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Everything posted by dreyahbohlen

  1. Ahhh, I'm not much help reconfiguring custom code - but it looks like @tuanphan has responded and he's amazing!!
  2. Hi all! I've been brainstorming with a client and wanted to bring it to the forum to get more insight/ideas! 😊 We've recently setup Squarespace Scheduling for their organization (Food Pantry) and are trying to figure out a few things. 1. Is there a way to see 'Banned' clients in an exported sheet? 2. Each client can schedule a time slot for every 4 weeks (they can't come in more than once within that 4 week period) and can schedule their next appointment at anytime (right after the one they signed up for up until 48 hours before their next). Right now when a client books, my client has to manually go in to make sure it has been 4 weeks since their last appointment and if not, cancel it for them. Is there a way to automate this? Thanks!!
  3. That's right! Ahhhh, my bad - I need to change that comment, haha. It's been so long I just remembered being able to switch between the tablet mode and mobile - but moving blocks around messed with all views! 😅
  4. Viewing tablet mode used to be available on 7.0 (had to change editing to viewing, hahaha) - so hopefully this is something they can bring back soon! 🤞 I've been using Squarekicker for so many things, but one of the best features is being able to edit in a All Devices, Laptop, Tablet, and Mobile view. You can change quite a bit in each view with it not disrupting the main desktop view too 🙌 You can sign up for a free trial to see if you love it before committing!
  5. I had a client download a free version of a font found/used in Canva and it was slightly different. Did you happen to purchase the font or download a free version? I always highly, highly, highly recommend clients purchase the font for legal/security purposes too 👍😊
  6. I've found that Fluid Engine has helped a lot with being able to make some changes on mobile that won't affect the desktop version but alignment has been a huge one for me! I use Squarekicker to achieve a different mobile experience and it works great! You're able to do quite a bit more (change alignment, add blocks and hide them from desktop, change up the layout further) without messing up the desktop view and vise versa. I have a paid promotional affiliate link with them if you're interested in a free trial: https://squarekicker.com?ref=dreyahbohlen
  7. Hey there! I have a client who has custom code in their site that is affecting the fonts (Open Sans) randomly. Sometimes it will work in Chrome windows and sometimes it won't. It never works on mobile view and in Safari browsers. I was hoping someone would be able to help me figure out what code is affecting these fonts and to see if they have a solution? 🙂 Url: https://schumacherdesign.ca/ Thanks a ton!
  8. Hi all! I have a client who has a Commerce site on Squarespace and wants to sell on her Instagram account. I connected her shop through the Facebook & Instagram tab in the Commerce section within Squarespace and it shows that her catalog has been connected in her Meta Business Account. When I go into Instagram, her account is connected to the correct Facebook account and under Settings --> Business --> Shopping --> Inventory, it is toggled on to 'default' so that all products in her catalog will automatically show up in her Instagram shop. Unfortunately I cannot get the "View Shop" action button to show on her profile. The only action buttons I can add are 'order food', 'book now', and 'reserve'. Does anyone know how to add in that 'View Shop' action button? Thanks!
  9. Hey there! I am currently moving a client from 7.0 to 7.1 and they are wanting the social media icons to remain their original colors rather than change to a solid color on the 7.1 site. Is there custom code that I can use to do this or a way around it? Thanks!
  10. Hi there! I am currently moving a client from 7.0 to 7.1 and there is one thing from his 7.0 site that he really wants on the 7.1 site - but I'm not sure how to go about getting him that, haha. In his current site on the portfolio page, https://www.hka.nyc/lacma , he is able to lightbox the scrolling gallery. Is there anyway to do this in the new 7.1 site? The url is https://hkanyc.squarespace.com and the password is hkanyc Thanks!
  11. https://reelcajunseafood.co/ The site is live!
  12. Hi all! Does anyone have custom code to decrease the spacing in the Header navigation more than we are able to with the vertical padding toggle within 'edit site header'? My client is wanting it to be thinner than the lowest setting. I am also using Squarekicker to move the logo down to overlay over the section below. They are wanting it to look like this: https://detroitwingco.com/?_ga=2.125407618.969440853.1670954681-1051178042.1669932340 Thank you! 🙂
  13. That page that is showing up is the generic 404 page Squarespace provides on all sites! It will show when a page isn’t found. To fix that broken link, go into the Services page and head into “Edit” mode. Double click on that button you’re wanting to redirect and where it says URL, insert /(page url) that you want it to link to. If you don’t have a page created yet, you can add a new page under the Pages tab and scroll down to the not linked section. Name your page and be sure to grab that url. Here’s a video showing you how to edit buttons: To create a new Custom 404 page, you’ll go in and add a new page in the not linked section and then follow these steps: https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/205814478-Creating-a-custom-404-page If you need help, I’d be more than happy to send over a additional videos!
  14. I love it! The images are amazing! I have done quite a few restaurant websites and have utilized their images by doing a scrolling banner of images (either the list section or Will Meyers scrolling banner code) or a video if they have that content set as the first section to add in some movement! Another thing we’ve done is created their menu in Canva and embed it into the site so when then make changes to it in Canva it would automatically update on the website! ☺️
  15. Hey Sawyer! I love, love, love the site! 😍 The colors and background art on each page are amazing and the image shapes totally fit your brand! Very cohesive all together! The only things I’d maybe adjust are increasing the size of your logo on mobile view and potentially slowing down the “Bohannan Photography” scrolling text so it’s a bit easier to read!
  16. Hi there! I found a really helpful support article from Squarespace that I always refer to when having these sort of issues! https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/360028492471-Troubleshooting-SSL I would say that if none of these things work, definitely reach out to Squarespace support! They’re amazing and extremely responsive with these things!
  17. Following so I can check it out once the link is posted 😍
  18. Squarespace supports ICO files - they recommend creating a png or ico favicon sized between 100px x 100px and 300px x 300px so that all browsers can support the file size. Favicon image files cannot exceed 100KB. I would make sure the sizing is correct, as it might not be displaying on certain browsers due to sizing!
  19. Which version of Squarespace are you using? 7.0, 7.1, 7.1 Fluid Engine?
  20. If they are currently on the site, you should be able to right click and save the image to your downloads! If they aren't on your site but in your photo library within SQSP, you can add image blocks, add the photo you want to that image block, save the site changes, and then go to the live site to right click and save.
  21. You might want to go back into the site styles and check the color settings! It could just be white and invisible with the white navigation background! 🙂
  22. I like using the Not Linked section for SEO purposes! 🙂 Adding pages in the backend that have FAQ's and further keywords has seemed to be good for both my site and my clients!
  23. If you're in Fluid Engine, you should be able to Ctrl + C a block and paste it in another section on another page and add all the blogs in a current section onto another.
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