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  1. @tuanphan radial.squarespace.com/portfolio password: radial Thank you!
  2. I would also love an answer to this! The images have perfectly rounded colors, but my overlay isn't affected. Any ideas?
  3. This is a site for a client of mine that has been live for two months: http://novalynnfertility.com. The favicon shows perfectly in browser tabs, but will not show on Google search. I have requested indexing and re-crawling regularly, have tried inputting custom code, everything I've read on threads and help articles to no avail. I've never had this happen with a website before and the client is incredibly frustrated. I've tried talking to Google with no help or response and Squarespace can't help because it's not their domain. In Google Search Console, there are two versions of the site listed - one with the www and one without. The one without shows the site favicon and the one with the www which is the version listed in Google Search has the Squarespace black box. Any tips or tricks would be greatly appreciated. I am so frustrated. Thank you!
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