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Everything posted by tuanphan

  1. I don't know this. You try asking another person. (Or you can consider using Image Blocks instead, then you can add any text under image
  2. Can you share link to page where you have problem? We can use ID to target individual page only
  3. You mean show this blank on desktop and show grid under blank on mobile?
  4. Do you use Personal or Business Plan?
  5. Do you use Personal or Business Plan? If Business, just wrap code in style tag then add to Page Header If Personal/Basic Plan, please share link to that page, I can do a quick guide
  6. Yes. Iframe code requires a Business Plan. But you can test it in Trial Plan first, it it works on Trial Plan, it should work on Business Plan
  7. Can you share link to page where you added it? We can check easier
  8. Hi, Can you share link to product where you have problem?
  9. You can use Well Template to achieve this. In case you are using 7.1 version, you can share link, we can give code to achieve similar layout
  10. Add to Design > Custom CSS /* Blig List - Hover Effect */ @media screen and (min-width:992px) { .blog-basic-grid--text { position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; text-align: center; transform: translate(-50%,-50%); opacity: 0; transition: all 0.3s; } article.blog-basic-grid--container.entry.blog-item.is-loaded { position: relative !important; transform: unset !important; } .blog-basic-grid article:hover .blog-basic-grid--text { opacity: 1; transition: all 0.3s; } .blog-basic-grid .image-wrapper:after { content: ""; background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.75); position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; opacity: 0; transition: all 0.3s; } .blog-basic-grid article:hover .image-wrapper:after { opacity: 1; transition: all 0.3s; } .blog-basic-grid .image-wrapper { position: relative; }}
  11. Hi, This is not possible. You can consider using custom product form https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/205811218-Creating-a-custom-product-form and use this guide to add upload field to form https://kerstinmartin.com/blog/file-upload https://www.squarewebsites.org/blog/squarespace-websites-uploader
  12. I don't see content on About/Resume pages. Can you add some random?
  13. I don't see Older Post. Can you take a screenshot?
  14. Can you share link to page where you added it? I think we can use some code to make it center
  15. Try adding to Design > Custom CSS @media screen and (min-width:992px) { [data-section-id="644983fb4c979540e055617c"] { min-height: unset !important; height: 150vh; } }
  16. Hi, Can you share link to index page? We can check easier
  17. Add to Design > Custom CSS /* Force burger on desktop */ .header-burger { display: flex !important } .header--menu-open .header-menu { opacity: 1 !important; visibility: visible !important } .header-nav { visibility: hidden !important } @media screen and (min-width: 768px) { .header-menu { width: 25% } }
  18. Try adding to Design > Custom CSS /* Mobile slideshow */ @media screen and (max-width:767px) { .gallery-slideshow { height: 100vh !important; } }
  19. Try adding to Design > Custom CSS /* Mobile Start of a journey page mobile */ @media screen and (max-width:767px) and (orientation:landscape) { body#collection-62529309c36f381162dc8983 .gallery-slideshow { height: 150vh !important; } }
  20. Add this to Design > Custom CSS @media screen and (max-width:767px) { .counter-value { font-size: 50px !important; } .counter-value:nth-child(3n+1) { clear: left; } }
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