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  1. Hi, Is it possible to add a sentence with ONE word changing to different words? For example, What I want is a sentence with one word that changes each 4-5 seconds, for example: "The best animal shelter in Amsterdam". After a few seconds, "Amsterdam" changes to "London" and after a few seconds "London" changes to "Madrid". Thanks, Chelsey
  2. Hi, I'm looking to add text and a link to each image in a carousel. I currently have images that have individual links. What is the CSS to move the title over or add text over the image so it looks like this?
  3. What is the CSS to move the title over the image so it looks like this?
  4. Sorry Paul, I probably should have been more clear... I mean to add the text over the slideshow images and the text would change with each image. So image A would include blog post A title and link, and image B would be blog post V title and link... and so on.
  5. Hi, I'm looking to add a slideshow to the top of my blog and have it include the blog title (and maybe even a short description below if possible). Is there a way to do this? https://homeownerhq.co/blog Thanks so much in advance. Chelsey
  6. Hi, Currently when you share the events calendar, you click on the event image and it takes you to the specific event page / description. But when you click "back to all events" it takes you to a list of all the events - not the calendar. It looks like you can't edit that area. Is there a way to take you back to the calendar instead of the list of events? Website events page is https://homeownerhq.co/events Thank you so much! Chelsey
  7. Hi, I've recently added some custom code to my website to remove the last name from the newsletter form. }); </script> <style> .newsletter-form-field-wrapper.field.last-name { display: none; } </style> Unfortunately when I test it, it says I'm missing the last name (image attached). Would really appreciate any help I can get. Thanks so much! Chelsey
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