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Everything posted by Earvin

  1. You can also reach to the plugin's support team if you need help with their product. In this case, you can reach out to them either via email or Slack.
  2. Best try reach out to them support. You may contact them via email or Slack.
  3. Adding a resource in this thread, a lot of requests have been raised to the Squarespace team for adding a table block but for now here's a simple copy and paste way to create tables in Squarespace 7.0 and 7.1.
  4. Hi Alex, You'll need javascript or php coding that uses the user's browser's cookie or history to save the options they selected. In other words, you need a proper coder to build that function for you. Maybe try @creedon or @tuanphan for help.
  5. Hi Bill, Were you able to solve this? Table block plugin's styling options are limited from the UI window. However, it's customizable if you apply CSS on it. You can adjust any part of the table you want with CSS.
  6. The closest solution available is to import your product variants using a CSV file because at least you can copy/paste prices for 216 variants in matter of seconds versus adding them one by one.
  7. Just dropping this here for reference, you can combine this table plugin with the Universal Filter plugin to create a filterable and searchable table.
  8. Yep, either use a Code block or Markdown block.
  9. Hi, Were you able to solve this? I have a similar experience in 7.1 when using sections. Extra spaces appear that I can't get rid of by resizing the blocks. In my case, 2 things worked: 1. Changing the size of the section's padding in the section's settings, or 2. Re-adding the section by using the Classic Editor option .
  10. Hi Katie, You can hide it with CSS. Try inserting this CSS code in the Page Header Code Injection. <style> /*Hide Free Resources*/ .products.collection-content-wrapper .nested-category-breadcrumb-list-item:nth-child(2){ display: none !important; } </style> Warning: This CSS code is using nth-child(2) which since 'Free Resources' is the 2nd option in the category list so if you're adding more categories in the future, make sure to update nth-child(2) to the new order of 'Free Resources' in the category list example: nth-child(4).
  11. That's right. noScrollToResults: true is already a negation which removes scrolling so to do the opposite you have to double negate and set it to false.
  12. Have you tried using More Filters?And then changing Max spent amount to 0 to filter out names whose total purchase is 0 (or no purchase at all).
  13. Have you tried adding a Tag Cloud or Archive block?
  14. You can also reach out to their support team via email or Slack for assistance.
  15. The Universal Filter plugin has a cache time of 10 minutes which may explain the delay when adding new categories/tags to shop products. But after a few minutes, the filter should update it's data with the new products you added to existing categories/tags or the categories/tags you added to existing products. If it goes on more than 10 minutes and you still don't see the product, category or tag you added on the filter, you should reach out to their support team via email or Slack for help.
  16. You can also try contacting them via Slack or email.
  17. Hi @diana204 , Unfortunately, there's no default setting to add different layouts for the filter and sorter (i.e. add the filter as inline links while sorter is a dropdown). You'll have to use custom CSS coding to change the layout of the filter from dropdown to inline links.
  18. Hi WebShark, After you installed the Tag filter you want, add multipleLogic: 'and', after the multiple: true, code. That'll change the logic of multiple selection from OR to AND.
  19. Hi @MaxNZ, Did you reached out to the support team or joined the Slack channel for help?
  20. Hi Tonwa, Hopefully, you've already sorted this out. But just in case, have you checked out Universal Filter? It works on Events pages and Summary blocks.
  21. Hi Cornoddity, Were you able to solve this? You'll need some CSS coding to do the layout you described. But better start by changing the layout to dropdown first by changing view: 'buttons-pill', to view: 'dropdowns', in your filter code. Its easier to start there than turning the buttons to dropdowns.
  22. I agree with @JayVanDyke, the extra space only happens when using the fluid engine (the grid layout system) and that can be reduced by removing/decreasing the grid rows near the bottom of the section but you still have the default padding of the section to deal with. You can adjust the padding or margin with CSS but the most convenient and non technical way to do it is what Jay suggested.
  23. Here's another variation of Tuan's code though the code he gave should work. hooks: { afterFilter: function (f){ if (f.requestComplete){ openBundleLinksInLightbox_(); pluginLightbox({"closeExisting":"true"}); } } },
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