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  1. Hi @tuanphan, i have not. here is the url https://www.fortmcmurrayfoodfestival.ca/
  2. Hi there, For some reason, my photo on my homepage is not extending to show behind my header, which basically makes my menu invisible. How do I fix this?
  3. I have tried the above steps of putting the coding into the code injector, and then adding coding to the CSS in order to get an exit button that stays on the screen when scrolling through, but it doesnt show anything at all on my site. When i thought I did it, it compromised the top header bar by removing it entirely, and just showed a blank space. Site URL is www.waypointswb.ca I want a small button at the bottom of the page when people scroll that will allow them to exit out quickly and open a new browser entirely with the weather as the page it's on. I want to prevent anyone from being able to see that that person was on our website incase they hit the "back" button. @paul2009. I'm a graphic designer doing a website, and coding is not my forte unfortunately 😞
  4. I need help with this 😞 mine is not working when I try to add it. @paul2009
  5. Hi there, Our website was created for individuals who are suffering from domestic and/or sexual violence, and are looking for resources or support. I am needing a quick exit button for our website, similar to the attached photo. The quick exit button needs to be always be clickable no matter where someone is on the screen, and must open a new browser when clicked on to a generic website like this: (https://www.theweathernetwork.com/ca). So far, I have not found a resolution to add this based on other forum submissions. Can anyone help me to get this added to my site?
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