want.
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