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Everything posted by paul2009

  1. Yes, there's no way to do this with Squarespace alone. You don't have access to the backend. You could buy a third party addon like MemberSpace and process the membership subscriptions on this instead. It can then lock access to certain protected content - but not the content on Squarespace's own pages. It's not technically possible. Update: Member Sites protects Squarespace content. Please see the more up-to-date information below. Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below ⬇️
  2. You said that you only want to allow a website visitor to be able to access a part of your website unless they have purchased a product. Therefore you presumably want to protect these parts of your site from being accessed by all other visitors?
  3. No. There's no effective way to protect Squarespace content like this. Update: Member Sites protects Squarespace content. Please see the more up-to-date information below.
  4. One could be written, but more information is needed, like the url of your website and the product you want to sell in this way.
  5. 'Express Checkout' is a site-wide setting. You can't enable it for a single product. However you could add a script to redirect users to the checkout after they've added the item to the cart.
  6. No problem. I'm intrigued as to why they don't work. I have not used 'userway' before but I have not experienced difficulties with the way these dropdowns are read by other screenreaders. Have you contacted userway to ask them why their widget does not read the select control (the dropdown menu) or its label? Also, you mentioned that you were trying to install some custom code so I'm wondering what this is, and who provided it.
  7. Can you tell us a little more about the issue you are experiencing and what you want to be able to do? For example, when you say "dropdown menu" are you referring to the variant selector on product pages? Please ensure you include a working link to the page on your site and the steps you’ve taken so far.
  8. Squarespace do not monitor this forum for feature requests. To make a make feature request, please raise a support ticket with Squarespace Customer Care. You can reach out to them here.
  9. Squarespace Customer Care should always be your first stop for technical issues with your site. You can reach out to them here.
  10. I can understand why you might want to reword the phrase "every month" to make it a more appealing proposition, for example "$30 per month" instead. You could do this with some JavaScript. However, I don't suggest you remove the payment interval description altogether. Removing this will make the pricing less clear to potential customers and may harm your conversion rates.
  11. They will always be added at the end, but you can manually drag them to change position.
  12. Let me try to provide some additional detail. It isn't technically possible to prevent someone copying text on a website. Any website. The websites you've seen will be deploying some measures to make it appear that text cannot be copied. For example, you could prevent visitors from selecting text on a page, or block the 'copy' command when they try to copy to the clipboard. However, I would not advise any of my clients to implement these restrictions on their websites because these measures are just small obstacles that will not prevent visitors copying your content. They will simply frustrate your genuine visitors by giving them a bad experience, and they won't return.
  13. This simply isn’t possible. If your content is available on the internet, it can be copied. Of course it shouldn’t be copied - if you wrote the content, you own the copyright. You can add code that discourages visitors from copying your content, by making it more difficult, but you cannot stop it altogether.
  14. SEE https://answers.squarespace.com/questions/277530/automatic-dark-mode-avenue-theme.html
  15. See the third party plugin called Advanced Map Block available here: https://www.squarewebsites.org/products/advanced-map-block
  16. You won't be able to programmatically change the actual price because it is fixed but one solution would be to add variants for different areas, calculate the area (based on user input) and then select the nearest variant, thus changing the price to match that variant's pricing.
  17. Let me try to explain. When you upload a PDF (or any supported file) to Squarespace your file can be accessed by using the domain name of your site, or the automatically assigned content delivery network (CDN) URL that usually includes "static.squarespace.com". For example, if you add a PDF called myfile.pdf to a site with the domain example.com then you could post a link to either https://example.com/s/myfile.pdf or to https://static1.squarespace.com/static/xxx/x/xxxx/xxx/myfile.pdf Both are equally valid. You cannot hide or change the CDN version of the URL. This is fixed. I hope this helps to explain. If your site isn't working as described then you should reach out to Squarespace Customer Care. I know you said you've done this, but they are the only ones with access to your site and account. The community cannot logon to your site to troubleshoot issues. Let me know how you get on. -Paul Squarespace Expert & Professional Developer Contributors to this forum voluntarily give their time to help you. If we correctly answer your question, please accept the answer by clicking Accept below it (you'll see it when you're logged on). If an answer doesn't help, feel free to ask for more help or wait for other forum users to add their comments and/or answers. Whenever an accepted answer helps you, please vote it up using the up arrow on the right. This helps other forum users by giving them confidence in an answer.
  18. Is this question related to this one? - Customising a Product It will help if you can provide a working link to the site and a table of the way pricing works. Without those it's difficult for the community to understand the context or to consider possible solutions.
  19. There isn’t a built-in function to specifically do this but, depending on the requirements, you may be able to build something using a Blog Collection, with one post per contact. A search bar, linked only to this blog, could then be used to search for matching posts (contacts).
  20. I see the fallback image briefly before the video loads on your site, but the video loads pretty swiftly so I don't see the image for long. Can you describe the circumstances and symptoms when it doesn't appear? Is this pre-roll, on certain devices or something else?
  21. The code above is for a specific page on a specific site because it includes a collection ID (#collection-580a9bee6a4963712b3646b8) from the site mentioned in the question. If you remove this element, it will work on similar sites.
  22. Hello Squarespace don't control whether the background video is shown on mobile devices - it is controlled by your mobile's browser. In the past, mobiles would not load background videos but this changed recently because newer devices are now powerful enough to display them and an increasing number of networks (4G/5G/WiFi) are fast enough too. If you want to prevent them, you'll need some CSS. The CSS in your question is incorrect, so first you'll need to remove this. Then add the following (to Design > Custom CSS): @media only screen and (max-width: 768px) { #collection-580a9bee6a4963712b3646b8 .sqs-video-background .custom-fallback-image { display: block; opacity: 1; } #collection-580a9bee6a4963712b3646b8 .sqs-video-background iframe { display: none; } } This will remove the video on the specified page only. Let me know how you get on. -Paul Squarespace Expert & Professional Developer Contributors to this forum voluntarily give their time to help you. If we correctly answer your question, please accept the answer by clicking Accept below it (you'll see it when you're logged on). If an answer doesn't help, feel free to ask for more help or wait for other forum users to add their comments and/or answers. Whenever an accepted answer helps you, please vote it up using the up arrow on the right. This helps other forum users by giving them confidence in an answer.
  23. Squarespace doesn't offer any manual processing of invoices so (as you probably do now) you'll need an external invoicing package for these transactions. In terms of "automating bookings" there are a few things you could try. Offer CTAs specific to these organisations, such as a "Paying with a Purchase Order?" button Use Acuity Scheduling to allow them to book the session in your calendar without paying. This way they will have committed to a date and the invoicing can be done manually afterwards.
  24. No, not yet. Make a feature request for this by contacting Squarespace Customer Care. You can reach out to them here.
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