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Everything posted by Ziggy

  1. Hi @ruthob93, It looks like the SquareKicker extension that you're using has set this section to have a top padding of 100px. You could either fix this in SquareKicker, or you could probably duplicate the section and delete the original (this should break the link between the padding code and this design). Let me know if that answers your question and fixes this problem!
  2. Thanks for sharing this, how have you gone about adding this to your website? This should give you a start on uploading, but I'm not referencing the image correctly, you'll have to upload those and reference them in the javascript file. Maybe best to do this via the same method as with the JS and CSS files described below. How you would do this from your desktop seems impossible to me for Squarespace. The portion in the <head></head> tags should go in the page header code injection. The portion in the <body></body> should go in a code block on the page. The code under /index.js should be put into a plain text document and uploaded as a link in the page section of the dashboard, and copy the url, it should be /s/index.js (this will need adding to the header code to reference correctly) (when you get the images uploaded this would need re-uploading and replacing) The code under /index.css should be put into a plain text document and uploaded as a link in the page section of the dashboard, and copy the url, it should be /s/index.css (this will need adding to the header code to reference correctly) New Header code: <script src="https://kit.fontawesome.com/a076d05399.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/s/index.css"/> <script src="/s/index.js"></script>
  3. You will need to adjust the styling to stop it from cutting off, but that should be achievable. I'm not sure I can work out the code without being in the Custom CSS and trialing different options to fix the problem and retain the look you want.
  4. You may be able to use this code to add in an image to the announcement bar: https://insidethesquare.co/squarespace-tutorials/announcement-bar-image
  5. Hi @CPharmacyScot, have you got some CSS to add 1% padding on the items? It looks like that might be causing the shift.
  6. If you're redesigning in 7.1 you should be able to use Fluid Engine, and create the overlap without CSS. Can you share the URL and site wide password as well as your old website so the forum can see what you're referring to?
  7. The link you've provided doesn't show the website, which makes assisting you more difficult, can you reshare? You may want to explore using a menu plugin like this: https://www.will-myers.com/products/p/mega-menu-for-squarespace-71 You should be able to adjust the bold for active nav links with some CSS, which I can help you with once I can see your homepage.
  8. There are plenty of plugins that would do this try one of the below: https://www.will-myers.com/products/p/before-/-after-image-slider https://www.rebeccagracedesigns.com/blog/before-after-image-slider-squarespace-website Or read the topic here:
  9. If you want to change the size of a specific title, you'll most likely have to use a Block ID, the only alternative is just targeting the class in the page specific header injection but that'll only work if there is only one of that class on the page. I would also say that I have not experienced SQS changing the Block IDs at any point, over the last 7+ years. From looking at your website it appears that you've achieved this already? Both titles are the same size.
  10. Thanks for posting your question, it's going to be rather tricky for someone on the forum to help with such a specialist task, especially without specifics on the code you're using or the website URL. Can you provide anything else? Where did you get the custom code, and was it designed to work on Squarespace? Where have you put the code? Is this supposed to work on a live website linked to your desktop, I can't say that sounds like it would work online?
  11. Can you share your website URL and site wide password? Are you using a custom font or any CSS that might interfere with the text in the buttons?
  12. It looks like you're using 7.1, it shouldn't be a problem for you to make image full page on each section. You could set the header to fixed and transparent, and if you want the overlay text, you could achieve that with some code injection and CSS, maybe use this as a starting point: https://www.beatrizcaraballo.com/blog/add-floating-book-button-squarespace
  13. Try this as a solution, it's easy to install and allows you to edit easily as each slide is just a section: https://www.will-myers.com/products/p/sliding-image-banner
  14. Hi @TomStapes, if you set the image to Stack and then use this Custom CSS: #block-yui_3_17_2_1_1663908936907_7671 { background:#d7e5f0; margin-left:30px !important; margin-top:30px !important; .sqs-image { margin-left:-30px !important; margin-top:-30px !important; } } Change the Block ID at the top if I haven't pulled the correct one from the website, and adjust the margins to suit your design. Let me know if this is enough info for you to do the rest, good luck! Probably not relevant, but this type of design is easily achieved without CSS in the new Fluid Engine in Squarespace 7.1.
  15. A general few steps to a possible solution without have duplicate websites. Have a look at this software for redirection: https://geotargetly.com/squarespace-geo-redirect#:~:text=Geo redirection is the process,redirects for their Squarespace website. Create UK/NZ pages by duplicating and swapping content. The navigation then becomes a problem, but should be solvable with a menu plugin like this: https://www.will-myers.com/products/p/mega-menu-for-squarespace-71 or by alternating UK/NZ pages in the header and using nth-child(odd) and nth-child(even) to hide/display the correct ones on each page. Step one and a duplicate website would allow you more freedom, especially in terms of SEO, but it would cost two subscriptions.
  16. You can set a site wide password and share that before the website is live: Set a site-wide password
  17. Looks great @rhondahymason! Thanks for marking my answer as a solution!
  18. You're using the option to target the radio option, you'll want to target check boxes, start with this:
  19. Sorry for not explaining more, the (2) needs to change to reflect the position of the menu item in the navigation. e.g. if it's the fourth item, change the (2) to (4), if if the first item, change it to (1). If you can share the website (and sitewide password) it makes it easier to provide assistance.
  20. You need to target just one, and can use nth-child(n) to do this, see below: .Header-inner--top .Header-nav-folder:nth-child(2) { column-gap : 1rem; display : grid; grid-template-columns : 1fr 1fr; } Change out the (2) to target the correct folder. Let me know if this has helped!
  21. Hi @benelliott! Both .OFT and .TTF should render on iOS devices, but why have you got two sources for one font? Does it work if you remove one of the sources from the CSS?
  22. Hi @Elramey, it looks like the plugins aren't working correctly, the only way to fix the style is to fix the plugins, adding more code will probably only cause more problems. It looks like the width is not constrained on mobile, but on the popup the content in it is incorrectly constrained. Are you trying to adjust the grid for mobile, or is that happening because of the width issues? Could you share more details of the plugins and the CSS that you've put into the website?
  23. Hi @TechyBecky_101, you should be able to do this in the style settings. Just checking, but have you adjusted the text link colour in all of the color theme profiles? It may be under the List Sections settings for these two examples. If that doesn't work, you could do it in Custom CSS: .list-item-content__description a { color:#45A29A; } Let me know if that helps!
  24. Try this: h1 i { font-family: 'YOUR_FONT_FAMILY'; font-style: normal; } Since you haven't provided the font family info, you'll have to put that in yourself. Let me know if I can help further.
  25. This should help you, just pick the bit of CSS you need:
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