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Everything posted by sayreambrosio

  1. You have to initiate it from within Squarespace so in your settings, you need to go to add domain connect unless you want to transfer then you can transfer it. You have to initiate it from within Squarespace so in your settings, you need to go to add domain connect unless you want to transfer then you can transfer it. Once you hit connect, follow the prompts. It’ll show you the records you need to add to the DNS in Wix, which you can find by going to domains, clicking the three dots next to the domain you on a plane to Squarespace, and then clicking on the DNS settings.
  2. You can duplicate the cancelled site so you can have access to the old pages. Just keep an eye on it and duplicate as necessary if you still need access. I would suggest looking into a way to export that content though just in case. Never a bad idea to have a content backup. Here's a guide on duplication: https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/360039396131-Duplicating-a-site?platform=v6&websiteId=63cbb50a382a9f16d0617b89
  3. You can use this service. It's what I use and it's great. https://www.squarewebsites.org/blog/squarespace-websites-uploader
  4. Here is a help article that talks about manual appointment approval in acuity https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/4405354226829-Manual-appointment-confirmation-and-waitlists-in-Scheduling As for the trial, maybe reach out to support and explain the situation and see if they can extend it?
  5. If you are building the additional site on Squarespace you will need to have it paid before you can transfer your domain to it. If it's a domain that is hosted with Squarespace, you would go under Settings, Domains, click on the domain you want to move to the new site and then Move Domain to Another Site. If the domain is hosted elsewhere you would disconnected it and then reconnect it with DNS or forward it from the domain provider.
  6. If you are manually entering the subscriber, they will not get an automation. Automations only go out to people that sign up via a form. Here is a help article that may shed some light on automation. https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002077567-Sending-automated-campaigns
  7. @allnaturalarts @Sarahbethl This isn't entirely correct. If a customer has an account with a verified email on the website, they’ll now be able to change the email address associated with that account. The process for customers is pretty simple: Log in to a customer account Open the Account sidebar and click Profile Click Email Type the new email into the New field, and confirm it in the Confirm New field Re-enter the account password for security A verification email is sent to the updated email address Confirm the change in that email… et voilà! The new email is saved. This process only works if the original email has been verified, but verifying the original email can be done at any time.
  8. When you upgrade your current plan is taken into account and is prorated so you would pay the difference between what you’ve already paid and the new plan.
  9. As the mom of a longboarder, I love the site. The blog especially. Looks like you moved it over to Shopify though so other than that I'm not sure how much of a help I can be.
  10. Took a look at it on a 9.7 inch iPad and a mini. On the larger one the Site title isn't showing but on the smaller one it is. That's got to be a breakpoint issue but I'm not sure how to fix it.
  11. @LauraMerri2023 The first thing I noticed was no copyright in your footer. I use a code from @squarepaste on mine that updates automatically. Copy & paste the code below into a Code or Embed Block within your Footer area Change the ‘Company Name’ text with your company’s name. <div style="text-align:center;"> © <span id="copyright"> <script>document.getElementById('copyright').appendChild(document.createTextNode(new Date().getFullYear()))</script> </span> Company Name </div>
  12. You can check this out. Disclaimer: I know nothing about it. Just popped up in a quick Google search. https://www.artplacer.com/tools-for-artists-and-galleries/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwla-hBhD7ARIsAM9tQKuLpWJZ5WVtobiNTdcxR8qSefDIZ6P-KaEup7u6Uu83wH5ZRQ0STbYaAgw0EALw_wcB
  13. This might be helpful. https://www.commoninja.com/widgets/comparison-tables/squarespace
  14. I would recommend MailerLite since you can have a decent amount of people on their free plan and if you get to the point of paid and want to stay with them it's reasonably priced.
  15. You’re going to want to have a newsletter service provider, whether it be Squarespace campaigns, mailerlite, flodesk. Using a “ personal email“ for a newsletter is a huge no-no and can violate some laws. Which laws it violates depends on where you’re sending from, as well as where you’re sending to. Depending on how complex your newsletter is going to be with determine what I would recommend.
  16. @WillMyers has a post about mega menus that will be helpful here: https://www.will-myers.com/articles/building-a-mega-menu-in-squarespace-71-free If you don't know how to code or just want easy I can recommend the pro version of his menu. I have it on my author site and love it. This link will jump you right to that part of the article https://www.will-myers.com/articles/building-a-mega-menu-in-squarespace-71-free#Mega Menu Pro
  17. I have a feeling this has to do with updates Safari has been receiving. I'm dealing with it and some other issues too that aren't present in Chrome.
  18. Reach out to support. At some point, somebody somewhere reported the URL as spam. Could be on social media or an email. This causes it to be blocked. I've ran into on my own domains in the past. They can remove it from the blocked list and you should be able to get the verification code.
  19. This can be done with a summary block and featured setting in the blog. I just tested it and it works a treat without having to add any special code. No need to go back and turn off featured on past posts either if you set it to one post per summary block and one column.
  20. Domains can’t be moved to a non paid site. Are the other sites paid?
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