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Everything posted by Collaborada

  1. Yes that is where you change it. It can be anything you prefer, although not the www listed above -- see more info here. If the source code doesn't update and you need help communicating with Support team, please feel free to reach out via our contact form. It is a bug.
  2. Hi @uhohitsheidiho. Your source code is wrong - it still references the built-in domain as canonical. I'd take a screenshot and submit it to Support. But also if you change the built-in domain it likely will fix itself.
  3. Hi @NathanaelWard. The site is indexed (but isn't displaying) and it shows on other search engines, meaning you are experiencing the indexing issue discussed here.
  4. Hi @AnnaB12. Make sure to do 301 redirects pointing old content to new content. For example, /seed-management is indexed, but is a 404 on the new site. Keep an eye on Google Search Console. Google's documentation on site moves: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/crawling-indexing/site-move-with-url-changes
  5. To prevent confusion for beginners: Google does not "manually" generate descriptions, it is an automated process. Note, Google writing descriptions isn't inherently bad, it tries to choose parts of your content that match the user query. But if you write a good description, they will typically show your wording. The length of a meta description is not limited to 150-160 characters. Shorter or sometimes longer descriptions can be appropriate. Google's current documentation states: "There's no limit on how long a meta description can be, but the snippet is truncated in Google Search results as needed, typically to fit the device width." It is important to understand that including the “primary keyword you want to rank for” has no impact on page ranking. The URL Inspection Tool is meant for checking individual page status, not for routine checks of “all the URLs.” And requesting indexing does not guarantee quick updates or “refreshed data.” Refer to Google's documentation: URL inspection tool: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/9012289 Page descriptions: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/appearance/snippet
  6. The reply above might mislead or confuse beginners: The length of a meta description is not limited to 150-160 characters. Shorter or sometimes longer descriptions can be appropriate. Google's documentation currently states: "There's no limit on how long a meta description can be, but the snippet is truncated in Google Search results as needed, typically to fit the device width." It is important to understand that including the “main keyword you want to rank for” has no impact on page ranking. The URL Inspection Tool is meant for checking individual page status, not for routine checks of “all URLs.” And requesting indexing does not guarantee quick updates in search results or “refreshed data.” For up-to-date info refer to Google documentation: Page descriptions: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/appearance/snippet URL inspection tool: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/9012289
  7. When you create an internal link you'll want to make sure the toggle for "open link in new tab" is toggled off. It tries to auto-detect external and internal links--but currently, it isn't detecting all internal links. Good luck!
  8. Hi there. The target="_blank" attribute tells a browser to open a link in a new tab.
  9. Hi @Ash_B based on above, you disallowed crawling. Visit Settings > Crawlers and toggle back on.
  10. You only need to submit this sitemap: https://www.juliapylak.com/sitemap.xml
  11. Hi @wzrdofthestnk. This solution works: https://ryandejaegher.com/fix-amazon-affiliate-links-in-squarespace/
  12. @Stratus The site was redesigned and/or migrated. There are other steps involved, for example you likely need 301 redirects. Google discusses site moves here: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/crawling-indexing/site-move-with-url-changes Generally speaking, most businesses benefit from seeking assistance with website redesigns/migrations.
  13. Hi @Krzy. The message about a redirect on http://juliapylak.com is accurate because your website redirects to https and www. Use the site: command and you will see that a few pages have been indexed: site:juliapylak.com Note, I wouldn't expect Google to be interested in pages that still say "under construction." The site doesn't show in Google search for your name, but shows on other search engines, meaning you are experiencing the indexing issue outlined here: https://www.collaborada.com/blog/website-disappeared-from-google
  14. Hi @360GSS_UK Screaming Frog can also help you find broken links. FWIW the 2 sites listed on your IG look super similar and may lead to confusion: 360gss.co.uk and glass360.co.uk
  15. Hi @squadcheetah. Screaming Frog will find broken links. Keep in mind, one broken link isn't a critical issue. If you are having indexing issues focus on building a high-quality site with valuable content and a good user experience for optimal indexing.
  16. Those are called sitelinks. In general, improve the site's structure. Here's Google best practices: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/appearance/sitelinks
  17. Hi @NathanaelWard see Google's outdated content tool: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/7041154
  18. Hi @Ellllla. If you permanently remove a page, the server returns a 404 (not found) — this will cause search engines to eventually drop the page. If you need immediate removal for legal or urgent reasons, search engines offer removal/blocking tools: Bing: https://www.bing.com/webmasters/help/?topicid=264e560b Google: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/9689846?hl=en
  19. Hi @cowerkin. This is as expected. Your domain is using https and www. Squarespace automatically redirects variations of URLs, http and non-www, to your preferred version. And on Squarespace a homepage will have a slug like example.com/home but Squarespace specifies example.com as the canonical (primary) page. Many indexing notifications in GSC are informational versus errors.
  20. @Kfed In this situation it is important to focus on a comprehensive plan and strategy rather than a checklist. The business has been around since 2005 and online since at least 2009 with hundreds of indexed URLs that needed analysis. The favicon will sort itself out as you tackle the key migration tasks. Google gives you a roadmap here: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/crawling-indexing/site-move-with-url-changes Don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance. The goal should be a smooth transition for your client..
  21. Hi @kellywilliamsphotographer. I see, that is a gallery vs project. Inserting CSS will work: https://forum.squarespace.com/topic/151871-hide-image-title-description-in-gallery-lightbox/
  22. Hi @kellywilliamsphotographer. Yes Jasper uses the title/desc as alt in some spots, but if desired you should be able to hide the text. See site styles. Indexes, toggle “show project captions.” Gallery page, toggle “show project captions.” Generally on 7.0 templates if you click an element on the page it does a good job of isolating the associated styles on the left. Good luck!
  23. Hi @Kfed. Migration refers to moving an existing website to a new location, including: Platform migrations - such as moving from WordPress to Squarespace Domain migrations - changing a domain or merging domains Structural migrations - reorganizing a site’s architecture, URL structure, moving from HTTP to HTTPS Google talks about site moves here: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/crawling-indexing/site-move-with-url-changes Designers that are new to migrating (moving, transferring, redesigning, etc.) websites might consider collaborating with experienced professionals for a smoother transition.
  24. Hi @Kfed. This looks to be a recent migration, so give it some time. Likely by the time you finish the migration work, the favicon issue will sort itself out.
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