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Everything posted by Ziggy

  1. Weglot is probably your best option without using coding. I have done it with code, but it takes quite some setup work, and then takes some careful management.
  2. If you add the homepage to the navigation as the first item, then add this to your Custom CSS it should only display on desktop: @media only screen and (min-width:768px) { .main-nav ul li:nth-child(1) { display: none; } } Hope that helps!
  3. You might be able to add it as a code block underneath any other content, have you tried adding it to your website?
  4. Hi @Panos_vsl, that's pretty easy to achieve with a code snippet, add this to your Custom CSS: .header-title-nav-wrapper { align-items: flex-end; } Hope that works!
  5. You'll need to set the grid to how you want them layed out, and then change the images to fit within the container rather than fill it, that part can be done with CSS, but you'll need to change the layout and provide your website URL so some CSS can be written correctly for your website.
  6. hi @MayaViolet, check out this plugin, it should allow you to change the order in a summary block: https://www.squarewebsites.org/squarespace-plugins/lazy-summaries
  7. Hi @Cloovercam, it looks like you have a fixed button at the bottom of the screen, was this done with code? I suspect from the screenshots that is what is causing the margin. Can you share your website URL? and any code you've used?
  8. Hi @mackenzieu what happens to the search page if you remove whatever Custom CSS you have on the website? I would guess that you've got some CSS that targets too broadly and is therefore affecting the Search page. Either that or you have something set to white in the Style Menu for the default colour theme. Let me know if you find anything!
  9. Three columns on mobile will undoubtedly make the titles overlap and become completely unreadable, there's a reason that you want to reduce the number of columns on mobile.
  10. Can you share your website URL? Can you share the code that you're trying to add? What content are you wanting to put here? Is this a Google Translate widget?
  11. Not directly, but you can add text links to the description and then style them with CSS to look and act like a button, but since they're text can break to a new line so generally best to keep the links to one word!
  12. Can you share your website URL? Mobile doesn't have a hover state, you can either tap or not, so if you have a link you'll only briefly see the hover when you tap and click-through to the link. It's best not to rely on important content to only show on hover, especially on mobile.
  13. Hi @organic_emma hope this helps! Add to your Custom CSS: .user-items-list-carousel .list-item { border-radius:20px; } .user-items-list-carousel .list-item[data-is-card-enabled="true"] .list-item-content__description { text-align:left; } [data-is-media-enabled="true"] .user-items-list-carousel__media-inner[data-media-aspect-ratio="circle"] { border: 4px solid rgb(178,5,61); } If you want this to apply just to that section, I can add a section target for you.
  14. Have you set the mobile header layout in the header settings to have the menu hamburger on the right?
  15. I'm not sure why that's happening, have you got any CSS that might be affecting the spacing?
  16. I think what this is is down to the underlying grid (press G on your keyboard to show). All of the blocks have to take up a whole number of rows, so that example in the screenshot will exceed 2 rows and hence the block will take up three rows and have padding at the bottom. What you can do to center everything vertically is to set the block to center vertically aligned rather than top, and then reduce your section padding. Hope that helps!
  17. Hi @MathieuHernandez, this should get you started, add to your Custom CSS: .sqs-add-to-cart-button-wrapper { display:none; } Do you have any individual product blocks on your website? i.e. not on the products page?
  18. Hi @MathieuHernandez, this is very achievable with CSS to hide the add to cart buttons. Can you share your website URL so that the correct CSS can be provided?
  19. No problem, can you mark it as the solution to this thread and upvote? Thanks!
  20. This should work for all of the nav items on mobile: .mobile-primary-nav-links { font-family: 'SuisseIntl-Bold' !important; }
  21. This is affect the color of just the sub nav items in the dropdowns: .subnav a { color:dimgrey !important; }
  22. Try one of these instead: .product-mark .sold-out { background: #9f1d1d !important; color:#fff !important; } .product-mark { background: #9f1d1d !important; color:#fff !important; }
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