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Everything posted by tuanphan

  1. With Logo, you can use custom CSS or jQuery/JavaScript to change logo With Navigation, you can put all items to Main Navigation, then use CSS to hide homepage items on Blog page/post, and hide blog items on Homepage If you can share link to homepage and blog page/post, we can take a look.
  2. I don't see product page. Can you share link to variant dropdowns?
  3. Yes, Custom code. But difficult to help without site url.
  4. Add to Home > Design > Custom CSS @media screen and (max-width:640px) { .homepage article section:first-child img { object-position: 90% 10% !important; } .homepage article section:first-child { padding-top: 0 !important; } }
  5. add to Home > Design > Custom CSS .collection-type-blog article h1.entry-title { text-align: center; }
  6. The easiest way is insert 2 images. Then use code to hide Mobile Image on Desktop, hide Desktop Image on Mobile. You can do that, then share url again. Members on forum will help you.
  7. Add this code to Home > Design > Custom CSS @media screen and (max-width:900px) and (min-width:641px) { /* Our mission width */ div#block-yui_3_17_2_1_1576300694759_14723+.row>.span-3:nth-child(1) { width: 15%; } div#block-yui_3_17_2_1_1576300694759_14723+.row>.span-3:nth-child(2) { width: 50%; } div#block-yui_3_17_2_1_1576300694759_14723+.row>.span-6:nth-child(3) { display: none; } /* 3 columns text size */ div#page-5e09b87a31a7876caf7405f9 h3 { font-size: 18px; } }
  8. insert this code .tag-poa .product-price:before { content: 'POA'; } .tag-poa .product-price .sqs-money-native { display: none; } .tag-poa .ProductItem-summary .ProductItem-details { .sqs-add-to-cart-button-wrapper, .product-quantity-input { display: none; } } a.category-filter-link.category-filter-link-all { display: none; }
  9. Line 9.5 was missing so Line 9 - Line 12 didn't work. If you changed } to , Line 9 - Line 12 will work. and there is another problem, you should check what Line 9 - Line 12 is doing on the website.
  10. Can you share all code in Custom CSS Box? I think other code is missing.
  11. Add to Home > Design > Custom CSS a.category-filter-link.category-filter-link-all { display: none; }
  12. add to Page Settings > Advanced > Header <style> .item-pagination {display: none !important;} </style>
  13. try this .folder .subnav li { background: red !important; }
  14. Add to Home > Design > Custom CSS .folder .subnav { background: transparent !important; }
  15. You mean button font? Which size, color, font style..?
  16. Try adding to Page Header <script> $(".scrollNav img").attr("src", "https://beaverhero.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/trees-3464777_640-min.jpg") </script>
  17. @formedfromlight You can add this code to Home > Design > Custom CSS to solve html, body { overflow-x: hidden; }
  18. Try limit text with to split text to 2 lines. @jbelsky Have you solved yet?
  19. You can use CSS, if you do't know CSS, you can share link to your site, we can take a look.
  20. Add to Home > Design > Custom CSS .comment-count span { font-size: 30px !important; }
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