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Everything posted by GeraldW32

  1. Definitely a business plan, I think it should be the first step for anyone who wants to start their own business. Careful planning takes time, but it's absolutely worth it. It is impossible to predict all the things that might go wrong, but it is very much possible to do some research and anticipate/minimize the risks.
  2. I would say the color scheme and images, both used thoughtfully in order to create a cohesive look that will make the website stand out from the competition and create a visually pleasing effect.
  3. You've made a very good point here. This is something to keep in mind and be reminded of since it happens to me not to pay attention and waste time wondering why doesn't it work 😁
  4. I can only suggest contacting the support team to see if something can be done. Hope you'll be able to solve it and welcome to the community!
  5. Glad to hear it was an easy fix, I cannot even count how many times it was a "browser settings" thing that caused some issues.
  6. I really want to think they will bring it back. The point is not to look for ways to work around an issue (and thanks to this community, we do find them) but to have a feature that actually works well and does the trick.
  7. I would like to help, but I'm afraid I don't understand the question either. I imagine the video in this thread would be helpful, but I'm not sure what your goal is.
  8. I believe they would benefit from expanding/adjusting the system, but then again there must be a reason for things being set the way they are.
  9. Optimizing your website for mobile devices is quite important, yet many people fail to do it. Glad you're not one of them. However, since there are a few things that can be done along with different ways of doing them, I agree, we will need to know more to be able to help.
  10. I agree, apparently, some people have too much time on their hands and highly questionable agendas. I was also warned at some point to avoid this website as a source of information.
  11. I am fairly new here, so just to confirm what most of us think apparently - it would be quite a useful feature. Would love to hear some good news about this.
  12. Creating a blog post archive this way sounds like a very good idea, thank you. I will definitely look into it. You can also make them into landing pages for specific marketing campaigns, which is also something I'm considering at the moment.
  13. I would say intermediate, I'm still learning some tricks. At the moment, getting more subscriptions (working on it). Keyword-rich titles and descriptions for the products, blog posts, and including links back to my shop in the posts. Google Analytics.
  14. The basics I kept in mind, and what I would generally recommend: 1. Easy to navigate, and user-friendly store. (People should be able to easily find the products they're looking for.) 2. High-quality images of the products. (People want to see what they're buying before they buy it.) 3. Competitive prices. (People will shop around and compare prices before making a purchase.) 4. Free shipping on orders over a certain amount. (This will encourage people to buy more items.) 5. Shipping the orders promptly and using high-quality packaging materials so that the products arrive in good condition.
  15. To run an SEO A/B test, you'll first need to come up with a hypothesis about how you can improve your website's search engine visibility. Perhaps you think that changing the title tags on your pages will result in more traffic from search engines. Once you have a hypothesis, you'll need to create two versions of each page on your website—one with the new title tag and one with the old title tag. Then, use a tool like Google Analytics to track which pages are being visited more frequently and whether or not your hypothesis was correct. If it was, congrats! You've just increased your website's search engine visibility.
  16. Thank you, it works, of course. I struggled a bit earlier today, but I suspected I would find a solution here!
  17. I agree, it's important to make sure your branding is consistent across all platforms and that your message is clear. I really like the logo, though and the website itself is very well designed.
  18. Hello there! To remove the underline from an active link on a web page, you can use the following CSS code: a { text-decoration: none } If you want to remove the underline from all links on a web page, you can use the following CSS code: a { text-decoration: none } li a { text-decoration:none } Also, you can highlight the text you want to be a link. Then, right-click on the text and select "Hyperlink." In the "Link Properties" dialog box that pops up, uncheck the "Underline Hyperlink" checkbox and click "OK." Your text will now appear without an underline, indicating that it's a live link.
  19. Exactly, a brand must be present on social media, it's just how it is and I don't see it changing in the future. It is amazing how many business owners fail to optimize their website for mobile phones, and it really makes a difference, for all the obvious reasons.
  20. Honesty and dedication, love how you put it and I agree with you. Also, there are really no "shortcuts" for many of the necessary steps to be taken in the world of digital marketing, not if you want to do things the best possible way in the long run. It takes time and patience. And I just want to mention this tip one more time - promote user-generated content. It can be that one thing that makes a difference.
  21. Could be one of the following reasons: - Your website's design is unattractive or difficult to navigate. - The content on your website is not relevant to your target audience. - You are targeting the wrong keywords with your SEO campaign. - Your website loading time is slow. Of course, these are some general things I can list since I haven't visited your website. The best thing to do is analyze it further and try to determine the specific causes. Once you know what's causing people to leave your website, you can start making changes to address the issues. Good luck!
  22. I completely agree with this. Other than that, it looks quite good! And I have to say, I love your paintings (especially "Terrace row" and "Winter sea").
  23. I was wondering the same thing, so I'll hang around here hoping for some info!
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