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Everything posted by MoeTalks

  1. I have been wrestling with this for HOURS. In a text block I have a quote. After the quote I have regular text. Then I have an image block after the text block. When I resize the website by pulling out the chrome handles the image block moves completely away from the text, by 2-3 lines. I check other sites and could not find any reason for this. I thought it had something to do with the page width max so I reset my page max width to 1100 and it still did not work. The actual text on the page acknowledged the change but not image nor the header/footer either, which was strange, but that's for another day. I remembered earlier I had an issue with the quote block so I removed the quote block from inside the text block and low and behold, when I removed the quote block, the image stayed right under the text no matter how much I resized the the website. I don't understand why having the quote block inside the text block would do that when clearly it's on the toolbar to be done. My work around is I have broken up the text blocks and added the "quote" block from the "add block" menu as it's own block. I'm just curious if anyone knows of a reason why it would do that.. I can reproduce it at the drop of a dime. Thanks no rush.
  2. Thank you so much. Enjoy the coffee.
  3. @tuanphan I finally got this @tuanphan. The website is still open if you want to see. This code only worked when I was editing it. Once I refreshed it even in the editor it did not work but as soon as I opened up CSS in design mode it worked. [data-section-id="65dd51a68e3d9b0a3e68567a"] { .lessons.collection-content-wrapper .nested-category-children { padding-bottom: 20px; padding-top: 0px; padding-left: 0; } I went back to Chrome inspector and just copied out the whole code and pasted into CSS and just changed what I wanted and now it translates to other browsers. Eventually I will come to understand why all the rest of it needed to be added in order for it to work. @tuanphan You keep trying to help so please let me buy you a cup of coffee. What is your link? [data-section-id="65dd51a68e3d9b0a3e68567a"] { .lessons.collection-content-wrapper .nested-category-children { padding-bottom: 20px; padding-top: 0px; padding-left: 0; margin-top: 0; text-align: center; display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; flex-direction: row; align-content: center; position: relative; } } The photo on the right in the photo is the spacing I wanted and now it sticks.
  4. Hi Tuanphan. I gave up on this because even after purchasing Becca's cheat sheet, I still could not get it to work.
  5. Sorry. I changed it. I figured you were extremely busy and din't want anyone else going in. It's back to the same 2024 PW.
  6. Hi @tuanphan moetalks.com or moecritiques (which is what I originally used to sign up). PW 2024. I've since cleaned up my css. I'm getting closer. Thanks for whatever help you can provide.
  7. I'm getting closer but I still cannot see what to target to get rid of all that space I have my own domain so it may be under moetalks.com or moecritiques (which is what I originally used to sign up). PW 2024. When I am editing i see the url in the first post i sent.
  8. How can I remove the extra space between the video and the text below it. I've looked in chrome's inspector and saw the below but cannot figure out (a) how to target them correct and (b) if these are even the right ones. video-gallery-main-content lessons-list lessons collection-content-wrapper lessons-list I've tried putting dots before them and pudding padding in i.e., .video-gallery-main-content {padding: 0px;} or margin or line-height but i'm missing something. Can someone tell me what I am missing? I have my own domain so it may be under moetalks.com or moecritiques (which is what I originally used to sign up). PW 2024. When I am editing i see the url in the photo.
  9. I'm glad it worked for you. I have them in smaller sections and it still just make the sections grow. But thank you. Maybe it will work for someone else.
  10. @paramjeet.kour08 This was hours of research and a beast but I finally found the answer. I think I should just quit - YIKES. This was the code I had been searching for. I had to take bits and pieces and tweak it, but I finally got it. Thank you anyway. <style> hr { overflow:initial; &:after { content:''; width:15%; height:10px; display:block; background:#8EB6DC; top:-5px; margin:auto; position:relative; } } } </style>
  11. moecritiques.com pw 2024 go to test page. I've removed all CSS for the time being to test but the code for the above requested is on the test page. Thank you in advance.
  12. I cannot get this hr:before tag to be align with the center sothat if a user expands or decreased the width, the box will move with it. Using left: 25% at least shows me that the box can move independently of the hr tag. I've tried <div> but the hr:before just disappears. I've tried flexbox and every other thing i've seen on the web. I would prefer not to have to create an image just to separate page content. Does anyone have any thoughts or even a better way to do this. Photo attached and as always thanks in advance. <style> .sqs-block-horizontalrule hr { background-color: #555; border: none; display: block; height: 4px; overflow: visible; position: relative; width: 100%; } hr:before { background-color: #8EB6DC; content: ''; display: block; height: 8px; width: 20%; left: 25%; position: absolute; top: -2px; z-index: 1; } <hr></style>
  13. Um duh me. The squarespace ID finder also identifies the code as blocks too. This has been a long journey. Sorry guys. You can close this.
  14. I have a code somewhere on my page that is preventing something from working but I, for the life of me, cannot find it. Does such an add-in exist? Thanks.
  15. The site header is taking on the theme of the section right below it. Why is that? Right below my site header starts with a section title. The theme is Light 1. If I change this sectiion it from Light 1 to Light 2 it also changes the site header. This means I have to add a blank section right below the site header with nothing it (a spacer if you will) and then create another section with my theme. That doesn't make sense to me so I'm going to say this is user error and I would like someone to tell me what I am doing wrong. Thanks.
  16. Yes, on both ends Ziggy. I was logged in and it didn't work. Then I logged out but it didn't work either. Then I closed out everything and deleted the cache on all browsers that I tested on and it was worked. Thank you.
  17. Hey Beyondspace. No, your script was perfect and is working I was testing and using it for a pay that I had but then got inspired to do something else, which is why I deleted my original one, but I plan on re-implementing my gallery again on a new page/section. I had so many ideas, but I needed to sit down and plot out what I wanted, so no, your script was PERFECT
  18. This site is hidden but I have literally created a link to https://www.moecritiques.com/2024/abbott-elementary-s3 If I copy and paste it it works. When I user it as a link it literally takes me back to a config page in Squarespace. I have no CSS Code at all because this has been a crapshow all day long. I have emptied out my browser, I have used Safar and Firefox and am getting the same thing. I am so beyond frustrated with just a simple link.
  19. I will do what you did in the video, test it, and let you know what I find. I ended up deleting my other gallery so I will have to recreate one but I don't mind.
  20. Is there a fix for this yet? Every time I add a word to an existing block of text, or add a block code it moves EVERYTHING down the page so far down that I have to first, pull the block code up, and it takes forever because it moves it so far down (sometimes adding 50+ extra rows for no reason) and then I have to try and highlight all the other blocks, images, markup and bring them back up and again, if you add 50+ rows, I have to bring it back up to the top, then stop and scroll the webpage, and then hope they are still selected and bring it back to where I want it only to have it do it all again. How is this productive? There has got to be a work around for this. I can't be creative or lose my train of thought because I have to go back and re-design. I understand that this won't be a perfect system but this is something that should be included in what I paid for. This is FRUSTRATING OMG.
  21. Thank you both. Some things will be site-wide some will be page-wide. I was putting all the page coding at the top of the page so I would have one place to go. Now that I realize I can add comments in code, it helps a lot. I'm in the middle of re-branding and rebuilding and trying to be organized to make it easier down the road so I'm taking my time. Thanks again.
  22. I'm finding I'm using a lot of code. Some I put in CSS and some I put directly on the page that I'm working with. I'm trying to find the best methodology for placement for code because sometimes I can't find my code on the page, and I have to do a ctrl-a and when it highlights, then I can see where it's at. I could put it in the CSS, but my CSS is already overrun with code. I have put comments /* in the CSS so I know what pertains to what, but I'm not sure where to put the page codes. I do backup and copy out all my CSS code but realize I can't do that with the page code. Does anyone have a best practice for page codes? Any tips for that matter. Thanks in advance.
  23. Anyone. I've now tried to target section[data-section-id="65dd51a68e3d9b0a3e68567a"] { .lessons-list .nested-category-children{ position: sticky!important; top:0; z-index:9999!important; background:#8EB6DC!important } } and though the background works the titles still don't stick. I must not have the name of the category right or the list may be named something else that I am not aware of.
  24. I got a recommendation for an html editor and it's working. Thanks
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