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Everything posted by melody495

  1. Hi @JuditLorincz as this is a third party plugin, best option is to contact them. Have you tried contacting Termly?
  2. Hi @kathryneade, just need to change one small thing! Change your code from h4 { font-family: 'caveat' !important; } to h4 { font-family: caveat !important; } This is because in the above code where you loaded the font file, the name you've given this font-family is caveat with single quotes. Need to use the same name. Subtle difference, but a difference nonetheless. This is what it looks like when I tested changing the second line to caveat, just to confirm you have uploaded your font file correctly.
  3. Hi @eyebandits assuming you are the owner of the SquareSpace website, then you can set up Google Search Console for the website. (Although I think being an admin can do it too, I think one of my sites was done with an admin account) You will need a Google account. For more information, SquareSpace has an article on Verifying your site with Google Search Console. If you are setting it all up for your client, then they won't need access to Google Search Console. They can always get set up if they want access in the future. It also depends on how you are managing the website after launch, e.g. if you are keeping ownership or transferring to them. Connecting to Google Search Console is quite straightforward, but you want to check everything looks ok after connecting. Hope this is helpful.
  4. Ah I found it, it's further down the page. There are 2 things you can do to reduce the space between the gallery reel and the title below. 1a) Add this code to Webpage -> Website Tools (Not Linked) -> Custom CSS, save and refresh. .gallery .gallery-reel { padding-bottom: 0; } The above code will remove the green bottom padding, for all gallery-reel. 1b) You can then resize your section to fit. 2) The section below your gallery reel has extra spacing. You can edit it to smaller in the editor. Let me know how it goes.
  5. Hi, is this the link to the page? The padding seems small already?
  6. Hi @identifyasaproblem hover on the scrolling block, click Edit -> Design -> Pause on hover, make sure it's turned off. Try that and let me know how it goes.
  7. Hi @Soma have you tried editing the mobile view? Mobile (top right) -> Edit (top left) -> resize blocks -> save.
  8. You can. You achieve this by adding code to your Custom CSS. There are step-by-step instructions in the link I have provided above. First find and download the font file you need, then follow the link. I cannot do those steps for you as you will need to upload font file and insert the font file you've uploaded, so you will need to follow the link. If you need help with the above, drop me an email.
  9. Hi, the status of summary block is still the same as per the thread. You can use a paid plugin called Lazy Summaries Load mentioned by @Paul2009 above or manually chain summary blocks together mentioned by @derricksrandomviews above.
  10. Hard to guess without seeing what's going on. The other suggestion is to try reload your file in src url. I can check to see if your custom file is loaded correctly, won't need access to your member area, just to any open page. Custom CSS is for your entire website, not page specific.
  11. Hi @ChrisGreen your uploaded font name is 'Algerian' with single quotes, when you use it below, it's Algerian without quotes. In your second code block, try this instead. Adding single quotes and semi-colon. #block-yui_3_17_2_1_1701517608750_10889 * { font-family: 'Algerian'; } Let me know how it goes. Refresh after saving. If it doesn't work, please share your website URL.
  12. Hi, you can save a copy of what's in your Custom CSS before you start. Then if you did mess it up, you have a copy of the working file to go back to. For custom font, you will need to find the font file you need, download it. and then follow these instructions for uploading a custom font file to Custom CSS. I find this guide quite clear to follow. Ones you have done that, let me know and we can move to the next step.
  13. Hi @Scandi we can check easier if you share a link to your website. Can you try changing this code to this new code. I've added quotes around your declared name, and added closing curly bracket. @font-face { font-family: 'Proxima Soft Semibold'; src: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/651dfa29680f6f6fc62f861f/t/6536e9616ef29718568a4e88/1698097505621/ProximaSoft-Semibold.woff); } Let me know how it goes.
  14. Hi @LeslieMorris please share a link to said website so we can check? But looks like maybe that's your Site Title. You can check Edit -> Edit Site Header -> Site title & logo -> Site Title.
  15. Hi @JuditLorincz what did SquareSpace support tell you? Are you referring to the form on your Contact page? It looks like it is the intention of your cookie banner to turn of the form when someone clicked "Decline". I would be hesitant to override the behaviour without understanding how that affects your use of the cookie plugin and/or compliance.
  16. Hi @WVCPDX, interesting problem! Hmm you could put a new audio file as a new section above, then it would stack and auto resize as you have described. It's straightforward enough without having to use a collection page. I can't think of a different solution of the top of my head at this point.
  17. z-index do not inherit, but it's also not as simple as that. You can read more here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23349394/z-index-inherits-parents-z-index-or-not Glad it's all working for you now!
  18. What happens when you access https://account.squarespace.com/ from your mobile, and click on your website? There should be an edit button near the bottom.
  19. Being in trial mode isn't an issue. Just checking you've set it for the correct website?
  20. Hi, @dwaynesmom can you point me to the page that you want this image to go? I can't see the menu bar as referenced. Is the position of the image in the mockup exactly where you want it? it seems to be covering up a menu item. or you want the image next to the shoping cart icon?
  21. You can use a plugin that helps you find the block ID. There are a couple out there, google SquareSpace ID Finder. Here is one for chrome https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/squarespace-id-finder/igjamfnifnkmecjidfbdipieoaeghcff Happy building!
  22. You shouldn't have to change site margins to achieve this. It looks like you've set the background image as "inset". Changing it to "full bleed" would make the image fill the section without any spaces around. Edit Section -> Background -> under Background Width, choose Full Bleed. You would have to set your site wide margin to non-zero to see the difference.
  23. If you open your link in incognito mode, does it ask you to login with the password? Once you've logged in via the password, have you tried this?
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