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  1. Idk why this is so hard for Squarespace to understand. You can't turn off conversation view in Google or every reply will be its own email thread. What you need to do is make the subject line of the contact form submissions you receive in your email dynamic so Google recognizes them as individual conversations. EG: Subject line: New Message from "First Name" In the above example, First Name would be dynamically pulled from the Name field of the contact form. Squarespace is basic so they don't allow you to do stuff like that but WordPress does. Hopefully they see this and build that in for people because ya, it's annoying.
  2. Thank you for this! It was driving me nuts. Appreciate you!!
  3. **SOLVED** Website: https://oval-eagle-2p4y.squarespace.com/ Password: test How can I remove this border on mobile? I added it with css so it was only 80% wide but I can't seem to get it styled or removed on mobile. Here's the css I used to add it: .header-display-desktop {border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(255,255,255,.4); padding-bottom: 30px; }
  4. I tried with and without !important for the headings: @font-face { font-family: Proxima Soft Semibold; src: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/651dfa29680f6f6fc62f861f/t/6536e9616ef29718568a4e88/1698097505621/ProximaSoft-Semibold.woff); h1, h2, h3 { font-family: 'Proxima Soft Semibold'; } @font-face { font-family: 'Apercu Pro Regular'; src: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/651dfa29680f6f6fc62f861f/t/654abafc1c857e0377793511/1699396348945/ApercuPro.ttf); } h4 { font-family: 'Apercu Pro Regular' !important; } } And then I found a couple different options to target the buttons but none of them worked so I deleted it. It looks like she (the client) is testing out different Squarespace fonts which is overriding the paragraph font now too. It was working previously. @font-face { font-family: Apercu Pro Light; src: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/651dfa29680f6f6fc62f861f/t/6536ec9c99098c555675431f/1698098332300/Apercu-Pro-Light.ttf); } p { font-family: 'Apercu Pro Light'; }
  5. I'm having an issue uploading custom fonts for headings and buttons. Paragraph text works fine. For headings, I can use the Squarespace options but it will not respond to the uploaded fonts, even with !important. For buttons, they will not change from Poppins. I've tried several from Squarespace and uploaded a couple custom fonts but it remains Poppins. I've tried clearing cache and viewing from other browsers too but no luck. Help? Thank you! Password: website
  6. Hey, I'm using the Five theme and would like to remove the banner on specific pages: https://www.mosaicartgallery.com/classic-mosaic-mirrors/https://www.mosaicartgallery.com/signature-mosaic-mirrors/https://www.mosaicartgallery.com/scenic-mosaic-mirrors/ How do I target these pages only within the css? Thanks so much! x
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