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Everything posted by MoeTalks

  1. Hi @tuanphan. Thanks for that but because I have a full bleed video in that section, making it white completely covers the video. However, I replaced #fff with transparent and right now that seems to be working.
  2. @tuanphan. Now I'm having the same issue on the home page. Not sure what is going on. I removed all CSS but that was not it. Just like @jasonconway see a black screen flash before the video plays on 7.1. I've used your codes unfortunately those are not working. moetalks.com pw 2024.
  3. Good Morning @Ziggy. Thank you for that. It did not work until I modified it by adding .sqs-shape to it since the colors are shapes. Once I did that your original CSS worked perfectly, but with one caveat and maybe you have some insight on this. On yours at 10s, the 50% color just popped in at 0.5. I could clearly see that it was fading in but at that last keyframe, bam, 0.5. I've tried the below thinking that every 1s would increase the fade in by 20% so that the last keyframe wouldn't have that visible contrast. Is there a way to better fade that in or is this the best under the circumstances. 20% could very well make a difference in the fade so not a big deal if it is the best for right now. And thanks again for pointing me in the right direction. #block-9d6cf7bb31c4ae46e470 .sqs-shape, #block-42eab21575a620f1535a .sqs-shape { animation: fade-me-in 6s; } @keyframes fade-me-in { 0% {opacity:0;} 20% {opacity:0.1;} 40% {opacity:0.2;} 60% {opacity:0.3;} 80% {opacity:0.4;} 100% {opacity:0.5;} }
  4. Both of these blocks are .sqs-shapes. I have two different colors on each shape that I want to fade in but only up to 50%. The problem is they keep going to 100% and I can't for the life of me figure out why? I read something about jQuery and using fadeTo{} but that looked complicated for what I want. I know the opacity can be at 50% because when I remove the animation and just use 50% it works. But I have the blocks on top of a video that gives it a cool affect. See video attached. The only reason I'm having it fade in is because when the page loads the shapes load before the video so you see this start pink/blue color and then the video comes on. Thanks. moetalks.com/home PW 2024 #block-9d6cf7bb31c4ae46e470, #block-42eab21575a620f1535a { animation: fade-me-in 10s; } @keyframes fade-me-in { 0% {opacity:0;} 50% {opacity:1;} } 2024-05-06_17-42-20.mp4 what is should look like.mp4
  5. Hi David. I tried copying yours and those didn't work. I tried mine below and those didn't work either. /television/wait -> /home 301. that didn't work for me https://www.moetalks.com/television/wait -> https://www.moetalks.com/ 301. That didn't work either. No worries here. I'm going to give up on this one right now and just create something for that wait page in the portfolio section for the time being. The site is still a work in progress so eventually I will look back at this and figure it out. Thank you anyway. I do appreciate your time.
  6. It's the same but I did a work around because I hate markups. I just put the image in it's own section instead of trying to wrap the text around it and called it a day. https://www.moetalks.com/television/aes3 PW 2024.
  7. @DavidStewart Hi David. Unfortunately that did not work for me and I should have mentioned that this is a portfolio page. I've tried www.moetalks.com/portfolio/television/wait -> www.moetalks.com 302 www.moetalks.com/television/wait -> www.moetalks.com 302 and I've replaced the moetalks with moecritiques since that is what I signed up with squarespacewith, however, I have moved my moetalks away from wordpress to SS but I have another 3 weeks before I can officially hand it over to SS but moetalks is tied to SS and working. I'm sure this is user error. Any thoughts on this? Thanks.
  8. I just named that url slug "wait" for the time being but I would like that url slug to either point back to the home page for the time being. Is this possible. https://www.moetalks.com/television PW 2024 Thanks
  9. First, thank you thank you thank you. I got this working but I did it in an unusual way and I want to make sure tha the way I did it was still correct. I do have the business plan but I wanted a word in a sentence to play audio when clicked . Here is a example of what I did in markdown and it works. This is test of the word that when I click on it it plays the audio. The word is <a id="agathokakological">agathokakological🔊</a>, and it worked. <script> document.querySelector("#agathokakological").onclick = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); const audio = new Audio("/s/agathokakological.mp3"); audio.play(); } </script> My only question is, is this the correct way to do this or should the script of gone somewhere else. I originally did this in a code block as was suggested and when i pasted my paragraph in, it worked as well but of course it's a code block so everything was on one line, and I got that message that said script is disabled until I exit. I just want to make sure I've done this properly. I may pose this as a question as I am not sure if @iamdavehart is still on but if he is thank you again. If you are one please send me your coffee link.
  10. This worked for me too. Thank you @tuanphan
  11. This is the easiest way to describe what I would like to accomplish. I would like to put that audio symbol as my audio block and have it play within SS. Audio blocks can do this but they are HIDEOUS looking 😂 and I've tried to customize the player from insidethesquare but I suck at trying to customize it to this degree. I would only one the audio symbol. Is it possible to customize the audio block to this degree? https://www.dictionary.com/browse/sesquipedalian https://www.dictionary.com/browse/sesquipedalian
  12. I’m using a portfolio gallery to upload photos of film, tv shows, etc that I review. I have css script so that when you highlight over the image it transforms in scale and works beautifully. But I don’t see a way to have a gallery like this and have text next to it so I’m stuck with just an image and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to target that image to do the the same transform with image and text over it. Is this even possible? @Beyondspace made a Classic Gallery Blocks that works exactly as intended but again, even when inspecting I cannot seem to get this to transform. The Site is: https://www.moetalks.com/film-tv And the password is 2024 If you scroll down you will see one that says abbott elementary in the portfolio that works but the one below it is the one that I cannot get to work and I want to separate film and tv. Any suggestions and thanks in advance. This is just a portion of the script. There is more to this but I just wanted to give you an idea of the script that’s working. { .gallery-grid-item img:hover{height:100%!important; width:100%!important; transform:Scale(1.2); overflow:hidden!important; transition-duration:1s} .gallery-grid-item {overflow:hidden!important}
  13. @Beyondspace I decided to try this again now that I was on a business plan. It didn't work at first but once I took out the code on the page and just left only the footer injection, it worked like a charm. Thank you.
  14. I will take a look at this again. Thanks @paul2009
  15. @tuanphan I need help with this. I just posted a question about something just like this.
  16. Let's make up a word. sesquipedalian. I would like that when a user clicks on that word or hovers over the word the audio for that word would lay. Much like this google site except the SS player would play the audio. Although I am now on the business plan, I thought I could just upload the .mp3, get the link for it and that would be that but that does not seem to work. I'm not sure where to begin on this one. Any ideas would be great and I buy lots of coffee for folks 😂 😂 Oh, and I did go into chrome inspect and was able to copy out the mp3 link from SS static link which works as a link but it doesn't open on the same page it opens it on a new page (which I would expect). I just want it to play without showing an audio player like on the link below but I will settle for what i can get. Thanks. https://www.google.com/search?q=sesqupidlian&oq=sesqupidlian&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDM3ODlqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  17. @paul2009 I'm trying to find this too. I'm on the business plan now but when I try to upload mp3 it says I cannot. It can only do it through audio blocks. This is user error so any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  18. An example of this is I don't remember where a css code is but I remember the // comment // that I made but when I try and search for the comment it never finds the comment. I understand that the comment is *hidden* but was wondering if there was a way to search that I don't know about. Thanks in advance.
  19. OMG I just had a heart attack. I was about to join Fred Sanford and Elizabeth. Fortunately I remembered everything I was doing and remembered I added a lot of code and removed code. Once I removed all the code my portfolio pages came back. I was trying to get rid of the footer of on the individual portfolio pages but I tried to combine .body-collections and I can't do that and I had an erroneous piece of code in there. Thankfully it only took me about 25 minutes to figure it out. I just wanted to explain it was my fault. Crises averted.
  20. When I got to manage the portfolio page and i Hit edit, nothing shows up, nothing happens at all. I just spent 4 hours on taking them from regular pages and putting them in portfolio page. I was getting a 500 error but now nothing. Is anyone else experiencing an issue. I have put in a ticket but the ticket system is horrible because none of the suggested topics had anything to do with my issue. I hope this is just temporary PW 2024
  21. I will give that a try. Thans @Jasenso
  22. I ended up revamping the my entire site. I stripped it to nothing and started all over gain with different template and layout. I apologize for the late response but SS frustrates me so much sometimes that I have to walk a way for a day to two before I go back to it.
  23. I do like this slide in animation for some pages but not all. Is there a way I can exclude a page? Thanks.
  24. I probably didn't explain it right. 😂. No worries. And thanks again.
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