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Everything posted by Collaborada

  1. @beatnomad Google says to configure redirects for removed AMP pages, but (at this time) Squarespace doesn't do this. We reported this years ago and no change. AMP pages are accessible for every SS site, regardless of AMP settings. If you toggle off, Google will eventually stop showing AMP pages in search, but it can take quite a while to sort out. Note, if you encounter temporary crawling issues, feel free to reach out via my contact form for more info. Google documentation: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/crawling-indexing/amp/remove-amp#remove-only-amp
  2. Hi @Ansal, you need to visit Settings > SEO Appearance > click the "Pages" tab and you should see your issue there.
  3. Assuming a high-quality site, a brand new site or domain can be indexed quickly.
  4. My point above, if desired you can noindex the tags. And as Google says: "In general, 404 errors won’t impact your site’s search performance, and you can safely ignore them if you’re certain that the URLs should not exist on your site."
  5. @danabrigman You're having a similar issue to another post I just answered. If you temporarily set another page to Home, you'd be able to access the field where this description text lives. But it isn't impacting anything as the Marketing "Site Desc" is being used.
  6. @smartmyway You can temporarily make another page Home, toggle the SEO settings on the blog page to your preferred setup, then set the blog back to Home. But based on your post above, it sounds like there is some confusion around tags/categories, redirects, etc. So proceed with caution.
  7. Hi @walevitt The posts are not super helpful or informative. Compare them to high performing posts on the same topic. You'll see what sort of information readers find helpful. Moz offers good free SEO educational materials, here's a page on site architecture: https://moz.com/learn/seo/website-architecture-internal-links-video
  8. @HippoAd You are asking about the Site Name in the SERPs: https://developers.google.com/search/blog/2022/10/introducing-site-names-on-search More info here: https://www.collaborada.com/blog/site-names Also all the pages look to have URL and title tag issues, for example: https://www.hippoadvertisement.com/817289426360
  9. Hi @jspano320. I think everyone here is confused. The post title says "GSC won't index blog pages" and the screenshot shows "/blog" URLs, but that URL does not exist on the current site. The blogs exist on "/home-remodeling-long-island-blog" and those pages are indexed. The site was likely redesigned, you'll want to redirect old URLs such as /bathroom-remodeling-long-island to /long-island-bathroom-remodeling. Note to other forum readers: It is not necessary to use location in URLs for local SEO purposes. And regarding the "age" comment, generally a new site on a new domain can be indexed within a day when it is high-quality. It is lower quality sites and content that experience trouble with indexing.
  10. Hi @walevitt. The plays are indexed. The blog itself is poorly indexed because the posts are insufficient. You can disregard the comment above about domain authority as those sorts of metrics don't impact Google ranking. For instance, I did a search for a highly competitive keyword and your homepage was just below MIT, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon, and above the Folger Shakespeare Library. The keyword cannibalization comment can also be disregarded as the play will not "compete" with a "fun facts" post. With proper site structure and supporting content the plays might eventually perform.
  11. Hi @jumorel the real issue is that your site is not yet indexed, site:honeysuckledoula.com. Verify the site on Google Search Console and submit the sitemap and it will work itself out.
  12. Collaborada

    Help please!

    Hi @HSI If the site is new, it likely just needs more time. As for the descriptions, Google either hasn't crawled the page since you made changes or they think it is poorly written and/or not a good match for the page.
  13. @alanp Squarespace has always resized favicons to 100x100. That said, they briefly stopped doing it earlier this year, but now seem to be resizing again. Regardless, the 100x100 will work fine.
  14. @ShivWol you'll see your indexed pages with the "site:" command: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/7474347
  15. Hi @ShivWol your home page URL is not indexed, just the old content. You can use GSC to sort this out: https://www.collaborada.com/blog/squarespace-google-search-console
  16. Also seems like potential privacy issues. All sites need to be able to: Opt out of HTML, in favor of plain text emails Opt out of storing form submissions altogether -- ETA: SS updated documentation on 7/31 to say a required Email field drives this. So a current workaround would be to use a required Text field for email (altho it won't validate for email format). Permanently delete "form submitter" info when needed
  17. Hi @najiba when the report says you have "duplicate titles" it is referring to page titles not URLs. Many of your pages share the title "Najiba's Kingdom" and many others say "Fashion, Curls and Lifestyle" Also see this info regarding how/why to use "Source URL": https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/206543297-Linking-a-blog-post-title-to-another-page
  18. The comments above are accurate. And on my end your Squarespace domain is showing in Google search (see 2nd result in screenshot). You can update this if desired: https://www.collaborada.com/blog/squarespace-built-in-domain
  19. Hi @Jen-X this extra text in the sitemap doesn't play a role in indexing. And the good news is that Google deprecated these tags back in August 2022: https://developers.google.com/search/blog/2022/05/spring-cleaning-sitemap-extensions @nico3d if you don't see expected URLs in the sitemap after ~24 hours, you can ask SS support to regenerate it for you. And @creedon is correct, the "share" option shown above is not a solution for indexing issues. FWIW I can't think of a single client site that ever used this "share" feature.
  20. Hi @Terry1986 when I search your brand I see the correct home page description. But your page title tags all have the same text, read here about repeated text: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/appearance/title-link
  21. Hi @tonygnau it looks like a new site which means you probably need to wait a bit longer. More info here: https://www.collaborada.com/blog/favicons
  22. Hi @garlandehaney in general don't use a cover page as Home page.
  23. @claireadams I see the favicon in search results. But note, it is barely visible and on a dark mode tab it is not visible at all. See more here: https://www.collaborada.com/blog/favicons And FWIW H1s on that page are fine 🙂
  24. To clear Facebook’s cache use their debugging tool: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug
  25. Squarespace only shows the top 200 GSC queries and aggregates the rest. Many sites should be viewing the more granular GSC data. More info here: https://www.collaborada.com/blog/squarespace-google-search-console
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