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Everything posted by jmerrill

  1. Anyone found a solution to this? Facebook comments looks fine on desktop but tablet and mobile have a bunch of white space on the right. URL: https://artdomain.co/articles/the-curious-case-of-gustav-klimts-enigmatic-portrait-of-a-lady This is the code I added to the Post Blog Item Code Injection space: <div class="fb-comments" data-href="https://artdomain.co/blog{website.baseUrl}{permalink}" data-width="100%" data-numposts="5"></div>
  2. I have the following page with a simple quiz on it—there will be many of these types of pages. I would like to know if there is a way clicking on buttons A, B and C reveals the section below it; while clicking on button D reveals the bottom section. Note: Once any button is clicked, the ability to click any other button is disabled.
  3. @paul2009 I have a Contributor who is making blog entries for me. The blog entries are relatively simple (a title, image, very short excerpt, tag and category - no body text) but, there are now tens of thousands of them in total. As of last week she has been experiencing slow performance in adding blog entries now. However, when I go in and add blog entries, I don't have any issues. Any suggestions?
  4. Not sure where else to post this so... I get an endless page load loop whenever I try to create a pricing plan. This isn't an isolated instance - happens every time. Anyone else having this issue? artdomain.co Screen Recording 2024-03-15 at 12.04.11 AM.mov
  5. Solved by @creedon with following code: .ProductItem-details .ProductItem-details-excerpt a span { color : var( --siteBackgroundColor ) !important; }
  6. I'm using some code from this thread to have a product page buy button redirect to Amazon. Everything is working fine and I've figured out all of the CSS styling for the button - EXCEPT how to change the button text color to white. Feel dumb posting this one but can't figure it out. Any pointers? URL: artdomain.co
  7. @creedon I'm using some of the code in this thread to have my buttons redirect to Amazon. I have all of the CSS set up the way I want to match my website buttons - except for the button text color which I'm trying to change to white. Simple as it seems, I haven't figured out how to change the text color. Any suggestions? URL: artdomain.co
  8. @tuanphan Thanks - this works great on desktop. How do I change the left/right padding on mobile?
  9. @paul2009 Thanks for this solution - I want to use it for a product I'm going to sell on Amazon but, how do I find the data item ID of the product item on my shop page? This bit below: .ProductItem[data-item-id="64de28e1c47649745ed0bd3c"]
  10. I'm looking at selling books on my site through some print-on-demand service. Lulu is the current service I'm looking at but based on research so far it looks like there's no direct integration between Lulu and SS. However, I did come across a service called Onlizer and wondered if anyone has tried this or knows anything about them and if it works.
  11. @nick_sh Amazing - better than what I wanted. Thank you!!!
  12. I have a List Summary Block with the title and excerpt displaying (see screenshot below). The excerpt is the numbered item. Is there a way to reposition the excerpt so it displays to the left of the title? If not, is there some other way to achieve this look, all within a List Summary Block? URL: https://artdomain.co/
  13. I've included a 1px border on the site header section but would like to remove it just for the homepage. URL: https://artdomain.co/
  14. @Ziggy Brilliant - works perfectly now. Thank you!
  15. I am using the following code to apply a border radius to all "wall" summary blocks: // Wall Summary Blocks - Global // .sqs-gallery-design-autocolumns .summary-thumbnail { border-radius: 8px !important; } However, this isn't working. Can anyone let me know how to resolve. Thanks URL: https://upliftingme.co/edward-hopper
  16. @tuanphan perfect! don't mind the manual. Thanks!
  17. Thank you @tuanphan works perfect - and you helped me discover a typo 🙂
  18. @tuanphan Yes, that's what I meant by "subpages". When a visitor clicks on any item on the Movements page, and is taken to that "subpage", I would like for the Movements nav item to still be in an active state. Similarly, I'd like the same to happen for "Artists", "Articles" and "Quizzes" nav items.
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