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Everything posted by creedon

  1. Let's start with the basic cloud button effect. cloud button example.mp4 Here is the CSS for that. .sqs-block-button { background-image : url( 'https://static1.squarespace.com/static/63f63f087faed7328848a0f9/t/63f93a473b92ab032bfa4e47/1677277767327/Button+Color+%281%29.png' ); background-position : center; background-repeat : no-repeat; background-size : contain; } I tied it to the button block but you can choose a deeper element in the block. Once you have that sorted then you can build on it. Let us know how it goes.
  2. It is unlikely that the code you posted is the issue but code that is referenced within the code you posted. I know a subtle but important difference. When you reference code that is out of your control (Memberspace's) there is not much you or we can do about their potentially broken code, except report it to them. Let us know how it goes.
  3. I just tested a form linked to a Google spreadsheet and the timestamp came along for the ride. Have you disconnected and reconnected to the spreadsheet to see if that helps? Are you sure that the format of the spreadsheet wasn't altered in some way that is causing the issue? You could always start a new sheet and connect to that one to see if that helps. Let us know how it goes.
  4. Please post the URL for a page on your site where we can see your issue. A link to the backend of the your site won’t work for us, i.e. a url that contains /config/. Please set up a site-wide password, if your site is not public and you've not already done so. Post the password here. Adding a site-wide password does not allow anyone to alter your site. It only allows those with the password to see your site. Please read the site-wide password and how to share a link documentation to understand how they work. We can then take a look at your issue. You may find How to post a forum question post useful.
  5. If your site is v7.0 then the answer is no, you don't have to upgrade to v7.1 to use e-commerce.If you like your v7.0 site and it's features, there is no compelling reason to update. There are some differences in how Product pages (v7.0) and Store pages (v7.1) work. But overall the concepts are fairly similar. The trick for you will be to make sure when you are reading support pages and such will be that you read instructions that are specific to the v7.0 version. If you are reading something and it doesn't seem to be going well, verify that the steps are specific to v7.0. You can easily get started on your e-commerce jorney by creating a new Product page and starting to fill in your products. Let us know how it goes.
  6. One common technique is to create a block in the Additional Info area and then with code move it up to the product description area. Then from there you position it within the area with CSS. Keep in mind the product description area was not designed for layout designed of any kind so your best bet is to keep it simple to moving individual blocks. Please see the following. Let us know how it goes.
  7. As I mentioned a trial site is not public by default although published in a sense as you can get to it, just nobody else can. It you are ready go go public please see Publishing or hiding your site. Lots of useful information on the support site.
  8. I have updated my code post. Let us know how it goes.
  9. The code had changed a bit since the original post. It is still relevant but it only covers the event detail page use case. Let's cover this use case first. I have updated my June 4, 2021 post. Please remove the code you installed and reinstall based on the updated Install instructions. Let us know how it goes.
  10. Sure. Drop the attribute selector portion of the selector. a.Header-nav-folder-title { pointer-events : none; } This for v7.0 using the Brine template family. Let us know how it goes.
  11. Have you tried the usual things. Quit and relaunch browser. Clear browser cache for site. Reboot computer, routers, hubs, and etc. Tried a different browser. Not suggesting a change of browser but as a diagnostic. If if works on another and not yours then something is up with your browser in the mix. It could be the browser or is could be an SS issue. Let us know how it goes.
  12. No. The checkout page can not be altered with custom code. It is a SS security feature. You can make a feature request to SS via Customer Support.
  13. Please see the following. This is a couple of years ago so I'm not fresh on the details but it appears that you may be using the same code the other poster did. I think this will work for you. Focus on the mechanics of how things work not where elements are being placed in the site. Let us know how it goes.
  14. creedon

    SEO Errors

    The files are already minified. Files that make your site function. They are not optional. Even if they were, SS provides no interface to select which files will or won't load when your site loads. It takes a lot of code to make SS function the way it does.
  15. Add the following to Design > Custom CSS. .yui3-squarespacecalendar .compact-layout .background { display : unset; } .yui3-squarespacecalendar .compact-layout .background + .marker .marker-daynum { color : unset; } Let us know how it goes.
  16. I don't have a solution but some observations. You can get part of the way there with pure CSS. You can get both tags to the lower right using position : absolute to take several of the elements out of the normal flow and reposition them. The only way I can think of, off the top of my head, to get one tag to move would be to use CSS and JavaScript to position one tag outside of it's parent element.
  17. In the code you will see a section labeled... /* HOMEPAGE-LOGO LINKS TO PROPER LANGUAGE HOMEPAGE */ Just below that you will see if Change that to /* if Then a few lines down you will see a } (right curly bracket) Change that to } */ What this does is comment out that code. Commented code doesn't run. Let us know how it goes.
  18. Your site is private please set up a site-wide password. Post the password here. Adding a site-wide password does not allow anyone to alter your site. It only allows those with the password to see your site. Please read the site-wide password and how to share a link documentation to understand how they work. We can then take a look at your issue. You may find How to post a forum question post useful.
  19. Please post the URL for a page on your site where we can see your issue. A link to the backend of the your site won’t work for us, i.e. a url that contains /config/. Please set up a site-wide password, if your site is not public and you've not already done so. Post the password here. Adding a site-wide password does not allow anyone to alter your site. It only allows those with the password to see your site. Please read the site-wide password and how to share a link documentation to understand how they work. We can then take a look at your issue. You may find How to post a forum question post useful.
  20. I'm thinking you need to change the blog post settings. Let us know how it goes.
  21. Please post the URL for a page on your site where we can see your issue. A link to the backend of the your site won’t work for us, i.e. a url that contains /config/. Please set up a site-wide password, if your site is not public and you've not already done so. Post the password here. Adding a site-wide password does not allow anyone to alter your site. It only allows those with the password to see your site. Please read the site-wide password and how to share a link documentation to understand how they work. We can then take a look at your issue. You may find How to post a forum question post useful.
  22. Please post the URL for a page on your site where we can see your issue. A link to the backend of the your site won’t work for us, i.e. a url that contains /config/. Please set up a site-wide password, if your site is not public and you've not already done so. Post the password here. Adding a site-wide password does not allow anyone to alter your site. It only allows those with the password to see your site. Please read the site-wide password and how to share a link documentation to understand how they work. We can then take a look at your issue. You may find How to post a forum question post useful.
  23. Yes. Please Contact Customer Support and item six on the forum guidelines. It sounds like you may gone through Squarespace's relatively new way to get a site up and running. I've not used it extensively but it sounds like SS didn't do enough to inform you of what the results of your selected options would be. When you are through with selecting options, a new site is created for you, in trial mode [1, 2]. When you create a site in trial mode, it is not public by default.
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