Hey Ziggy!
Thanks for the quick response. I think there is an update available for the plugin. The plugin I am using is Lightbox by SQSP https://www.sqspthemes.com/plugins/ultimate-squarespace-lightbox-plugin
This is the code used on that page:
<!-- Custom Style for Gallery Titles -->
<style>.gallery-caption p {white-space:pre}
.gallery-caption p {text-align:center}
.gallery-caption p:first-line {font-size: .75rem; font-weight:bold }</style>
<!-- Custom Style for Hover Effect in Gallery Photos -->
<style>.gallery-grid-item img:hover{opacity:.2}</style>
<!-- Plugin Lightbox - Custom Styles -->
<!-- Plugin Lightbox - Custom Styles -->
html .c-lightbox[data-type=inline]:not([data-group]) .c-lightbox__overlay {
background: rgba(166,166,166,.78);
@media (min-width: 1200px) {
html .c-lightbox__content {
max-width: 1200px;
html .c-lightbox__content-inner {
padding: 12px;
background: #fff;
border-radius: 11px;
<!-- end Plugin Lightbox - Custom Styles -->
I will load the plugin update and see if it helps with the grid lining up correctly. I haven't tried to adjust the grid for mobile yet. I was wondering if the code for my titles is what is throwing the grids off.
Thank you!