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Everything posted by ArminB

  1. Hey, yes, something like this should work: #block-yui_3_17_2_1_1714568705767_918 {top: 10px !important;} so you can adjust the position. You can also do use "left", "right" and try percentage e.g.
  2. Hi! I suggest you set up a mobile fallback for that purpose. You can have a second section only for mobile so you can adjust the photo specifically for mobile or even choose a different one for smartphones. 1. Duplicate the section 2. switch to mobile view (switch top right) and adjust the second section for mobile 3. go to your CSS Section ( WEBSITE > PAGES > scroll down WEBSITE TOOLS > CSS) 4). apply the following CSS (note: you need your own classes for that ( if you're not familiar with the browser console, install a browser extension called "Squarespace ID finder" and replace the ID's parts e.g. section[data-section-id="65572d36a73fd670fa413e72"] @media only screen and (max-width: 840px) { section[data-section-id="65572d36a73fd670fa413e72"]{display:none}} @media only screen and (min-width: 840px) { section[data-section-id="65572d36a73fd670fa413e72"]{display:none}} This will get you a result like this:
  3. Hi! Please share the link to your site so the community can help
  4. Hey again! 1) I guess you have different color themes on the pages so you have a different starting point based on the applied color theme (top right the brush icon > COLORS) You're already on the right track. also, check out ...--hover when moving your mouse over the folder items 2) .header-nav .header-nav-item--folder .header-nav-folder-content {min-width: 0px;} should do it
  5. You could consider using Image Galleries (that are far more flexible even without additional CSS coding) and link the images manually to the related project
  6. Hi! add the following code <style> .header-title-text a {color: red !important;} </style> To the header of the specific page > go to WEBSITE > go to the page > click the gearwheel icon (settings of this page) > past the CSS to ADVANCED > CODE INJECTION you can use any HEX color code instead of "red"
  7. Sure! 1) Duplicate the section 2) style the second one for mobile 3) then grab the following CSS and add to WEBSITE > WEBSITE TOOLS > CSS 4) Open the Web Inspector of your browser and Identify the "Section ID's (there are many tutorials online ) e.g. by @WillMyers and install an "ID Finder browser extension for Squarespace" (you are looking for the section ID - (blue underlined in the screenshot) of your browser The CSS will hide the desktop page on mobile and the mobile page on desktop. @media only screen and (max-width: 840px) { [data-section-id="6316e5cad00d3d666ad24772"]{display:none}} @media only screen and (min-width: 840px) { [data-section-id="6316e5cad00d3d666ad24772"]{display:none}}
  8. Hey @abbiericher It looks to me like the gallery frame itself is going to 100% but you prevented the gallery from cropping your images so it won't fill your image frame. Is that an option to set e.g. a 3:2 aspect ratio?
  9. Hey, it could be something like: .accordion-icon-container:before{ content: ‚BIO' !important}
  10. and this regarding your first question:
  11. Hey! Try this: //Transparent Background .header-nav-folder-content {background-color: rgba(0, 0,0, 0) !important} //Adds a little fade-in animation .header-nav-folder-content { transition: transform 2s; transform: translateY(15%) !important;} .header-nav-item.header-nav-item--folder:hover .header-nav-folder-content { transform: translateY(0) !important; transition: transform 0.5s;}
  12. Hi! A site link would be wonderful so people can look into it
  13. Hey! Issue 1: Just make a screenshot of the first frame of the video and use this as the fallback. This should be a smoother experience. Issue 2: Most browsers would block background video autoplay anyway so rather not 🙂 https://developer.chrome.com/blog/autoplay/
  14. An easy solution for jump links Here's a demo: https://www.stonefoxforge.com/groups (just click the MAKE A REQUEST button) 1) go to DESIGN > CSUTOM CSS and add html { scroll-behavior: smooth;} go back to your page 2) use #start as the link e.g. on text, images buttons etc... (instead of /contact for example) 3) add a code block somewhere on your page and add <p id="start"></p> then you'll jump down to this certain code block (PS: make sure to align the position on mobile as well PS: you can have multiple jump links by just using different terms #yourterm I hope this is helpful
  15. Now, a few weeks later, I believe that there is NO need for action and wait for EU and national data authorities. We advise clients to wait and see unless they get an official writing from an official department. So, it' not worth the effort at all. I don't feel comfortable taking money from clients for those work-arounds. This is just panic - made by shady lawyers in need for fast cash. PS: Wonderful organization - they actually fight for privavy in the right way (Founded by Marcus Schems an Austrian lawyer that already won a few cases against FB: https://noyb.eu/de
  16. a new eCommerce project where I'll team up with designers Feedback is higly appreciated: https://www.zerocontrast.shop/
  17. @ksachse I looks good on my end. > The gallery auto-play is a bit tricky to handle on mobile. > I'd give the logo some headroom on mobile.
  18. Hi Kalia, it seem you already fixed that. if not, this might help: #page {overflow-x: hidden;}
  19. Hey! For the product overview grid you can simply hide the pricing: (Section settings) For the product detail page, you just need the following CSS (add it to DESIGN > SITE STYLES > CUSTOM CSS .product-price {display:none} .ProductItem-details .sqs-add-to-cart-button-wrapper {display:none} if the quanity of each product is set to 1, there won't be a quantity input field but if I'm wrong, please just add the css class that you already have for that) It's better to use the CSS injection istead of the header because you instantly see the result and can play with the code snippets The result on our own page: https://www.braunsberger-media.com/websites
  20. Hey, maybe it's just black on black and (SITE STYLES > COLORS) Or go to 1) HEADER 2) Global > ELEMENTS 3) Check the Settings of the Shopping Cart That's worth a try
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