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Everything posted by Ziggy

  1. When I download and try and open this font file, I get an error, so that may well be the problem: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/664e2b41272ffc75375ddc90/t/6658b978e1e2af17e2fc11cf/1717090680866/Mundane-Con Neu.otf There also seems to be a space before Neu.otf which also isn't right for a URL.
  2. Looks to be working fine everywhere I've checked.
  3. I'm not sure there's much you can do about this. Are you getting genuine leads (correct name/email etc) that simply put a fake phone number because they don't want to share it?
  4. Can you share your website URL and this page?
  5. Yes, every block has a unique ID: https://squarefortytwo.com/squarespace-guides/find-an-id-in-squarespace-71
  6. That's an option in the guide: https://www.bradgood.net/articles/multi-language-content-on-any-squarespace-template#:~:text=hover { opacity%3A 0.8%3B } } }-,Step 5a.,-Here is another
  7. Try this Custom CSS: .burger-inner.header-menu-icon-doubleLineHamburger .top-bun { transform: translatey(-8px); } .burger-inner.header-menu-icon-doubleLineHamburger .bottom-bun { transform: translatey(8px); }
  8. It looks like you are using <frame> instead of <iframe>. I don't believe <frame> without the i is supported on most modern browsers and HTML5.
  9. Use this in Custom CSS: @media only screen and (max-width:767px) { .gallery-grid--layout-grid .gallery-grid-wrapper { display: grid; grid-template-columns: 1fr !important; padding: 0vw 6vw !important; } }
  10. You're spot-on about the problem, and part of the issue is the space taken up by the warning message, by getting rid of that you can edit the code block to be shorter. Add this to Custom CSS and then re-edit the page layout: html.squarespace-damask .sqs-blockStatus, .sqs-block .removed-script { display: none !important; }
  11. Given that you are using the latest version of Squarespace, you can simply highlight the text and change the text colour in the settings:
  12. Have a look this method: https://www.will-myers.com/articles/super-easy-image-slider-in-squarespace-71-squarespace-70-brine-template
  13. The gallery block doesn't work well in Fluid Engine, the best thing you can do is edit the page in a narrow browser window, ideally 768px wide, so it maintains the desktop 24-column layout rather than the mobile 8-column grid. When you edit the layout like this it will remove most of the padding, and when the browser gets wider the rows will stretch to accommodate the section contents.
  14. Can you share your website URL and the whatsapp link URL? You would need code like this and an icon image for Whatsapp: .social-icons-color-standard .url[href="***URL***"] svg { visibility:hidden; } .social-icons-color-standard .url { border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); } .social-icons-color-standard .url[href="***URL***"] { background-image: url('***UPLOADED IMAGE URL***'); background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat; transform:scale(1); } But the exact code depends on the social block settings, and adding the links and image URL.
  15. I'm not sure how to explain that. What settings do you have for the header? Dynamic? Solid?
  16. Here's a guide for you to get IDs on your website: https://squarefortytwo.com/squarespace-guides/find-an-id-in-squarespace-71
  17. You can certainly use Disqus for blog comments, but I'm not sure it works for galleries: https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/206544897-Adding-Disqus-comments-to-your-site
  18. That'll be it, it's surprising that your old built-in domain got indexed, but it should correct given some time, I still don't think there's anything you can do to redirect it.
  19. Add #page to target just the page: #page .page-section:first-child { min-height: clamp(0px, 54.25vw, 100vh) !important; }
  20. Negative margins bring me out in a cold sweat, scary stuff! That Will Myers solution is pretty good...
  21. You would have to add the code, then edit the page layout after as it won't change automatically. You could also try adding a max height to the FE block itself.
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