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Everything posted by paul2009

  1. This is by design. Background videos play on a loop and don't have sound. For more information, see Adding background videos. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  2. This is correct and cannot be changed. When purchasing a gift card, customers are sent directly to the checkout because gift cards must be purchased separately - not with other products. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  3. I was going to ask for a link to one of the products, but if they are not available for purchase, forum users won't be able to take a look and so won't be able to help. In the circumstances, I recommend that you remove any custom code that has been added to the site (and save it somewhere safe!) and then test again. If the issue persists (or if you don't have any custom code) please contact Squarespace Customer Care directly for assistance. We'd love to know what you discover.
  4. Hello! Here is the link: https://johnaskewhomes.squarespace.com/test-home-blog This thread is about using the third party plugin called Universal Filter. Your post above suggested that you are already using this. This advanced filtering isn't a built-in feature so, if you need the same feature on a website we are building, you'll need to consider purchasing the add-on 🙂.
  5. If you are using one of the supported languages then I recommend that you report this to Squarespace Customer Care using a support ticket as Squarespace doesn’t use this forum to track feature requests or bug reports.
  6. You should be able to add videos that are up to 30 minutes each. If you have sufficient free storage and you're still experiencing difficulties, I recommend that you record your next attempt to upload a video (Loom is free and is great for this) and send Customer Care the video to demonstrate that you have a genuine issue. Hopefully this helps them to escalate it 🙂 Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  7. If you're planning to offer a service, I recommend testing your proposal on a trial site first. 1. The built-in search feature is unreliable (acknowledged by Squarespace). 2. I recommend Universal Filter.
  8. Are you on the Advanced Commerce plan, as explained above? Subscription products can only be added when you're on this billing plan. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  9. Yes. As I mentioned above, you must filter by the specific product at the start of the export process. Select All products to download orders for all products. Select Specific Product and search for a product to download orders that include specific products. Check Include product form data to include custom product form submissions in the .csv. Click Download to export.
  10. The message should be there too! However, as this screencast shows, it does take a few clicks to find it! Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  11. As things stand today, this is correct. Content does not overlap. See item 12 on my list of current Member Area limitations. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  12. This is a feature of the Five template on the older version of Squarespace (version 7.0). Here's a thread discussing this: Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  13. If you received it by email but deleted it recently, it may be easiest to check your deleted items folder in your email service. If the email address field on your form is a required field and you received the form submission after 21 July 2023 then you may be able to view the submission from your website's Profiles option. You can find form submissions by first selecting the profile of the person who submitted the form, in the Form Submitters list in Profiles. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  14. The issue here is that you are using two Product Blocks and don't want users to be able to click the thumbanil or the title in the Product Block to reach the underlying Product Detail Page. The no-code solution is to edit the Product Blocks individually and, on the Design tab, remove the thumbnail and title by unchecking them. You can then add an Image Block and a Text Block above the Product Block to display this information. Alternatively, the code solution is to add the following to the Custom CSS panel to disable clicking/tapping on the product block image and title: .product-block .image-container a, .product-block .product-title { pointer-events: none; } Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  15. I assume that you are referring to Custom Product Forms (not Checkout Forms). You can include the information from a Custom Product Form when exporting orders to a CSV file if you choose a specific product during the export process. If you choose all products, the form data is not exported. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  16. I can see why this is confusing. Unfortunately, you cannot use Square for online payments on Squarespace Commerce - in any country. Although Square is a popular payment provider in many countries, it is not supported by Squarespace Commerce, except for point of sale transactions, and only in the US.
  17. Please check the Domains panel within the Squarespace website and ensure the custom domain is set as the ‘primary’.
  18. The text you've posted isn't valid CSS. It won't work unless you remove the "a". If you want to override the size of desktop nav items, you'd typically use something like this: .header-nav-item a { font-size: 16px; } To override mobile nav items, you can use something like this: .header-menu-nav-item a { font-size: 6vmin; } If these don't work for you, please provide us with a working link to your website, and ideally some screenshots of what you are seeing. It's impossible for us to troubleshoot an issue on your site unless we can access the site and check the code.
  19. Please see the answer I provided above. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  20. The domain mattbairdsounddesign.com isn't currently connected to a website. This will need to be connected to the website first.
  21. You won't need a redirect if the URL structure is the same on both sites. ( The redirect quoted above won't do anything anyway 🙂). For example, if the About page has the URL slug /about, and the Contact page is /contact, and so on) then you won't need a redirect. Pages with the same URL will simply load using the new domain.
  22. Let me try to explain. When you purchase a domain, the domain name is all you get. You can use this domain name for a website or for email, but the domain name doesn't include these services. They are addons that you need to purchase. If you want to use your custom domain name for email, you'll need to purchase an email subscription service. The domain doesn't come with the email "service". If you have purchased a domain from Squarespace, you can use it with a paid email service of your choice, but you will need to buy that email service too. Squarespace recommend Google Workspace for email, but it's entirely up to you! You could also use any other service, including: Fastmail Microsoft 365 Apple iCloud+ Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  23. You can only redirect the old domain if you still have control of it. If you have control (or can regain control) you can add the old domain to your new site (as a secondary domain) and then set up redirects from there. However, if you don't have control of the old domain, you must patiently wait a few weeks until Google update their records. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  24. The Quantity input on Product Detail Pages can be modified with the following JavaScript. You'll need to add this to the Code Injection Footer panel. <!-- Change all quantity inputs to allow only multiples of 5 --------------------------------> <!-- Copyright Soundfocus Digital [sf.digital] ----------------------------------------------> <!-- Use freely in your code injection. Do NOT re-publish.-----------------------------------> <script> document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { const sfsfQuantityInputDiv = document.querySelector('.product-quantity-input'); if (sfsfQuantityInputDiv) { const sfQuantityInput = sfsfQuantityInputDiv.querySelector('input[type="number"]'); if (sfQuantityInput && sfQuantityInput.step === '1') { // Set the default value to 5 sfQuantityInput.value = '5'; // Change the step to 5 sfQuantityInput.step = '5'; // Set the min to 5 and the max to 300 sfQuantityInput.min = '5'; sfQuantityInput.max = '300'; } } }); </script> Bear in mind that the cart can't hold more than 500 items, so if a user adds 300 of one item, there's only a remaining capacity of 200 items. Note: Like all the code posted on this forum, this is a simplified example, provided without warranty. For a supported solution from a professional developer, I recommend booking a Squarespace Expert. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
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