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Everything posted by Ziggy

  1. Yes, that should improve the delivery, YouTube has quite a serious compression algorithm, and the delivery method via YouTube does generally improve the loading. What version of SQSP are you using?
  2. If you're a Circle member you can get trial websites for 6 months, and these can be extended. They can also be duplicated and this typically resets the trial. I don't know of a better way to keep custom templates. As a designer on Squarespace for many years, I haven't had much need myself to have my own templates, but I will sometimes duplicate a website I've created in the past to fulfil a similar need, though I generally like to start from scratch to build more unique designs. (Memberships are per website not per account)
  3. SEO is a tricky beast, depending on how you go about rebuilding it could have a positive impact on your site rankings, but how much and when it would have any impact on your rankings is difficult to say. Making sure that your current site has as much relevant text as it's possible to add as well as filling in every area available for SEO is great, but you may well have done that already. One of the best ways to increase traffic is to get your website listed and linked on other prominent websites, called back-links, these directly drive traffic, and lend your website/domain more authority the more you get, especially when you can have the link text be the words you're wanting to rank in Google search for.
  4. You're page has been "upgraded" to Fluid Engine. Did you click on the Upgrade button in the corner? Sadly there's no way to undo that step. It may also on your website now be the default for a new section, but you may be able to opt out if you are a Squarespace Circle member. When adding a new section you can also add a new blank section with "Classic Editor" to retain the editing system that you're used to. This may be a helpful resource: https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/6421525446541-Fluid-Engine-Squarespace-s-latest-content-editing-experience
  5. Try this there was a missing set of brackets, but the error was because the .product..... should have been on the same line as the @media query. @media screen and (max-width: 768px) { .products.collection-content-wrapper .nested-category-children { justify-content: center; } }
  6. Getting the caption to show on a lightbox is tricky, there are a number of threads on the forum looking for the answer, this is one of them: If you want to hide the gallery arrows you can use this, but it won't stop you using keyboard arrows: .gallery-lightbox-controls { display: none !important; } Hope this helps a little!
  7. Are you trying to change the text colour to white or add a white backgound colour?
  8. Hi @Lilihenry, can you share the website's Squarespace URL and site wide password if you have one? I'm not entirely sure I follow the problem, are you adding code to a Squarespace form, or is the form itself a complete embedded form from 17hats?
  9. Hi @kaydotjpg, try adding this to the Custom CSS on your website: @media screen and (max-width: 768px) .products.collection-content-wrapper .nested-category-children { justify-content: center; } Hope that helps!
  10. Since it appears to be working correctly at the moment, could you share here the Custom CSS that you've added to your website to add the font, just in case someone can spot an error that might be causing the instability? Thanks!
  11. You're correct about needing the business plan to access code injection that you would need to run a third party cookie service. Have you read this from Squarespace on GDPR: https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000851908?platform=v6&websiteId=5f42e9a25ddb5769afc1aedd
  12. No I don't believe it's possible to do that, what are you trying to achieve?
  13. Have you got AJAX loading enabled in the Design section of the dashboard? To enable or disable Ajax: In the Home menu, click Design, and then click Site styles. Search for the Enable Ajax loading tweak. Check or uncheck Enable Ajax loading.
  14. Great, yes, it looks like it's work to me as well. If you could mark my first response as the answer to your question that would be much appreciated.
  15. You need to put it in the Custom CSS, under the Design tab in the dashboard. This guide should help if you can't find where to place it. https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/206545567-Using-the-CSS-Editor#toc-add-css-code You also don't want to be placing this directly on the page.
  16. Hi @Orla try adding this to the Custom CSS of your website. It should force the image not to fill the container and crop. This will make the images smaller. .products.collection-content-wrapper .grid-item .grid-image-cover { object-fit: contain !important; } Please let me know if this has worked for you.
  17. Hi @BaileyConstas, if you create a section at the top of each script page, and add an audio block, then add this code to the page header code injection, it should stay at the top of the page as you scroll down. <style> .page-section:nth-child(1) > .content-wrapper { padding: 0px !important; min-height:5vh !important; overflow-x:hidden !important; } .page-section:nth-child(1) { position: sticky !important; position: -webkit-sticky !important; top: -2px; z-index: 9999; } </style> You could also achieve it with a sticky sidebar like this: https://www.will-myers.com/articles/create-sticky-sidebar-in-squarespace-classic-editor
  18. Hi @Mjhalo831, can you share the Squarespace website URL of the website that you're working on? (and sitewide password if it is not live). There are a number of ways that you can inject text into the header, reasonably successfully, and if you do that on the page header code injection, you can adjust it to different titles on each page.
  19. Hi @emilyks can you share the Squarespace website URL of the website that you're working on? (and sitewide password if it is not live) Thanks! You are correct about the top middle bottom sections on Brine family templates, and I'm not sure why it would not be an option for you.
  20. Hi Harry, you might want to try keeping your text in one block rather than splitting them up. That said you'll still get some variation in layout but adjusting the image to fill can improve the layout. It can also be a good idea to design and edit in an intermediate screen size, and the 24 column layout applies for screen resolutions between 750px and your maximum page width.
  21. Hi @Lumenarius, this is possible, here's a plugin that will achieve this for you: https://www.squarewebsites.org/squarespace-plugins/lazy-summaries Hope that helps!
  22. With CSS you can hide/show images on mobile/desktop, it's not too difficult to implement, but can make updating tricky in the future. What type of image are you trying to replace, is it in a image block or part of a gallery?
  23. It looks like you're having an issue with the columns narrowing on medium resolution screens. Since you're in Fluid Engine, I would suggest that you either make the buttons a little wider, spanning one more column each, or change them from Fill to Fit in the design tab and right-align the left button and left-align the right button, then stretch the block container to span half the width. You'll need to make sure this still looks good on mobile, but it will fix the stacking and overlapping.
  24. Sounds like a complex project! I don't know of any specific examples of someone doing this on Squarespace, but with whatever platform you build the website on, you're going to need a plugin or web application to collect and process and output the data, and keep it personal and secure. After a quick google I found this solution, it's referring to Wordpress, but I think you would be able to do something similar on Squarespace since the form builder could be embedded. https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-create-a-fitness-tracker-in-wordpress-with-charts/ https://formidableforms.com/
  25. Hi @licia, this is a tricky problem when you are utilizing all of the header options at the same time, there's nothing wrong with this, but it almost inevitably causes the navigation to stack on smaller screen sizes. The first thing I try and do is reduce the options and ask myself if I can get away with shortening or hiding navigation titles? You have "Insights" and "subscribe to our insights" so you might be able to hide one and shorten the other. Next I look at whether I can reduce the padding on smaller screens or reduce the size of elements like the logo with CSS. And finally you might consider hiding some options in the header with CSS on smaller screens, the social icons for example might be a good place to start. I hope this helps, if you want to enact any of these and need some Custom CSS help, please let me know.
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