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Everything posted by JessicaM

  1. @Claibuco If you're just wanting to change the size, click Edit Content, then Design, scroll down to Style. Click the 3 dots on Text Size and you can adjust the size of the title and description.
  2. @nickbarr you're right, the images take a looong time to load. Once the page loaded, it operated fine, but most people won't hang around for something to load. People have a pretty short attention span these days. You might also think about including a hero section at the top that quickly tells people who you are and what you do. There's nothing that explains you're a photographer other than the tab. People could just as easily land on your site and think you do advertising. Just needs to be a bit more clear. An About page would be helpful too. It's a bit confusing as to what action people should take on your site. Do you want them to purchase your images? Hire you for a session? You have really nice images, so I would just tweak a few things on the site to make it more clear so that people stay there longer.
  3. Hey @johnbacud It's um.....busy! I also think you're going to lose a lot of people with the pop up on your site. It's a lot of text, and most people find pop ups incredibly annoying. Not to mention that the 'walk away' button doesn't do anything. The site needs some room to breathe...there's just so much text that the eyes can't take it all in. Having images, more spacing, and fewer columns is a good place to start.
  4. @MelissaArlena Oh - I gotcha...I misunderstood. What's the code you used for the other areas?
  5. Hi @MelissaArlena! Click Edit Content, then Design, scroll down to Style. There you can adjust the size of the title and description of each item. Hope that helps.. nice site, btw 🙂
  6. @Bazbo I always create my design on desktop first, then adjust it for mobile. As far as the gaps you're seeing, it's probably an issue with the size of the blocks. Hard to say without seeing your site. Fluid Engine can be a bit tricky sometimes when you're trying to get it to look good on desktop and mobile. You can always use the Classic Editor, which automatically adjusts for mobile - and is easier to use for people just starting out (in my opinion). If you want to use the Classic Editor, go to "add section", then look on the very bottom left and you'll see "add blank". It has all of the same blocks to choose from as Fluid Engine, but the sections are laid out a little differently.
  7. @MadeByDO Use this code instead - <iframe style="border:0px;" width="100%" height="1000" src="https://provetcloud.com/5688/onlinebooking"></iframe> If this works, please mark it as the solution 🙂
  8. @MadeByDO You need to get the embed code and then paste it in the "code snippet" section where you added the link in the image in your post (you can remove the link you have). The code is in the "online booking preview" section of Provet. You can see it above the #4 in the link below 🙂 https://support.provet.cloud/hc/en-gb/articles/10357123431453-Make-Online-Booking-Available-to-Your-Clients
  9. The URL is in there twice... this code will work - <style> .header-title-logo a {content: url("https://static1.squarespace.com/static/65dd1dc26d360c0d6982f613/t/6614315d1988e40581443a32/1712599389659/Colorful+Pastel+Typography+Super%21+Rectangle+Sticker.png") !important;} </style>
  10. @Janarose Here's how to create a different image for mobile - https://www.jessicamiller.work/blog/how-to-replace-a-background-image-for-mobile However, the reason yours is doing that is because your text is embedded in the image. It will be better (graphically and for SEO) if you have only the cloud image as the background and use a text block for the text. 🙂
  11. Hey @Janarose - You can create a bigger logo for mobile and upload it for the mobile logo (go to where you upload your logo in the heading and scroll to the bottom where it says 'mobile logo image') This next part may look complicated, but just follow it exactly and you won't have any issues - To change the logo so that it's white on one page, first upload it to your site by going to website -> website tools -> custom css and clicking Custom Files. Upload it there. Then put your cursor in the white space beneath (where the CSS goes) and click the image you just uploaded. It will put a URL there of your image. Copy it. (You can delete it from the CSS area - you're just adding it there so you can copy the URL). Now paste it in this code below here where it says YOURLOGO (keep the quotation marks) - <style> .header-title-logo a {content: url("YOURLOGO") !important;} </style> Now copy all of that. Click the gear icon on the page you want the white logo to go on. Go to Advanced, and paste it in "page header code injection".
  12. @Mart01 Can you share a link? It could be that your image isn't tall enough, so it's showing the background color of that section.
  13. @moonlitdesign Welcome!
  14. @bawebb123 & @moonlitdesign Try this.. this will add it to the primary buttons... change "primary" in the top line to "secondary" or "tertiary" if you want to use it on other buttons. **If you're using fluid engine, be sure the button is set to "fit" and not "fill". #siteWrapper .sqs-button-element--primary:not(div.sqs-add-to-cart-button) { display: inline-block; border-radius: 20px; justify-content: center; align-items: center; box-shadow: none !important; color: #fff; font-size: 1rem; transition: all 0.3s; position: relative; overflow: hidden; z-index: 1; background: linear-gradient(to right, #2DACDB, #0cf); border: none; &:before { content: ""; background: #1D386E; position: absolute; width: 130%; height: 200%; z-index: -1; left: -15%; border-radius: 100%; transition: 0.2s; bottom: -200%; } &:hover:before { bottom: -50%; } &:hover { opacity: 1 !important; } }
  15. Hi @DanielleC! What nice thing you're doing 🙂 Love the logo and color palette. I would add an About page to the top because that's one of the most frequented pages on a site. Adding a 2nd font so that the header/paragraph fonts have more contrast would help things visually. I would center the Donate button in the footer. You could also add your logo to the footer and the links that are at the top (you'd have to use a smaller font than the links that are currently in the footer). There's a lot of links at the top, but not a lot of sections on the home page... you could build out the home page a little more and have sections that point to some of the other pages so that people have more of an idea of the content on the site without just going by the names of links in the top navigation. One other important thing that's missing from the home page is text about WHY what you do is so important. Most of the text is about what y'all do (the solution to the problem), but there isn't much text on what the problem is. Most people don't realize the problem exists... the more aware they are of the problem, the more likely they're going to become a donor. The Shop Our Merch link goes to another site - so make sure it opens up a new tab since it's taking people away from your site. I would also add a lead generator to collect email addresses... you could do something similar to the eBooks to give away for free in exchange for people signing up. Growing your email list is the best way to grow your business 🙂 Again, great logo/colors/pictures/mission ... just make some adjustments and you'll be on your way! 🙂
  16. Hey @thecontraststudios! Add this CSS... you can adjust the font size number until you get what you want. This will only change the font size on mobile - @media screen and (max-width:767px) { .item-pagination-title{ font-size: 15px !important; } }
  17. Hey @christiekdk! There's a lot of options in the top navigation... so much so that it's wrapping to 2 lines, plus there's additional links under More. It's a lot for someone to choose from! I would consider pairing that down quite a bit and adding a call to action button in there. What if instead of the "check back every Wednesday" section, you had a sign up form so people can get your blog emailed to them each week? That will increase traffic to your site since people will click on your site from their inbox instead of relying on them to remember to come to your site each week. Check out the spacing in the green section with the blog posts... there's quite a bit of space at the bottom and a gap between the last 2 posts. I'm trying to figure out how the password tracker is on brand with the other content on your site. It seems like you mostly have DIY home/beauty info (which is great), so you might not get many people signing up for a password tracker. You will probably get more conversions with an offering that is more related to the other content on your site. Hope that helps 🙂
  18. @anna_baige You're welcome! Glad to hear it! 🙂
  19. @anna_baige Try this ... just add it beneath the existing code in the Header. Let me know if it works. It worked ok on mine 🙂 <!-- Add Read Time to Summary Block --> <script> $(function () { // Loop through each overview item on the page $('.summary-item').each(function() { var overviewItem = $(this); var postUrl = overviewItem.find('a').attr('href'); // Get the URL of the blog post // Fetch the blog post content to extract the reading time $.get(postUrl, function(data) { var postContent = $(data).find('article').text(); // Extract content of the blog post var wordCount = postContent.replace(/[^\w ]/g, "").split(/\s+/).length; // Count words var readingTimeInMinutes = Math.ceil(wordCount / 228 / 2); // Assuming average reading speed is 228 words per minute var readingTimeAsString = readingTimeInMinutes + " MIN READ"; // Create a new span element to hold the reading time var readingTimeElement = $('<span>').addClass('reading-time').text(readingTimeAsString); // Create a line break element var lineBreak = $('<br>'); // Append the line break and the reading time span into the corresponding overview item's .blog-meta-section overviewItem.find('.summary-metadata-container').append(lineBreak).append(readingTimeElement); }); }); }); </script> <!-- End Read Time on Summary Block -->
  20. Hey @anna_baige! This post has all of the code to add it to the blog pages and the overview page - https://www.jessicamiller.work/blog/add-a-read-time
  21. Hi @DEVCHDM! How fun to be in a group of quilters 🙂 There's a few simple things you can do that will help to bring the site together and make it more cohesive. - Make sure all buttons are a few words (like, "register here" vs "all workshops, photos, supply lists and more as info becomes available") - Create a logo for the top navigation. - Remove the "scroll down" at the top - people are going to scroll down anyways! - Make sure items in each section are aligned properly and aren't scattered in the section. - Chose two contrasting fonts for the header/paragraph text. - Decrease the space between the characters in the paragraph font. - Replace the default Squarespace favicon with your own! - Remove "home page" from the header - your logo/icon on the left is the link back to the home page. - This is just a personal preference, but I would remove the text/image fading in animation as someone scrolls the page. This post may be useful too - https://www.jessicamiller.work/blog/beginner-web-design-mistakes Let me know if you have questions about anything. Jessica
  22. @Baller1245 Looks like it's working fine. It's showing for me... see attached image.
  23. @hayleykimstudios Click the paintbrush to go to Site Styles, then Animation, then check "none". 🙂
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