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Everything posted by Ziggy

  1. There's the same question being asked and answered in this thread, which will hopefully help you out:
  2. I have done it successfully, but that's not to say that I haven't had exactly the same issues with blocks moving around poorly, rows being added automatically, block selections not working correctly, and generally a buggy experience. It does seem to be better on sites created from scratch with FE, rather than converting, but I still get problems on occasion that scupper my efforts, with patience and limiting what I do, I can normally get the look, but that's very much a hassle and not an experience I would recommend. It is not operator error on your part. If you'd like me to have a quick go at building this in your footer, you can send me a contributor invitation and I will see if I can help.
  3. Hi, what a strange bug! I can't replicate it but without success (which isn't necessarily a bad thing) have you replicated the issue on other computers/browsers? Hopefully it's a caching issue and not affecting the website performance for other users.
  4. Try this: .form-block .lightbox-handle { transition:all ease-in-out 300ms; &:hover { background-color:#fddb27 !important; opacity:1 !important; } }
  5. It looks like there's a margin at the top of the page of 75px, that's pretty straightforward to fix, add this to your Custom CSS, and if 0px makes it too crowded at the top, then you can just increase the pixels to suit your design: main { margin-top: 0px; } Let me know if this works for you!
  6. I'm not certain this will work correctly, I find it often needs a bit of fiddling with to get the targeting right: @media only screen and (max-width:640px) { .sqs-gallery-design-carousel .sqs-gallery-design-carousel-slide * .summary-excerpt { white-space: pre-wrap; overflow: hidden; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 2; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; } }
  7. You can put code with an ID in most places on your website, and you can link to these IDs from the footer. Check this guide out: https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/207135178-Creating-anchor-links
  8. Put this into the Custom CSS on your website. This will hide the blog excerpt globally on your website from summary blocks, and can be targeted to specific pages if you need. @media only screen and (max-width:767px) { .sqs-block-summary-v2 .summary-excerpt { display:none; } }
  9. I'm not sure why your code stopped working, can you share the code? It looks like the images are still valid. Honestly, would it be easier to use a gallery block instead of coding this? (I realize that there's probably a good reason you've got it set up like this.)
  10. Hi @MishaY, this would need some level of coding to achieve this look in Squarespace. Having a quick look around, this may work as a solution with the right styling: https://schwartz-edmisten.com/blog/text-and-image-hover-layout-in-squarespace-71 Or alternatively this plugin might be helpful though does something slightly different: https://www.ghostplugins.com/products/keito-image-changer If neither of these works for you, you may want to hire someone to write and implement a coded solution for you.
  11. The navigation width is set to 100%, as are the navigation items, and each navigation item is styled with a pink background and a border radius. Does that answer your question?
  12. Hi @AnnaNeedsHelp, it looks like from your live site that you've fixed the alignment (as far as I can see), is this still something that you need addressing? You code looks pretty good, but there's maybe a typo for the .service h4 top margin of 12rem, should be 1.2rem, maybe? You may want to adjust the padding around the blocks so that they are a bit more responsive on medium sized screens, using a vw value rather than a px. There's also a 50% max width on the blocks that you may want to remove at your mobile breakpoint of 900px (it looks odd at screen sizes around 800px wide).
  13. Hi @brettholmes, could you add a site-wide password and share it here so that the forum can have a look at the website in the wild? https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/205815528-Site-wide-passwords I will say that changing the order of the contents of summary blocks to move the title above the image will be tricky, but increasing the title text size should be easy. You can adjust the text size in a summary block settings to S / M / L / XL which may work for you, and if not a snippet of CSS will help you.
  14. Hi @Leilanilovestea, it looks like you're adding the image to the Index settings, sadly as you've found this doesn't work, despite how logical that would be! What you'll want to do is add a new page to the Index and then add the banner image you want to the setting in that new page. Put the new page at the top of the index and that should now work. Please let me know if that has worked and upvote my answer if I was helpful, thanks!
  15. Hi @camfont, this looks like you want the slide animation which occurs on load, and is delayed to happen to all blocks as you scroll down the page. If this isn't what you're looking for can you explain more about when and how you want the animations to happen?
  16. Please have a look now, I've solved the problem, it seems that it wasn't working because of the empty rows of "content" in the section, not only on desktop, but with Fluid Engine, I had to remove all (but one) of the rows so that they didn't interfere with the CSS. I might suggest that you alter your image to have more blank purple wall at the top so that on mobile the image can be taller and the flower won't go behind the header logo. If you do this you can adjust the 56.25vw to be a larger value. Please upvote if this was helpful!
  17. Hi, interestingly I can't replicate this error, have you found a fix? If not this code can help hide overflow: #collection-624fbd4b8b3c723531d094f7 { html, body { overflow-x: hidden !important; } }
  18. Hi @MikeyW, if you want your website content to be wider globally, then you can adjust it in the styles. If you want it on just one page you can try some CSS something like this: #collection-6324076df4d251538c1b091a { #container { max-width: 4200px; } }
  19. I think the only efficient way to help you would be to edit your site directly, would you be able/willing to send a contributor invitation?
  20. You need to remove "section", try using exactly this in to your Custom CSS and make sure there's no other code targeting the section: [data-section-id="62d2c41f3af73060d646c0d5"] { min-height:clamp(0px, 56.25vw, 50vh) !important; }
  21. @Venera Not a problem, happy to help! Could you vote up my answer?
  22. Hi @claudiafrat, I'm assuming that what you want is the image text (BOOZO) to be visible and readable on mobile. What you need to do is to adjust the section height to be responsive to the viewport width, this guide should be exactly what you need: https://www.will-myers.com/articles/prevent-background-images-from-cropping-in-squarespace-71 This would be how you might adjust the code to suit your page: [data-section-id="62d2c41f3af73060d646c0d5"] { min-height:clamp(0px, 56.25vw, 50vh) !important; } For the shopping icon getting cut off, you may want to adjust the mobile logo to be a little smaller in the sytle settings.
  23. This should be pretty straightforward. Can you share the website and password if it's private?
  24. Disabling pointer events is a good way to stop click-through, but you'll loose the hover effect. Check out this thread:
  25. Here are some good resources, but it will only prevent saving by right-clicking, there are many other ways to download image that are online. The best thing you can do is scale down your images and decrease the quality (to just within acceptable levels for web) and add copyright info to the metadata. It's a tricky problem for artists and creators online, sadly without a great solution. Good luck! https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/206542457-Preventing-visitors-from-downloading-your-images-videos-and-audio
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