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Everything posted by MoeTalks

  1. Wow, thank you for this. This is great when the site is live and I have to do live updates, I can still work on it but no one sees it and then just remove the code. Awesome
  2. I too paid for a full year. If I upgrade, do I pay a pro-rated account for the business plan or do I pay the full amount for the business plan and just lose the bulk of what I paid for a personal plan? This means I have to stay where I am until next year because that's still a lot of money to lose. Thanks in advance.
  3. Hi Ziggy, I did not close the span text, which I will do. Can I just write out what I want in HTML and paste it into the markdown dialog box? I'm assuming the markdown should be able to read it. I will probably test it by the time you get a chance to read this and get back but just curious. Thanks
  4. It's interesting. After looking and seeing this is over 2 years old I can get it to start at the time, but I cannot get it to end at a certain time. Is there a code to do that? Typing end="99" does not work as people have said it would.
  5. Thank you for this. Searched for it and it worked.
  6. In Markdown, it drives me absolutely bonkers when I am editing just minor text or adding code. When I paste the code or edit existing text in that code when I start typing the cursor goes to the stop of the markup dialog box. I read hitting enter would cure this but this does not work. Is there any way to edit this code using Fluid or do I need to just go over to classic when I’m making changes and if so how do I switch to classic when I've already created my page? See attached. In this instance, I needed text to wrap around a YouTube iframe (which is another story) which is why I have code and text. Now if you have any other suggestions about wrapping text around a youtube video that's easier I am all for it but the mouse cursor issue is my main concern. Thanks.
  7. Thank you for this. You getting a coffee from MoeCritiqués. I was also able to make this work by using the below as well. Both yours and the below worked. I so appreciate your time. .header { background-image:url('image-url’); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-size:cover; background-position: center; }
  8. I am new to squarespace and still on my trial but this is making me rethink my life 😂. I'm trying to just have my personal banner on every page of my website . That part is not a problem. The problem is that some of the sections on my other pages have a "blue" background color in those sections and because of the code, the "blue" color is gone. If I remove the transparent, then my banner is gone and the site header is also blue. How do I fix it so that the site banner (a) shows my banner (png file), and (b) but doesn't affect the color of the other section pages? This has been a 3 hour ordeal and I'm worn out. .section-border{opacity:transparent!important} /* squarespace update in 2023 - not in the video but important */ .section-border{opacity:0!important} /* Add the image as a background*/ #page{ background-image:url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/65d6a74d8df0af2a991fed5f/t/65dc0851cdf23b79ac04a277/1708924240660/daily+mail+manila+%281%29.png); background-size: cover} /* Make the page section backgrounds transparent */ #page .page-section { background: transparent!important } #page .page-section .section-background { background: transparent !important; } .header-title { display: none; }
  9. First issue. Squarespace doesn't appear to allow start times when adding video from YouTube when adding as media block (see photo). (youtu.be/MrlVpbQeE94?si=z7T3IdKedQqu-aO5&t=17 (https://) left off on purpose.) Second issue: When embedding the video, the start time works just fine, but the end time does not. How can I get it to respect the end time and stop the video? Thanks in advance. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/MrlVpbQeE94?si=-qMxQKRv-AKNqD8w&amp;start=8;end=45" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  10. I apologize. I don't quite understand what you are telling me to do regarding the logo in the site heading. I did end up using markdown to accomplish this. Thank you.
  11. I see that right now it appears that I can only have 1 or the other. I can either have the title of my website OR I can have a logo. With that in mind, is there anyway that I can manually add an image to the left side of my webpage where the site header is, or is there a way to customize the site header globally to make that happen? Thanks.
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