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  1. Perfect, this solves question 1 - on mobile. Thank you! Do you also know how to increase padding on the left and right side of the portfolio, when viewing on desktop?
  2. Hi, I have two questions regarding this page: https://mackerel-corn-g3dd.squarespace.com/ogen-portfolio (and also the wenkbrauwen page and ogen page, same format). I have used a Grid: simple for the portfolio. 1) On desktop, you can see 3 columns. On mobile, it shows 2 columns - but this is very small. Is it possible to force mobile to show only 1 column instead of 2? 2) Is it possible to add more space on the left and right side of the portfolio when viewing on desktop? I have tried adjusting the full / inset settings, but this makes things way too small. Thank you! 🙂
  3. I'm currently finishing up a new website through Squarespace and I'm going to connect my domain to it. Currently, my website is made in Wordpress. After the technical move has been completed, and my domain directs to this new Squarespace website, should I delete all my Wordpress files via FTP? Or doesn't it make a difference (for Google, mainly)? It will not lead to any other errors as well if I keep the Wordpress files as is? Thanks! The website is www.nadinekerckhoffs.nl
  4. Site URL: https://www.concreet.media So I've recently made the switch from my Wordpress site to my SquareSpace website. I uploaded the new sitemap to the Google Search Console, but I notice that now (after a week), the indexing has not turned out great (yet). Google search is still giving me old results but the search console is telling me that a lot of new pages have been discovered - maybe I need to be more patient. I have started to remove all the Wordpress files through FTP. I'm just wondering if this is the best way to do this or are there any other measures I need to take? I basically want to avoid any links back to my old website and just point everything towards thew new SS website. Thanks!
  5. Of course! www.concreet.media You can see the columns on the homepage and on the werk-page.
  6. Hi, I am currently working on my website. I have a homepage, which features a small part my portfolio which I'd like to be 3 columns. Then I have another 'work' page, which features basically everything I made. I want this to be 4 columns. However, when editing the columns, it affects both pages. Already reached out to SS, they couldn't help. Maybe anyone here knows what to do or is there a certain code I could use? Thanks!
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