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Everything posted by Ziggy

  1. Looks great @rhondahymason! Thanks for marking my answer as a solution!
  2. You're using the option to target the radio option, you'll want to target check boxes, start with this:
  3. Sorry for not explaining more, the (2) needs to change to reflect the position of the menu item in the navigation. e.g. if it's the fourth item, change the (2) to (4), if if the first item, change it to (1). If you can share the website (and sitewide password) it makes it easier to provide assistance.
  4. You need to target just one, and can use nth-child(n) to do this, see below: .Header-inner--top .Header-nav-folder:nth-child(2) { column-gap : 1rem; display : grid; grid-template-columns : 1fr 1fr; } Change out the (2) to target the correct folder. Let me know if this has helped!
  5. Hi @benelliott! Both .OFT and .TTF should render on iOS devices, but why have you got two sources for one font? Does it work if you remove one of the sources from the CSS?
  6. Hi @Elramey, it looks like the plugins aren't working correctly, the only way to fix the style is to fix the plugins, adding more code will probably only cause more problems. It looks like the width is not constrained on mobile, but on the popup the content in it is incorrectly constrained. Are you trying to adjust the grid for mobile, or is that happening because of the width issues? Could you share more details of the plugins and the CSS that you've put into the website?
  7. Hi @TechyBecky_101, you should be able to do this in the style settings. Just checking, but have you adjusted the text link colour in all of the color theme profiles? It may be under the List Sections settings for these two examples. If that doesn't work, you could do it in Custom CSS: .list-item-content__description a { color:#45A29A; } Let me know if that helps!
  8. Try this: h1 i { font-family: 'YOUR_FONT_FAMILY'; font-style: normal; } Since you haven't provided the font family info, you'll have to put that in yourself. Let me know if I can help further.
  9. This should help you, just pick the bit of CSS you need:
  10. This sounds like quite a specialist website, but you could achieve it with on Squarespace with a plugin like this: https://www.powr.io/job-board-for-squarespace-how-to-add-to-your-site?src=tutorials
  11. It looks like you need to edit the design on mobile (edit the page and the toggle the mobile icon in the top-right corner). When you're on the mobile editor, you can stretch blocks the full width of the screen like you've done on desktop. With the latest version of Squarespace (Fluid Engine) you need to design the mobile page separately and as well as the desktop design. Hope that helps!
  12. You need to use a media query in the Custom CSS to target mobile (using screen max-width), and then target the text block with the block ID, and then set the text alignment to center: @media screen and (max-width:749px) { #block-yui_3_17_2_1_1660700494123_911821 { text-align:center !important; } } Let me know if that works for you!
  13. This is a current problem in Squarespace Fluid Engine, when you open the accordion, the grid rows get stretched taller, and this then changes the spacing in adjoining rows. You can fix this by moving the image up one row. This may make the spacing too tight between the text and image, so you can possible increase the row padding on that section, or you could drag the image block box up a block, set it to fit rather than fill, and set the alignment to the bottom of the image block box. Hope this helps!
  14. It looks like you have the image width set to 10%, are you doing this Custom CSS? .user-items-list-carousel__media-container { min-width:100px; } Adding a min-width to the image will prevent it from getting too small.
  15. Firstly, it looks like you should be able to embed this on a Squarespace website: https://scenethink.com/local-media/#:~:text=Widgets,customized widgets %26 integrations. Secondly, the latest version of Squarespace has the same functionality no matter what template you pick, they are simply starting points for design and layout. Hope that answer your questions!
  16. It looks like the alternative glyphs may be triggered by setting the letter to BOLD and ITALICS, try that on the other letter i.
  17. I can't see a way this would be possible, the way that Squarespace pulls posts into the Instagram block would mean that if you hid the 3 pinned posts at the beginning it wouldn't pull in three more to fill the gap. It's also not smart enough to be able to distinguish between pinned and regular posts. Hopefully I'm missing something and maybe someone else can shed some light on this.
  18. You're right about where the padding is coming from, each item has a margin of 60px (in orange), and the page has a padding of 60px on the bottom (in green). You could reduce the padding on this page at the bottom to close up this space like this: #collection-6325b19ad02c7d387fa51499 .Main-content { padding-bottom: 0px; } (change 0px to whatever you want)
  19. There's the same question being asked and answered in this thread, which will hopefully help you out:
  20. I have done it successfully, but that's not to say that I haven't had exactly the same issues with blocks moving around poorly, rows being added automatically, block selections not working correctly, and generally a buggy experience. It does seem to be better on sites created from scratch with FE, rather than converting, but I still get problems on occasion that scupper my efforts, with patience and limiting what I do, I can normally get the look, but that's very much a hassle and not an experience I would recommend. It is not operator error on your part. If you'd like me to have a quick go at building this in your footer, you can send me a contributor invitation and I will see if I can help.
  21. Hi, what a strange bug! I can't replicate it but without success (which isn't necessarily a bad thing) have you replicated the issue on other computers/browsers? Hopefully it's a caching issue and not affecting the website performance for other users.
  22. Try this: .form-block .lightbox-handle { transition:all ease-in-out 300ms; &:hover { background-color:#fddb27 !important; opacity:1 !important; } }
  23. It looks like there's a margin at the top of the page of 75px, that's pretty straightforward to fix, add this to your Custom CSS, and if 0px makes it too crowded at the top, then you can just increase the pixels to suit your design: main { margin-top: 0px; } Let me know if this works for you!
  24. I'm not certain this will work correctly, I find it often needs a bit of fiddling with to get the targeting right: @media only screen and (max-width:640px) { .sqs-gallery-design-carousel .sqs-gallery-design-carousel-slide * .summary-excerpt { white-space: pre-wrap; overflow: hidden; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 2; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; } }
  25. You can put code with an ID in most places on your website, and you can link to these IDs from the footer. Check this guide out: https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/207135178-Creating-anchor-links
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