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Everything posted by melody495

  1. Hi @Arnie please share your website url so we can see what's going on
  2. Thanks for the url. When you describe the issue of the image being cropped, do you mean the full image on the page looks different to your original image? If it is this issue, I am not seeing this. Or do you mean the full image is not displayed within your browser window? If it's this latter issue, I would suggest resizing your images smaller, as they are quite large in dimension. And if you have a number of screen sizes that you are targeting, check them all to see how your design responds to the different screen sizes. Let me know how it goes.
  3. Hi @MillyBanks that looks frustrating to work with! If disabling scripts made the issue go away, then you're right, it's something in your custom code. You will need to identify the problematic code and correct it. The best thing to do is to work backwards, what new code have you added/changed? If you have no idea which code would have caused it, then I would suggest removing your code (save them somewhere!) and add back bits of code at a time, to identify which code is causing the issue. Custom code can be located in Custom CSS, Code Injection (page specific and site-wide), Code Blocks. Hope this helps.
  4. @Squaredspace The UI of the Custom Files from your screenshot looks a bit off, e.g. the plus icon is not within the dotted box. I would check that your browser is at 100% zoom; zoomed in/out could sometimes affect the placements of elements. And check if any custom code is unintentionally affecting Squarespace's editor.
  5. As a fellow software engineer, I would say you most definitely don't have to be a software engineer to use Squarepace, it's a case of learning how to use the tool. And although Squarespace is easy to use, it IS a big platform with lots of features and maybe quirks. So let me try and help 🙂 To edit the content of a Text Block, you need to click on the pencil icon (or double-click on the block if you're impatient like me!). Then you will get the text formatting toolbar. With the familiar text alignment icon. To insert a link to a text, it works similarly to other text editors. If not already, you need to be in edit mode (click the pencil icon) -> highlight the text you wish to insert a link -> click on the "link" icon -> insert either an external link or start typing for one of your web pages. I have included screenshots below. Hope this answers your questions, let me know how it goes.
  6. Ah yes. That id is dynamic, so you can't use that. I would recommend making that row into a section on its own, then you can target the static section id. There is a chrome plugin called Squarespace ID Finder that can help you easily get the id of a block, section, page(collection). Hope this helps!
  7. Not at all! If the CSS is correct, then it will do what you've asked it to do. Can you check that there isn't any errors in your CSS code? If you share your code here, I can have a look at it.
  8. You are very welcome! Glad that worked. I would like to correct my above post though, you probably want the below. This means width = auto, height = 100%, so it would fill the section height with the photo then the photo's width is kept to the aspect ratio. background-size: auto 100%; The 100vh would stretch the image to fill the height of the device screen, rather than the section. You might have noticed the image looks "zoomed in" with 100vh. Sorry, I didn't catch it as I was typing before!
  9. Yep! You want to adjust the background-size to how you want the image to fit that section. You can try this, this means to set the background to be width=auto, height=100% of the section. background-size: auto 100%; You then might want to add this line depending on how you want your image to look background-position: xxxxxx; center, top, center top etc... more here https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_background-position.php, but let me know how it goes.
  10. Try adding !important. So change this line to below display:none!important;
  11. @WildpointJeff do you mean this? I seem to see something different to your screenshot. I am on windows using chrome. Have you/are you able to try it on a different device/browser? Is this isolated to your device/browser?
  12. @Celeste_Woodside the background image is already set in Squarespace, so you can just change the image for mobile. Don't need the For Desktop code. Try replacing your code with the below. Let me know how it goes. /* For mobile */ @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { [data-section-id="65d4ca134ce2a875379c1beb"] { .section-background img { display:none; } .section-background { background-image: url('https://static1.squarespace.com/static/65d4ca0c46c2917ff76edeb1/t/662a52d238ae740acc2997cd/1714049750968/6F4A7446.jpg'); background-size:100%; background-repeat: no-repeat; } } }
  13. Blog title alignment: On your blog post page (any of them), click Edit, click/hover over the title, click Edit Section ->under Format find Text Alignment -> change from Center to Left. Blog content alignment: click in the text box, find the alignment button in the text format toolbar. See the below screenshots for each of the above. Hope this helps.
  14. I would wait for Google to do its thing, it could sometimes take a couple of weeks. How long has it been since you first crawled? Note, when it says Crawled, re-submitting won't help. As there is no error, there is nothing to correct. You can see more from Google's documentation on page indexing
  15. @Celeste_Woodside Can you share your website url?
  16. Hi @rosatk Are you able to resize and drag the bottom of accordion block up (blue box)?
  17. Thanks! What happens when you click on Request Indexing? Does it say successful or is there an error?
  18. Ah, this is a gallery section. There is no built-in way to do this in Squarespace unfortunately. You'll need code injection to achieve this. This requires the business plan or above. There area few threads on the forum regarding this, but have a look at this one https://forum.squarespace.com/topic/241091-photo-description-displayed-in-lightbox-under-photo-in-photo-gallery-section/
  19. Hi @MonikaBu that should be the default if you've turned on Lightbox. What are you seeing currently? Can you share your website URL so we can have a look?
  20. Your screenshot didn't attach. Try adding !important to your line of CSS, like so. ... { display:none!important; } Let me know how it goes.
  21. Can you share the url to your website please? If it's included in your post, it's not shown to the forum.
  22. Hi @LBC20 you can either change the letter spacing in Squarespace or with CSS. For CSS, if you can share the code that you've tried, we can see if we spot any errors. Otherwise, you can try doing this with built-in Squarespace functionality. Site Styles -> Fonts -> Headings -> Letter Spacing. You can change that for all font types here. Let me know how it goes.
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