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Everything posted by Collaborada

  1. Hi @Ellllla. If you permanently remove a page, the server returns a 404 (not found) — this will cause search engines to eventually drop the page. If you need immediate removal for legal or urgent reasons, search engines offer removal/blocking tools: Bing: https://www.bing.com/webmasters/help/?topicid=264e560b Google: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/9689846?hl=en
  2. Hi @cowerkin. This is as expected. Your domain is using https and www. Squarespace automatically redirects variations of URLs, http and non-www, to your preferred version. And on Squarespace a homepage will have a slug like example.com/home but Squarespace specifies example.com as the canonical (primary) page. Many indexing notifications in GSC are informational versus errors.
  3. @Kfed In this situation it is important to focus on a comprehensive plan and strategy rather than a checklist. The business has been around since 2005 and online since at least 2009 with hundreds of indexed URLs that needed analysis. The favicon will sort itself out as you tackle the key migration tasks. Google gives you a roadmap here: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/crawling-indexing/site-move-with-url-changes Don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance. The goal should be a smooth transition for your client..
  4. Hi @kellywilliamsphotographer. I see, that is a gallery vs project. Inserting CSS will work: https://forum.squarespace.com/topic/151871-hide-image-title-description-in-gallery-lightbox/
  5. Hi @kellywilliamsphotographer. Yes Jasper uses the title/desc as alt in some spots, but if desired you should be able to hide the text. See site styles. Indexes, toggle “show project captions.” Gallery page, toggle “show project captions.” Generally on 7.0 templates if you click an element on the page it does a good job of isolating the associated styles on the left. Good luck!
  6. Hi @Kfed. Migration refers to moving an existing website to a new location, including: Platform migrations - such as moving from WordPress to Squarespace Domain migrations - changing a domain or merging domains Structural migrations - reorganizing a site’s architecture, URL structure, moving from HTTP to HTTPS Google talks about site moves here: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/crawling-indexing/site-move-with-url-changes Designers that are new to migrating (moving, transferring, redesigning, etc.) websites might consider collaborating with experienced professionals for a smoother transition.
  7. Hi @Kfed. This looks to be a recent migration, so give it some time. Likely by the time you finish the migration work, the favicon issue will sort itself out.
  8. @AndreaDube If this is for your site, you'll likely need alternateName markup using a name like "Swayed Digital". Info here: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/appearance/site-names#alternative
  9. Hi @Terratag. Your site is 7.1, so product URLs have a "p" in the URL. For example: /shop/p/eco-friendly-seed-paper-wristbands -> /shop/p/seed-paper-wristbands 301
  10. @kosmolong The category URLs exist so they won't redirect. More info here: https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/205815308-URL-mappings
  11. @Samdidam Based on your screenshots above the question looks to be about the meta description. Currently the description is set to "Erste Schritte mit KI - aiolo unterstützt KMU in der Schweiz, Einsatzmöglichkeiten für KI zu finden und umzusetzen." Your screenshot of Google SERP shows the site's nav/address, but what I see displayed in Google is: "Wandel von externen Inhalten wie Newsletter, YouTube Videos und Blogs zu Text- und Bild-Content für mehrere Kanäle." This text is found on the Homepage. Google likely crawled the page before you'd written a description. Tighten up the meta if needed and ask Google to re-crawl the page. See Google's help info regarding meta descriptions: "Google will sometimes use the <meta name="description"> tag from a page to generate a snippet in search results, if we think it gives users a more accurate description than would be possible purely from the on-page content."
  12. Hi @Mystah. Currently your SS site title is set to "IKIV — Vi hjälper er att expandera!". Make it concise/accurate and add the other text via homepage SEO settings. Note in your case, other brands and a traded stock are using the same acronym. Also the business is called "Industrikonsulten i Väst AB" elsewhere, IKIV seems to be more of an alternate: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/appearance/site-names#alternative
  13. @BenjaminKnowles The sitemap was likely empty. If needed, you can ask SS support to generate it for you.
  14. To check for alt text on an image, right-click the image, then select “Inspect” which opens the HTML code of the page. In the code, find the "alt" tag. If there's no alt attribute or if it's empty (like alt=""), the image does not have alt text.
  15. This is as expected. When searching the brand name, Google will show the brand as it is helpful for the user. See Google's documentation: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/appearance/title-link
  16. The first words on the Home page are: "NOTRE SITE EST ACTUELLEMENT EN CONSTRUCTION. CERTAINES PAGES RISQUENT DE NE PAS S’AFFICHER CORRECTEMENT." Translates to: "OUR SITE IS CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION. SOME PAGES MAY NOT BE DISPLAYED CORRECTLY." You just need to finish the site, remove this statement, then ask for a crawl.
  17. The site has not been indexed (site:ash-architectes.com), and as a result it won't appear in search results. See Google's documentation: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/7474347
  18. Hi @DavidOrth. The Montauk template is fine. The site could be tweaked from structural and usability standpoints. Are you using Google Merchant Center?
  19. A 401 indicates "unauthorized" which is correct as their crawler is being blocked from accessing the paywalled content, this is normal for member-only areas. It doesn't necessarily need to be "fixed." Just explain to the client that if they use automated reports, they need to apply contextual understanding.
  20. Hi @NaomiKathreen. To resolve this, you likely need to implement 301 redirects. These are permanent redirects that guide users and search engines from old URLs to the corresponding new URLs on a website.
  21. Hi @atljennifer. Google decides to show a meta description based on its relevance to the user's search query and the quality of the description. Either Google crawled the page before you'd written a meta description or they didn't find the text compelling. Tighten up the copy and request Google to re-crawl the page. Refer to Google's documentation.
  22. Hi @Samarth. Most site owners should not use the disavow tool and might only consider if they have a manual penalty. Google documentation: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/2648487 Bing recently removed their disavow tool: https://blogs.bing.com/webmaster/september-2023/Bing-Webmaster-Tools-to-Remove-Disavow-Links-Feature-in-October-2023 More reading here: https://www.seroundtable.com/google-authorship-links-disavows-34978.html https://www.seroundtable.com/google-double-downs-on-not-using-link-disavow-files-35031.html https://www.seroundtable.com/google-buying-links-disavow-35601.html
  23. @HomeownerHQ These are called sitelinks. Google documentation: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/appearance/sitelinks As far as the meta description, Google is showing something more compelling than what is written -- tighten up the copy, make it direct and clear.
  24. @aleksander_kaiser The reply above mixes up factors that can influence a site's ranking with those that affect the display of meta descriptions. The length of a meta description is not strictly limited to 150-160 characters. Shorter or sometimes longer descriptions can be appropriate. Google's documentation currently states: "There's no limit on how long a meta description can be, but the snippet is truncated in Google Search results as needed, typically to fit the device width." Backlinks do not influence Google's decision to show or not show a specific meta description. The amount of content on a page will not prevent Google from displaying your preferred description. Following SEO best practices is advised, but the absence of an H1 tag or a short title tag won’t lead to your meta issue. For some websites, a homepage title tag with just the brand name is sufficient. Google decides to show your meta description based on its relevance to the user's search query and the quality of the description. If no meta is provided, Google will pull a snippet from the page content. To update your meta description, write a compelling one and request Google to re-crawl your page. For accurate information, I recommend referring to Google's documentation.
  25. @loylabel Hi there. You don't need to do anything regarding this. Just because Ahrefs (or any tool) labels something an issue, doesn't mean Google considers it an issue. If you search your brand name, you'll see your expected home page in search. Note, you might want to evaluate your blog URLs and implement some redirects there (currently /blog-3-1). Good luck!
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