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Everything posted by JayVanDyke

  1. @hello_studiofrey same section id and then you need something like this .list-item-content__title { color: #000; }
  2. I'm still getting a site password when I click your link. Can you share that? Or dm me if you don't want to post it here
  3. update to this .sqs-block-audio { text-align: center; .sqs-audio-embed { display: inline-block; } .sqs-widgets-audio-player { .track, .labels, .secondary-controls { display: none; } .action { border-right: none !important; } } }
  4. @MiguelFerrao try this in your custom CSS. If it works then make your other page setup like this too. .sqs-block-audio { text-align: center; .sqs-audio-embed { display: inline-block; } .sqs-widgets-audio-player { .track, .labels, .secondary-controls { display: none; } } }
  5. @Collaborada this was what I was thinking and told them as well but I wanted to see what others thought about it. The SEO person is more in the content side of things and doesn't know much about the technical side and SEM Rush report looked kind of scary to them I think. Thanks!
  6. @tuanphan that lottie file one looks great! I had to use that stuff for a client site where we added it into the nav bar logo space.
  7. @Jsim what page is this on? I don't see a search bar at least on the pages listed in your navigation unless I'm missing it somehow?
  8. @hello_studiofrey this should work. Add to your Custom CSS [data-section-id="65798fa962771a6b7f4a6a5a"] { .list-item:first-child { background-color: #999; //change this to whatever color your need } }
  9. @MiguelFerraoI think first step is to remove the space blocks on either side and make sure the audio block is in its own row by itself. Then we can remove some things and center it using CSS.
  10. @jjhonnyboy97 It looks like this is in canvas. Not something that's easily recreatable in squarespace without a significant amount of javascript and design work. I'm sure you could hire someone to do something like this or use a prebuilt plugin to achieve something that works. https://www.rebeccagracedesigns.com/plugins/p/custom-loading-screen.
  11. @niteshifte it looks like you're using regular product blocks so you just need to go into mobile view and drag the elements into the space you want them and create a different layout.
  12. I have a client who has a Member Sites area but has part of the content in front of the paywall in a blog. That blog has lots of links to the paywalled pages and SEM Rush is telling us that they are resulting in 401 errors. I'm wondering if trying to add a script to add nofollow links would help fix this issue? Any other suggestions? The client cannot change those links due to the size of the blog currently and the way they want the links to work. Thanks!
  13. It's really not a great SEO strategy due to having two sets of identical images or content but this is what I suggested at the end of my post above too. For an image gallery in particular this could really hurt your page and slow it down if its loading double the images. Even if they don't show on desktop or mobile they will still be loaded into the page. Most use custom CSS if the default from the old layout engine or the setup from the new fluid engine doesn't work. Many post questions like this in the forum so you can search or ask for specific edits and often you'll get responses with code like I put up above!
  14. No but you can make edits to the font sizes using CSS. Paste this into your custom CSS area. //keep adding new selectors and delete //what i have here if you need and copy //and paste with different max-width //for different screen sizes. @media only screen and (max-width: 640px) { h1 { font-size: 28px; //change to your size } h2 { font-size: 24px;//change to your size } p { font-size: 16px;//change to your size } } Are there other mobile specific changes you are trying to do besides fonts or is this a completely different page layout basically? One strategy could be to hide and show certain sections on mobile but that's not usually great for SEO because you'll have some identical content on the same page.
  15. In each individual page header code injection you can add this, this might be easiest but is harder to track down issues since you have to go digging into each page. <style> #header { display: none; { </style> If you want to use the Custom CSS you need each page collection ID like this. Easier to manage in one place but does require a plugin and some more care when making changes and adding new pages to remove the header. //replace with your collection IDs and separate each one with a comma like below. #collectionXXXXXXPageOne, #collectionXXXXXXPageTwo { #header { display: none; } } You can get the collection IDs using the Squarespace ID Finder chrome extension. https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/squarespace-id-finder/igjamfnifnkmecjidfbdipieoaeghcff
  16. Hi @hello_studiofrey can you sure your url? I dont see it in the post.
  17. Question 1: try this custom CSS, it should just make them invisible to the users. .user-items-list-banner-slideshow { .desktop-arrows, .mobile-arrows { opacity: 0; } } Question 2: this should make all the home page stuff white. if not leave the code and let me know! .homepage { .header-title-logo img { filter: invert(); } .header-nav-wrapper a, .sqs-cart-quantity { color: white; } .header-actions .icon--fill svg { fill: white !important; stroke: white !important; } .burger-inner > div { background-color: white !important; } }
  18. @johnpauljay this should work #collection-657365d03fbc7c16be3fe7a9 { #mainContent { background: #000;//change me to your color } }
  19. @colinttierney So to do this dynamically you will need to leave your original navigation there and adjust it with CSS. It's definitely doable, there's even a few prebuilt paid templates out there that do it like this one https://studiomesa.co/tandem but if you already have your whole site built out that doesn't really work as well. I'd be happy to help but this is a little longer of a project than just a few lines of CSS code. I'll DM you.
  20. try changing padding: 10px !important; to this padding: 10px 0 !important; in your .gallery-strips-item code
  21. It's working fine for me, it just reloads the content within the iframe as I'm assuming you're wanting it to do. The navbar and footer stays the same. Are you trying this inside the SS editor possibly? I wonder if that's why it's not working right, sometimes things get a little weird in the editor so I usually try a live page. You could also have an old version of something cached so maybe trying an incognito or private window will help see what it's really doing. As far as actually doing anything to whats in that widget, the only people who can really affect it will be Mindbody. Their code places this whole thing inside an iframe and that can't really be touched by custom code we would write.
  22. .header-menu .header-menu-cta, .header-actions-action { a.btn { background-color: transparent !important; background-image: url(https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/655760ca5ce91354ff938b5a/71a5c7bc-6aac-454f-979c-b857c95f03f1/Discover+CLUB.png) !important; background-size: contain !important; background-position: center; background-repeat: no-repeat !important } } Try and replace with this. Added some more specificity and there was something overriding your background-image part so added !important to that.
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