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Everything posted by Beyondspace

  1. How do the adaptive header and solid header look like? Can you show some examples?
  2. Can you share your URL with protected password so I can take a look? Site-wide passwords – Squarespace Help Center
  3. Your site is set with private now. Provide it a password so I can access it Site-wide passwords – Squarespace Help Center
  4. I saw the issue, please take off the code so I can check what was wrong, both in your blog code injection and the footer @UKCWP
  5. Correct format should be dddd-DD-MM-YYYY, @UKCWP You must use the token that have been introduced on the page, correct snippet for you page should be, also why dont you place it in Footer? will help unify the dateformat across post list as well REMOVED Tips for other readers: always use the latest snippet on the page Beyondspace Dateformat, as I always update new changes to the script regularly
  6. Usually we can use download attribute to trigger download file from a link, but Squarespace images are stored on their CDN, which has different domain (cross-origin) from user website, therefore the download attribute may not work as intended Chrome deprecations and removals announcement
  7. I tried to click arrows but can not reproduce the issue? What I need to do?
  8. Update 01-April-2024 Latest changes on dateformat plugin - Update Blog item and Blog list item on Brine 7.0 template - Update the mechanism of the date formatter using DOM attribute for faster initialization Checkout latest version of date format here
  9. You can change your code to p { font-family: 'PPPangramSans-CompactRegular'!important; } Note: DOM element p1,p2,p3 do not exist, we only have p element
  10. You can use the following code to set burger menu smaller and locate it to the right .header-display-desktop { flex-direction: row-reverse; } .burger-box { width: 30px; /*change the value for width of burger*/ } Let me know how it works on your site
  11. Add to your custom css one more attribute to make image cover entirely section[data-section-id="66015b5d26f89479f48e33b2"] .section-background-overlay { background-size: contain; } Let me know how it works on your site
  12. You can try adding to Custom Css #collection-64a95dac4d2a13562e08aece .gallery-caption p.gallery-caption-content { text-align: center; } My testing Let me know how it works on your site
  13. I think that Home, About, and Contact are the normal pages with no navigation
  14. Which text are you setting? Can you share some screenshot?
  15. Can you share your site so I can take a look?
  16. Can you share your site so I can take a look?
  17. I can not see any products. Have you added them yet?
  18. Can you share me the direct link URL to the page having the zoom effect? I can not see it on home page
  19. Sorry, you can add my code on custom CSS
  20. The lightbox does not include the information of image. @tuanphan codes help to get information from the gallery and show on lightbox. Therefore, the business plan is required to implement this feature
  21. I try and it works normally. Have you fixed it yet?
  22. I've just updated my code, try again and let me know how it works
  23. Try adding to your footer code injection <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/appybee-widget"></script> <script> AppyBeeWidget.init({ companyAPIKey: 'f3a4a372f989b69e66e4bfb0a438b0b3', style: 'side', locale: 'nl' }); </script> <script> const btns = document.querySelectorAll('header a[href="/book-now"]'); if(btns.length) { btns.forEach(button => { button.onclick = function(e) { AppyBeeWidget.show(); return false; /*preventDefault*/ }; }) } </script> <button id="widget-button">Boek nu</button> on your above code can be removed
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